The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Two Hundred And Eighty Seven Chapters Top Secret Can Not Talk

Daokeng Zhenmei's spiritual consciousness cautiously sent a message to the demon body of the Temple of All Beings sitting high in Qinglong Mountain.

"True beauty seeks to meet the Lord of God, may eternal life sweep the couch, and follow in the footsteps of the Lord of God."

Unbelievable, unbelievable, I didn't expect the demon king to be the supreme chaos of their universe, no, it was the supreme chaos of the inner universe.

The inner universe is more powerful than the universe. Under the will of the demon king, there are countless universes, and the inner universe is full of heavens and thousands of worlds.

Is a universe a big world? This question is so profound that you need to learn from the demon king.

The slave family has a lot of congenital essence fluids, and I can't wait to offer them to the demon king.

In the past, I always thought that Qinglong Mountain was just a temple for ordinary sentient beings like these land monsters.

Unexpectedly, it was a big mistake. Qinglong Mountain was directly the entire Blue Star, or the Blue Star Great Thousand World, the highest temple of mountains and rivers and monsters.

In the temple, the demon body is receiving the incarnation of the dragon god, a tall and majestic man wearing an imperial crown.

Dui Daokeng Zhenmei's sound transmission is too lazy to answer, this caterpillar banshee, the more you give her face, the more face she gets.

Ahem, I don't think I can blame her, she is the character shaped by the master soul of Neiyu.

The master soul of the inner universe has not yet been destroyed and rebuilt. When the reborn ancestor Bloodfly reached the boundary of Poyuchao, he deliberately traveled to the heavens and worlds of the outer universe, and rubbed all the great information of the outer universe.

Create the evolution of the inner universe and try to find a shortcut to the outer universe.

In this case, it is natural to rubbing all the information of the Outer Universe Blue Star Great Thousand and all the world.

The characters of Grandma Niao and Daokeng Zhenmei are the comprehensive 417 personalities of Niaoguo and Sisterguo in Waiyu Lanxing Daqianzhong.

Yaoshen got up and welcomed the Dragon God to the seat, and saluted kindly.

"The Demon King of Qinglong Mountain has met Lord Dragon God, so he called me Xiaowang because of everyone.

The tall and majestic man wearing the imperial crown carefully looked at it, calling the wind and rain, and controlling the world's demon kings.

It's nothing unusual, why is it the Supreme God Lord of Chaos Will.

Smiling, he said to the demon body: "Forget about Xiao Wang, although I don't enter into the world, I know that Xiao Wang lives next door. It's best to call you Xiao Yin."

"Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin, the villain, the villain is awesome."

"I came to see you to tell you that the space-time coordinates you gave me, the will of the ZO Blue Star Dragon God is still sleeping, which is different from the country you set for me."

"When I come to this planet and the universe, the will to expand the territory is too great. According to my six-other-four plan, it can't bear it, and I can only pass through with a little consciousness."

The demon body didn't understand the different countries that the dragon god said, so he quickly contacted Jianshan No. 1 in the soul consciousness to inquire.

"What is the difference between the kingdoms that the dragon god said?"

Jianshan No. 1 paw patted his forehead: "The one who sleeps in ZO time and space is the modern dragon god. Because of the historical feelings of the main soul, the inner universe and the heavens evolved, and it is the dragon god inherited from Tianqin."

The demon body puffs this is fun, I don’t know how many years ago the Dragon God of Heaven and Qin, and the Dragon God of modern society, is the combination of ancient and modern times invincible, sincerely flattering Tao.

"As long as Lord Dragon God thinks it's okay, then it's fine."

I added in my heart that there is Jianshan No. 1, it’s okay if it’s not possible, the main soul has a lot of backups, except for him... I didn’t expect that there is a Jianshan layer.

The phantom blue dragon on Ye Wen in Jianshan Village opened its eyes wide open, staring at the huge gap in disbelief. It was unfathomably thick and long, and the longan's eyes were as big as a planet. The giant dragon trembled and exclaimed.

"Master Dragon God, why are you awake? No, no, you are not Lord Dragon God."

With the help of Jianshan No. 1, the demon body blue star projected a trace of the will of the dragon god of the Dragon Kingdom on the demon body blue star, and the planet-like big longan turned twice, "Hit the emperor dragon phantom" and said.

"You're not mistaken, it's the master, not bad, not bad, even though he's in a deep sleep, he still knows how to separate the dragon soul, and he has the foundation stone of dragon energy in his body to protect him.

"Ang Hung..."

I don't know how many miles long and how thick the giant dragon is, its head squeezed out of the space crack, and its body followed closely into the sky above Jianshan Village. During the long cry, the phantom of the green dragon was summoned, flew into the sky and merged into the dragon's body, and the sound of the dragon's cry was exciting should and.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is. You are also my Lord Dragon God, who has been passed down from the Tianqin era to the present, and I and the modern Dragon God [are equal to your future real body in the pre-Qin era."

Merging with the phantom of the green dragon, entering the space of Jianshan Village, the body length shrank to a thousand meters.

The blue star dragon god of the dragon kingdom with a demon body, the will of the dragon kingdom split out, is like returning home and getting the key.

Once again, he shouted cheerfully: "Ang Hung....

Kilometer's body soared into the air, drilled out of Shan No. 1... and set up a barrier to isolate the light and darkness from the outside world.

When he came to the sky above Fangzhong County, his body became bigger and bigger, and he turned into a giant dragon hovering over the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom, which was as big as the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

This territory includes not only the existing territory, but also many historically marked territories. The soul of the mountains and rivers of the Dragon Kingdom will never be separated.

The giant dragon sank down, causing the land of the dragon country to shake, and melted into (aeci) mountains, rivers and land and disappeared.

All the people living on the land of the Dragon Kingdom ran out of their houses and looked up at the sky and exclaimed.

"Earthquake, earthquake, why did it suddenly happen, everyone protect yourself."

"This is not an earthquake. An earthquake is not this kind of earthquake. Have you ever seen an earthquake where a cup doesn't roll down when it's poured on the table?

"I just went downstairs and looked around. It really doesn't look like an earthquake. The flower pots on the balcony are in place and haven't been moved at all. Like this earthquake, it will shake up and down without shifting."

"Theoretically, the earthquake that shakes up and down will also displace things. I feel that something has entered our mountains, rivers and land."

"I have the same feeling. Just now, I seemed to see a huge dragon appearing in the sky."

"No way, you must be dazzled. I want to see where there are dragons in this world."

"What he said is true. I have seen it all. It feels so big and so big that it fills the sky."

"It's a light illusion, why didn't I see it?"

"I haven't seen it either. You must be bragging. I have seen the Bird God of the Bird Kingdom. y

"Hehe, you have the nerve to say, you bird country licks dogs."

In Longguo Supreme Elder's House, the chief elder held the phone and carefully questioned Xu Jianfeng, the secret leader of time and space, while the second elder, third elder and fifth elder were listening attentively.

"Jianfeng, we just saw a multi-colored light that went into the middle of the mountain and river, what's the matter?"

"That's right, Great Elder, ask that kid Xu Jianfeng, I also saw a dragon in my mind, what's going on."

"I saw it too, we all saw it, we all have a dragon in our minds, Daxing, our country should be Daxing."

The great elder said in a kind voice: "Jianfeng, you heard it too, and the other elders are very concerned about this matter, so tell me everything you know. y

Suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters, surrounded by dozens of Dragon Kingdom's top fighters, Xu Jianfeng who roared and guarded, his voice penetrated the phone and reached the ear of the chief elder.

"Report to the Great Elder, the dragon god of our country has just awakened, as long as they are the people of the dragon, they can see the dragon soul appearing."

"National soul figures like the elders are protected by dragon souls in their souls, so you can all see that there is a dragon in your mind."

Whispering and circling around Xu Jianfeng to investigate the sky, dozens of Dragon Kingdom's most cutting-edge fighter planes were in the cockpits.

The excited worship on the driver's face has not disappeared for more than an hour, and there are calls from various communicators.

"Master Xu is indeed a god, no wonder he became the commander of the whole army at such a young age."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful that Marshal Ye comes back to deal with you, General Xu is not yet a master, he just has the right to dispatch marshals."

Gudong Gudong, the sound of swallowing saliva became one piece.

"Don't you think this is a heifer sleeping on its back, and its rebirth is better than going to heaven?"

"The right to dispatch the commander-in-chief is a right that only the elder team can use. General Xu is unprecedented."

"Don't say that there is no one before, and there may not be someone who will come later. General Xu is a god."

"That's right, that's right, it's a fairy. I've never heard of flying ten thousand meters high in the flesh. I've never heard of it. The moment I saw it just now, it scared me to death."

"Warning, this is an SSS-level top secret and cannot be discussed."

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