The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty Eight

With the blue star dragon god in the demon body, sinking into the mountains and rivers of the blue star dragon country in the outer universe, the sound of an aggrieved dragon roar came out from somewhere.

"Is there any mistake, why are you still alive, you old antique? You finally gave birth to some dragon souls, so you come to pick peaches."

"There is absolutely no mistake, you are me and I am you, you are the future body of the master, and this is the return of the king."

"What do you mean by inner space and outer space, aha... For a long time, you are an old antique of inner space, from nothingness to reality, but I returned from reality to nothingness, a loss, a loss, I am not convinced~.

"If you are not convinced, you go to the Almighty, and the Almighty said that this is called life and death - between, always as the sun"

"Lord, the inner universe is the beginning and you are the end, and the outer universe is the end and you return to the beginning. We can only be consummated when we go through the end."

"Who is the God Lord, what does it mean to be consistent, I don't understand why."

"The Lord of God is our supreme ruler of chaos, and his consistency is the supreme principle of the heavens, which is consistent with the principles of yin and yang, two qi, and ninety-nine return to one."

"Okay, you are strong and you are justified, keep your eyes open for the Lord, and the prisoner will also see the heavens you mentioned in the future.

"Don't keep your eyes open, you will be the master after I accept you. We are all the dragon gods of the Dragon Kingdom, masters of the blue stars in the sky."

The original body, Wang Yin, listened to the nagging of the two dragon masters, and felt the prehistoric power pouring into his body.

As a matter of fact, he can gain great benefits by working together. With this effort, he can directly reach the Seven Stars, recover the outer universe, the heavens, and all the parallel time and space souls.

Traveling through the blood fly, the ancestor of rebirth, to reach the sub-soul recovered by Seven Star Life, it is indeed not perfect.

At that time, only most of the souls of the ancestor bloodfly were recovered, and a small part of the original soul of Jianshan Village was divided into time and space.

Only this advanced seven-star life is the most perfect seven-star life.

It can't be compared with the seven stars of the main soul in the Inner Universe Heavens. It is the seven stars that he himself destroyed and rebuilt to restore the strength of the ancestor bloodfly. The origin is still in the ancestor bloodfly.

The past master soul of Neiyu Zhutian has shared all the memories of time travel and rebirth with him. He is no stranger to all evolution and reconstruction.

In this way...the reconstruction of the original body is the fundamental reconstruction, and the reconstruction of the inner space of the ancestor bloodfly only repairs the cause and effect of the ancestor bloodfly, and the cart before the horse.

Turning the ancestor bloodfly into a clone, making the original human body the subject, is what truly belongs to him.

Gou Dan has been stunned by the series of events, dizzy and dizzy... After recovering with difficulty, he finally summoned up the courage to speak to Wang Yin.

"Little are Little Yinzi, right? Are you A Piao?"

Ah, what the hell, Wang Yin rolled Gou Dan out of the corner of her eyes, this insane.

He waved Li Wen, Gou Dan, and Admiral Ye Wen back to the small courtyard of his wooden house. When the old village chief saw Wang Yin approaching, he quietly retreated early.

Taking a look at Admiral Ye Wen, he was still immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, yelling for his big blue dragon to come back quickly, and he couldn't wake up for a while.

Only then did he reply to Gou Dan: "A Piao you said is a ghost, then I am not A Piao.

Gou Dan was distorted by Wang Yin again, appearing in the blink of an eye with the means of a wooden house and small courtyard, making him yell and scream.

Running in and out, looking at the hill 800 meters above, gesticulating and speaking incoherently.

", still said that you are not A Piao, that you can fly and teleport people, what is it that you are not A Piao.

As for the kid Li Wen, he seemed to have suddenly become enlightened. He didn't make a fuss and didn't talk too much, and walked in the yard with his hands behind his back.

While visiting, it seems that I have realized something in my heart, and I have won the spirit of the descendants of the dragon.

He beckoned to appease Xun Dan and sat down. He had no thoughts about this woman who used to have a lot of thoughts.

But the friendship is still there, he explained.

"If it's not able to fly, then it's A Piao, and if it's not able to teleport people, then it's A Piao.

"Actually, there is no Ah Piao in the world, there are only mental fluctuations."

"Watch me show you the principle of Apiao."

Gou Dan's eyes widened when he heard it, could Ah Piao still show it?

Before she came back to her senses, a biting cold wind suddenly blew in the small courtyard.

The courtyard door and window frames began to creak, making a frightening and weird friction sound, and the hairs on the back of Gou Dan's neck stood up rapidly.

Wang Yin calmed down: "Look, this is the initial airflow stimulation, Ah Piao loves to use tricks."

"Actually, it is the aura response created by the cells of your body under the guidance of the spirit. If you are determined... you won't feel it at all.

"You see, I also used it on Li Wen, but he didn't feel it.

Li Wen pulled up a long wooden bench, sat next to Wang Yin and nodded in agreement.

Eyes full of probing, staring carefully at Gou Dan's every move, showing a thoughtful expression from time to time.

Gou Dan was chilled all over by the change, and seeing Li Wen's expression, he couldn't help being annoyed... sissy, how could he be more calm than her, and said arrogantly to Wang Yin.

"One more time, if this Guniang is afraid, don't call me Sister Dan."

Wang Yin smiled: "I'd better...explain the nature of Ah Piao to you first, so as not to frighten you into trouble with me."

"Piao does not exist in human life, only evolved monsters, immortals or zombies. Zombies are easily associated with Piao, so they are classified as ghosts."

"Don't pull on goblins, animal monsters, those don't belong to people."

"Among them, monsters, you heard right... They are monsters, people are also animals, animals evolve into monsters, and humans become monsters after they practice and evolve.

"It's just that human beings, as superior beings, don't want to admit this, and force themselves to be called monks."

"Humans and other creatures, if the dead body evolves, it is a zombie."

"Listen well, zombies are not zombies. Zombies are dead things controlled by virus mutations. They don't have souls and seas of consciousness. Dacheng people call themselves aliens and do not belong to any living beings.

"Ah Piao is not a creature, it is a spiritual product imagined by people, living in the spiritual cells of the human body."

"Have you ever had a high fever, that kind of continuous high fever caused by a little bit of virus, coronavirus, flu, or bacteria.

0...asking for flowers...

"Some people who are not firm in their will, those with weak energy and blood, or the elderly and children, will have nightmares when they have a high fever and wake up from the dream of A Piao."

"Wake up and look at the door and windows unconsciously. This is the person involved, hinting to himself about the location of Ah Piao.

"In fact, there is nothing, it is all the hallucinations caused by the patient's own germ cells and continuous fever.

"This kind of germ cell aura has a greater effect on some people with special constitutions and neurasthenia. The manifestation is in broad daylight, and he will also see A Piao."

"Folk pig butchers and veterans in the battlefield, the Guantang Buddhist Hall has never heard of A Piao's offense, it is because these people are strong-willed, and these places are loud and majestic places, which can strengthen the will of the weak."

"So in the rumors, the places where Ah Piao appears the most are deep mountains and old forests, gloomy abandoned old houses, cemeteries or places where people died."

"The aura of this kind of place is more likely to induce the restlessness of bacteria and virus cells in people who are not determined, and make him have fever hallucinations.

"To put it simply, it is to believe in science, everything is based on evidence, and not to be superstitious."

Gou Dan could hear it like a cloud, but he understood one sentence, which is to believe in science and not superstition, and look at Wang Yin like an idiot.

"The whole world can tell me to believe in science, but you, Little Yinzi, can't do it. You are flying and teleporting people, but it's shameful to tell me to believe in science."

Li Wen also nodded in agreement, that is, Brother Yin, you are both a dragon and a fly, and you are leading people to teleport. There are monsters with a height of more than ten feet outside, poking their heads and peeping at us, trying to make Gou Dan believe in science.

Wang Yin is depressed, I will explain to you only when I am in a good mood, but I still don’t say how I am.

"Don't believe it and see for yourself."

Gou Dan's heart immediately turned cold, the small courtyard became dilapidated and dark, ghosts were crying, howling wolves and the wind was howling, and looking at Xiao Yinzi and the sissy... they had long since disappeared.

WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL L(a) Out.

Gou Dan is nervous and excited, can she see the real Ah Piao?

Concentrate and hold your breath.... When you stare at the TV, you feel a strange cold feeling in your ankles.

Looking down, he saw a pale green and water-drenched male corpse, with stiff and pale hands firmly grasping her calf, slowly crawling towards her.

Look carefully, isn't this a sissy? Why is the sissy dead?

"Ah... Ah Piao."

Looking into the camera of the mobile phone, Gou Dan stepped on the big tuoxiang and cried bitterly, screaming and screaming that Apiao died, and Tuwen smiled triumphantly.

Follow Sister Dan to see Ah Piao throughout the whole process, and the first-hand information works well.

He seems to have found how to stimulate others... see A Piao's method. .

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