The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 293 This Is The Power Of The Gods

Admiral Ye Wen's face was full of disappointment, can't we talk about it? Can't we talk about it at all?

Also for such a fetish, how can you give it away at will.

Unable to save face, he continued to ask, and made up his mind to come a few more times, General Ye Wen, who played the emotional card.

Just when she was about to stand up and say goodbye, Wang Yin's voice came from the ethereal.

"The ten last-generation god flies have no time-space fruit, and the god flies can only be stationed in Jianshan Village."

"Long Kingdom wants to go to other worlds, let Xu Jianfeng or Ye Wen lead the team, and start from Jianshan Village."

"Tell them that those who have not reached the fifth rank of the world of mortals cannot travel through the time-space channel on the god fly.

"Otherwise, even with the protection of the godfly, when passing through the time-space channel, the physical body, soul... will be torn apart by the power of time-space."

Ye Wen's face was instantly bloodshot, his mouth was dry with excitement, and he asked the old village chief repeatedly.

"Old village chief, what is the level of the last godfly, and what is the fifth rank of the world of mortals?"

The old village chief breathed a sigh of relief. He really wanted to agree to Admiral Ye Wen. After all, he was also of the blood of the dragon. He was only the god's master and the god's envoy, and the existence of "627" could not be determined by him.

Pointing to the villager's courtyard, resting with shaking legs, and flying down two feet high.

"The last god envoys are these, the god fly envoys who can no longer separate the bloodlines.

"If you continue to separate the blood, the envoy will no longer have the ability to travel through time and space."

"As for the five ranks of the world of mortals, it is the division of individual life evolution strength."

Little Yinzi could call God Fly directly, but he couldn't help screaming in awe. Seeing that Ye Wen was still full of question marks, the old village chief didn't bother to explain.

This level of strength is really incomprehensible without comparison. He grabbed Ye Wen and raised his head and let out a roar of old manhood.

When the old village chief kicked his feet, Ye Wen only felt the strong wind blowing against his face, and he was already in the altitude of three thousand meters when he opened his eyes.

From a high altitude, the green mist does not block the line of sight. Is this green mist really only set up for ordinary people?

The surrounding area of ​​Jianshan Village below is covered by clouds and fog, like a paradise on earth.

Turning to look at the old village chief, Ye Wen finally couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"The old man flies to the sky and hides from the earth, he is a man among gods."

The old village head replied modestly: "The old man is only at the sixth rank of the world of mortals. What kind of fairy is he? Our captain is the real fairy."

There was a rumbling momentum that crushed the world, and a blood-red godfly that was twenty feet tall pierced through the void and appeared at the feet of the old village chief.

There are two pairs of blood-red wings on the back of the god fly, and at the junction of the huge head and the two pairs of wings, there is a hollow about three square meters.

The old village chief led Ye Wen into the pit, and waved his hand to issue instructions.

"Old friend... ZO space-time modern blue star, one light-year position in the west, let's go."

The blood-red godfly, twenty feet tall, shook its whole body and responded with a humming sound.

As the power of the god fly oscillated, Ye Wen saw a crystal clear channel full of green starlight appearing at the lower left.

Like a demonic bloodfly... Lightning drilled into it.

Feeling dizzy and shattered, Ye Ai blushed and screamed in pain.

"Old man, you hurt me."

It's a pity that the wind was poured into the mouth, and the voice did not come out.

Fortunately, the old village chief released a transparent protective shield in time to protect him firmly, and the pain of tearing his soul and shattering his body to pieces gradually dissipated.

At the same time, endless waves of turbulent energy surged out from his limbs and bones.

While nourishing and restoring his soul and body damaged by the pressure of time and space, he also felt that earth-shaking changes had taken place in his body.

He raises his hands and lifts his feet to breathe... full of explosive energy. It feels like a punch out, even the armored tanks in the army can be smashed into powder by him.

"This protective shield is the god's envoy's protective bubble that the old man asked the captain to ask for from the god."

"It can protect ordinary people from traveling through time and space, but I only have one, so you don't have to make up your mind."

"You have swallowed the fruit of time and space, and the energy in the fruit has long been lurking in your limbs, but it has not been tempered yet.

"The moment just now happened to help you, refine and melt the energy in the fruit of time and space into the meridians of your whole body.

"This is the basic ability of the time-space fruit. Congratulations, General Ye, you have already reached the fifth rank of the world of mortals, and you can ride the envoy independently."

After the old village chief finished speaking, he took back the transparent protective cover on Ye Wen and looked at him with a smile.

Sure enough, Ye Wen no longer felt the pain of the crushing wind that tore the spirit and soul to pieces.

The space-time channel blows towards his face, causing ordinary people to be smashed to pieces, smashing their bodies to pieces and squeezing the force. Now he feels that it is just a gust of violent wind that he can normally withstand.

This is the fifth rank of the world of mortals. Does the world of mortals refer to the division of strength?

Admiral Ye Wen carefully felt the energy in his body. He hadn't experienced it himself. He was still a little confused, so he couldn't help but humbly ask the old village chief for advice.

"Old man, I just thought you were trying to harm me...I'm sorry, what are the characteristics of the five ranks of the world of mortals?"

Seeing the ZO blue star and the exit of modern time and space right in front of him, the old village chief complained in his heart.

The God Lord is good at everything, but it's just the fact that he is playing tricks, which always makes people puzzled.

The country road in Jianshan Village is also connected to ZO Bluestar Modern and Fangzhong County Time and Space Passage, and it only takes more than half an hour to walk.

It took them a few minutes to travel through the ZO Blue Star's modern time-space channel by taking the Godfly Messenger.

The flying speed of the god fly is so fast, how can it feel that it is not much faster than him walking through the country road with ordinary people.

Could it be that the country road is a shortcut set by the gods.

He didn't know that there was a blue star Daqian God's Wish in the sky above them.

Jianshan No. 1 and Wang Yin summoned the Dragon God to unite with the Dragon Kingdom, devouring the energy of the hell machine soul, all done secretly...

Move Jianshan Village to the center of all time and space in Blue Star Daqian, and create a green starlight channel... The dense fog barrier is not only for blocking the sight of innate gods and demons in the chaotic sea of ​​blood.

Also in order to confuse and cover up the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm, those galaxies dominate the gaze.

The old village chief, who didn't know the cause and effect, answered Admiral Ye Wen's popular science very seriously.

"The characteristics of Rank 5 in the world of mortals, if converted according to Blue Star's physical power, the power of one blow is about 100 million kilograms... that is 100,000 tons."

"Old man, I am the Emperor of the Red Dust Realm, who hits about one billion kilograms and one million tons of power in six rounds.

"The world of mortals is the realm of life evolution. One turn of strength can hit 10,000 kilograms. Every time you upgrade, your strength increases tenfold. After reaching the world of mortals for three turns, you can fly in the air with your body."

"This is just a superficial way of judging. Every life's aptitude is different, and the judgment standards are different."

"Some beings are born to fly, and they can't see the history at all when they turn three times in the world of mortals."

"The reference of one million tons of power in one blow can only be up to the sixth rank of the world of mortals, and it is difficult to increase tenfold in the above, but concentrate the energy quality."

"For example, old man, I am now at the sixth rank of the world of mortals. I have tested that the power of a blow is indeed a million tons."

"But it is impossible to reach the world of mortals after the seventh turn, and it is impossible to hit tens of millions of tons of power, and it is even more impossible to hit hundreds of millions of tons of power.

"The team leader once said to the old man that when he reached the world of mortals, he would be able to destroy his life with a single blow, with a diameter of about 100 kilometers."

"At this time, the will of the Blue Star World will drive such beings out of the Blue Star Time and Space."

"If you don't want to leave the blue star time and space, or ascend to a higher-level world, just be honest and stay in the world of mortals for eight ranks.

"Forcibly upgrading and staying, it is 4.3 boundless catastrophe, and life and death will end."

Admiral Ye Wen couldn't help exclaiming: "Six turns, one strike has a force of one million tons, and eight turns can destroy mountains and rivers with a diameter of 100 kilometers. Isn't this a fairy who can move mountains and seas?"

The old village chief smiled disdainfully: "What kind of god is this? After turning eight in the world of mortals, you will be a star. To reach the life of a star, you must wipe out at least one star with a radius of a thousand kilometers in diameter, and that is the real god."

Ye Wen understood, no wonder he would be rejected by Blue Star after reaching the eighth rank of the Red Dust Realm.

The diameter of the blue star is only over 10,000 kilometers, and a star with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers can be destroyed with one blow. If such a life goes crazy, it can destroy the blue star in a few blows.

Wait, what did he hear just now, is Blue Star's will the way of heaven?

There is also the old village chief, why use life instead of human beings to describe the realm of strength.

Does it mean that other lives can also achieve this kind of strength?

Touching the height of twenty feet, the imposing foot of the Godfly Messenger, is also unclear about this.

Other beings can also become such powerful gods, demons and monsters. .

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