The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 294 Up To Eight Turns

The starlight space-time channel is filled with sun and wind.

The twenty-foot blood-red godfly led the two of them out of the time-space passage and entered the modern blue star one light-year to the west, a quiet and empty universe.

A terrifying mechanical roar appeared in front of him. A monster with a length of 100 feet in diameter and a black light flashing like claws that Ye Wen had never seen before.

He was twisted, twisted and rolled by more than thirty huge blood flies.

The claws will turn into super weird giant monsters for a while, and become horror monsters full of tentacles for a while, and the ear-piercing friction mechanical sound roars angrily.

"You bully the few with the more, and the higher-ups use super bosses to suppress this machine, shameless."

The power in the tumbling and thumping smashed a planet more than a thousand kilometers into pieces.

Thirty-odd godfly envoys and more than thirty Jianshan village godfly fighters, without saying a word, borrowed the aura of the captain, and tried their best to transform into the soul of hell.

In the position of the supreme void, there is a figure that looks like a god and demon, exuding coercive star air.

Quietly watching thirty or so huge godflies, tearing up with the godfly fighters and refining them to become hundreds of feet tall, with black light flashing and claws hell machine speed.

A meteorite more than 300 kilometers away, just turned to the side of the figure, and silently turned into powder.

General Ye Wen saw this scene, and cold sweat quickly broke out on his forehead.

Immortal... This must be an immortal, only an immortal has this kind of means.

The old village head pointed at 04 to the claw monster: "This is the hell machine soul that will devour my blue star Daqian, the origin of the world."

General Ye Wen didn't care about what a hell machine soul was, and he didn't want to look away from the figure that looked like a god and demon.

"Who is that?"

The old village head Aojiao replied: "That is the head of our village, don't try to get to know him.

"He is the real fairy character, and the level is not something we can touch at will."

"Okay, you can find a meteorite and try your strength, the old man is going to help them smelt this hell machine soul.

Wang Yin stood in the cosmic void, the seven-star life aura suppressing the third-level hell machine soul below.

Waiting for the congenital blood flies separated from Jianshan No. 1, phagocytosis, transformation and transfer to the original energy zone.

The God Fly Warrior is the brain that cooperates with the Blood Fly to fight, and it is also the hidden dream world crossing channel of Jianshan No. 1.

The combat ability is actually not strong, and it can't help in devouring and refining.

The villagers of Jianshan didn't know that their godfly companion devoured and refined the hell machine soul to transmit energy stars for the captain.

I only think that god flies, who like to devour and refine hell machine souls, are normal eating preferences.

However, in the process, they can also absorb some excess energy, which is not a waste of time.

Looking vigilantly into the depths of time and space, Wang Yin asked Jianshan No. 1 in the sea of ​​soul consciousness.

"Are you sure that the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm won't find us devouring these hell machine souls?"

Jianshan No. 1 vowed: "That's natural, the third-level hell machine soul, the strength is only a star, no one will pay attention."

The starry sky finally calmed down. With the old village head joining in, the unlucky third-level hell machine soul was completely transformed into the original energy of Wang Yin, leaving only a pile of scrap metal and empty shells.

The old village chief waved his hand, and these empty iron shells immediately turned into ashes and dissipated into the void of the universe.

With the help of the old village chief, Jianshan No. 1 wiped out all the life of the dark people in Huihui.

Wang Yin was very satisfied with the new power in his body.

After the praying mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole, these hell machine souls come out to devour the origin of the world, but unexpectedly, it is easy for him.

Still unfinished, he said: "When will I be able to be upright and devour the origin of the outer universe, the heavens and the myriad worlds?"

"It's not fun at all to be sneaky like this."

Jianshan No. 1 answered at the right time: "When you enter the holy realm of the inner universe, and the supreme chaotic will can't completely wipe you out, you can devour it with confidence."

"Now... let's seize the origin of the outer universe and the heavens from these hell machine souls, it is safe and reliable."

Wang Yin carefully studied the three-level hell electromechanical information passed into his mind.

"You said that this hell machine soul is really a tool for the chaos of the outer universe and the heavens, which is released to purify and recycle, the origin of the universe.

Jianshan No. 1 Zhizhu is in his hands: "At present, it looks like this. Even I can't find a foothold, and my goal is to devour the origin of the world."

"The most important thing is their core energy, which is dark energy...not the origin of the world, so why do they devour the origin of the world and have nothing to do?"

After analysis, only the chaos of the outer universe will do this, driving them to devour the source of the world and digest it, convert it into new energy of heaven and earth, and then return to the heavens and myriad worlds. "

"To achieve the goal of filtering out the world that has been privately refined by the great powers of the outer universe."

"For example, the Dragon Kingdom of ZO Time and Space has been summoned by us to join forces with the Dragon God. If a hell machine soul appears, it will swallow and digest the origin of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

"The transformed origin of heaven and earth has nothing to do with us. Our cooperation is a waste of work."

"However, these hell machine souls don't know who is behind them at all. They just follow their innate instincts and hunt around for the origin of the world."

"There are so many hell machine souls like this in the outer universe. As long as they are not at the level of the holy realm, they can usually be hunted and refined, and they can't disturb the chaos of the outer treasure.

"Besides, not only we will hunt and kill them, but there are as many other great powers who have their ideas."

Sure enough, there is an assistant who breaks the universe and transcends the boundary, which is simply the encyclopedia of evolution.

If it weren't for Jianshan No. 1, it would have reached Poyuchao's consciousness of transcending the boundary.

Most beings in the God Realm, the star system master Da Luo, probably don't know that behind the hell machine soul, there will be such a deep chaotic cause and effect.

Everyone should be a race of undead machines whose purpose is to devour and destroy the world.

Admiral Ye Wen stepped into the void and shattered the meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer in front of him with one punch.

He raised his fist and blew and blew and looked and looked. He couldn't believe that such a huge destructive force erupted from him.

One must know that the density of meteorites is many times harder than the land of Blue Star Mountains and Rivers.

This is the power of the gods. Before this, he had never thought that he would get such a calendar area.

You can also fly in the sky, earning a lot of money.

The three godfly teams have returned to Jianshan Village, and the mysterious captain has also left.

The old village chief floated in front of him gracefully and asked, "How did you test it out and have you got an idea of ​​your own strength?

Admiral Ye Wen thanked: "Thank you for your help, old man. I have already made a preliminary judgment. The specific data has to be returned to the army and experts are called to measure it."

The old village chief didn't take it seriously: "It's up to you, but it's best not to expose this shocking power to the public."

"The origin of the blue star world was once consumed so much that the monks could not cultivate, their lives could not evolve, and there was something hidden in the dark.

"If you expose too much, I'm afraid it will bring you trouble."

Ye Wen believed it. He had already been in contact with the local mysterious inheritance, so he naturally knew what crazy actions those people would do for power, especially foreign forces.

He agreed very much: "The old man is right. After Ye returned, he would contact Xu Jianfeng and set up a secret Longguo team."

"Professional exploration of the Blue Star Great Thousand, various time and space worlds, looking for resources that can help the Dragon Kingdom, and will not deliberately provoke disputes."

The old village head nodded: "Ten envoys of the last godfly, you only have ten places, and you and Xu Jianfeng have already taken two. I suggest that the strength of the remaining eight should be upgraded to rank five in the world of mortals as soon as possible."

"Don't pay too much attention to those who have evil intentions.

"Let's not talk about the captain, we just don't know how to watch, there are people who are messing up the Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing that he finally got down to business, General Ye Wen looked at the old village head with a smile.

"This is the old man's problem. How can we train people to rank five in the world of mortals? Please give me your advice.

"Is the time-space fruit really gone?"

He deliberately lingered to test his strength, waiting for the old village chief for this purpose, and he believed that the old village chief would not bring him here for no reason.

The old village chief really looked like this [reaching out and taking out a booklet from his pocket.

"This is just given to me by the captain. According to the training method, you can reach the eighth rank of the world of mortals."

"However, the resources required are huge, and there are officials behind you, so these are not problems for you."

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