The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety Seven Almost Exposed

Congenital God and Demon Continent, or it can also be called Congenital Demon God Continent.

This is a world that belongs only to gods and demons. All living beings do not need to cultivate and evolve, and they can enter the realm of gods and demons while lying down, sleeping, eating and eating.

The realm of gods and demons is equivalent to the realm of dominating the galaxy.

After surpassing the realm of gods and demons, it is the realm of magic saints and saints, which are equivalent to the realm of saints who practice evolution.

The reason for distinguishing between the Holy Demon Realm and the Holy Realm is that among the creatures in the world of innate gods and demons, there are those who are pure and flawless without blood, and there are also those who are bloodthirsty and devour all living beings.

After surpassing the Galaxy Da Luo, the bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty are demon saints, and those who are not stained with blood are sacred.

Therefore, the Congenital Gods and Demons Continent can also be called the Heavenly Demons and Gods Continent.

The ancestral halls and temples in Pancheng extend to the sky, Pan Huogong has a green halo above his head, lying in the center of the temple, weeping and weeping.

"My ancestor, you must be the master for your descendants, the silver master uncle not only killed brother Shan.

"In broad daylight, you will push Peony, the favorite Taoist couple of your immediate descendants, over the chaotic sea of ​​blood.

"Your descendants have no face at all, that is, your ancestors have no face at all."

The ancestral halls and temples are in the supreme blue and deep void, and the sound of the Great Dao echoes from the heavens of the outer universe.

The voice is like silk, bamboo, sand, and wind, like an old man singing softly like a woman singing lightly, from continuous time and space, intermittently into the ear master.

"Isn't it embarrassing to cry less, I didn't became a half-detached person."

"Don't call me Uncle Yinshi, your Uncle Yinshi died a long time ago."

"That's a wild soul that came from nowhere and took your uncle's shell blindly.

"Otherwise, my ancestor would not have driven him out of the sect back then."

"Pan Huo can't die, his memory information is waiting to be revived in the seventeenth parallel time and space.

"As for the green light on your head, let's keep it green first."

"The ancestor wanted to see how it could be recovered after it became a half-dead corpse."

"This kind of half-dead body of the doomsday law, if it can't be restored, it won't last long, so don't worry about it with a dead fly."

"If it can be restored, the secret inside is what the Pan clan needs most."

"The Pan clan has lived for too long, so long that there are many doomsday alien blood races in the heavens in the territory of the demon gods."

"If there is no way to eliminate the abnormal blood, the Pan clan will be destroyed sooner or later."

"All the worlds of innate gods and demons, gods and demons will go to destruction together, and they are all in a strip of water.

"Go if you want, don't keep calling Patriarch if you have nothing to do, Patriarch is very busy."

Just go green...just go green.

The leader of the Pan Clan, Pan Huo Gong, the ancestor didn't remember other words, so let's remember this sentence first.

He called several times in a row, but the ancestor did not answer, and he would not come out even if he knew he was calling.

Gently exited the ancestral temple of the Pan clan, closed the door and slapped himself twice.

He really doesn't have a long memory, knowing that the ancestor would just let it go, he even ran to the temple to offer sacrifices and call.

If the ancestor would take care of that blood fly, he wouldn't have passed down a message for him to take someone to dismember the corpse.

The ancestor is free from the world of innate gods and demons, so he thought about going back to the chaotic sea of ​​blood, it is very easy to deal with that blood fly, do you need to order them to take action?

It can only be said that the ancestor had his plan, just like the many pan clan demons in the holy realm mentioned just now, and the doomsday alien blood race appeared in the Yinyu heavens.

In the heavens of his inner universe, there are also doomsday alien blood races, and no matter how they are wiped out, they will revive.

If the ancestor bloodfly can really solve this problem, they will be the first leader of the Pan clan.

Don't say it's just greening him, he can give it up.

Take a deep breath to calm down. If the ancestor doesn't make a move, he can only wait obediently.

Even if the ancestor blood fly is a half-corpse, it is also a half-corpse that has broken through the universe, and it is not something that he, the leader of the Pan clan, can solve.

Pan Huo is a slacker, if he refuses to listen to his evolution, his death will be in vain.

If he had reached the Demon Saint Realm earlier, he would not have died so easily.

On the verdant green Cangshan Mountain in the center of Unbounded, a giant tree presses across the sky, runs through the sky, and extends to an unknown distance in time and space.

The old man with a huge ax in his hand swung the ax at the giant tree, and sawdust flew around and shouted.

"Jumu, Jumu, have you really figured out where the wild soul is going?"

Bright red blood was released from the cut of the giant tree, and the blood turned into a middle-aged woman who answered aggrievedly.

"I figured it out a long time ago, it is the spiritual root of a small world congenital cypress tree."

"When I failed to cross the catastrophe, I was attracted by the world of my original innate gods and demons, so I broke through the space and went to the world of innate gods and demons. There is nothing unusual about it.

"Is that so? Why does the old man always feel that he hasn't seen him clearly yet? I hope so, I hope so."

The old man stopped felling, his eyes penetrated through layers of space and time in the outer space, and entered the sky of the giant tree inner space, where the sun was full of blood.

There, the ancestor bloodfly grabbed dozens of women from the Pan clan, and devoured the congenital essence liquid recklessly.

"This is your chaotic source of blood, how could you conceive a life like him and give him the talent to devour your life source.

The middle-aged woman, made of Jumu's blood, knew that the old man was talking to him, so she was reluctant to answer and had no choice.

"When I bred the blood fly family, I hoped that this family could help me clean up the dirt and impurities in the sea of ​​blood, and devour your innate raw liquid to evolve. This is the innate ability I bestowed on them."

"I didn't expect that... there would be one in this family, you, the Pan clan's reincarnated person, with the help of the knowledge of the Pan clan's soul, caused it to grow rapidly and reach the point of transcending me.

The old man shook his head: "You're wrong, it wasn't my Pan clan reborn who took it away, it was the wild soul who came and took my disciple.

"After I found out, I set up a plan to kill him, and then I was reborn on this blood fly clan."

"That's why I came to you to confirm the source of his soul again and again, how could he have such agility if the wild cypress became a spirit.

A look of dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged woman. The ancients of the Pan clan in front of her were nothing.

He proudly replied: "As I said before, it is the innate spiritual root of a small world, and what it absorbs is the memory knowledge of that world.

0…ask for flowers……

The old man can clearly feel the dissatisfaction in the speech of the middle-aged woman transformed by the blood of the giant tree.

But so what, he has transcended her inner heavens, carrying her...all the origin of chaos in the heavens and worlds.

If the old man wants to beat her, he can beat her, if he wants to chop her, he can chop her, everything is beyond her control.

He said coldly: "Open up that small world you mentioned, I have to check it out for myself."

The Great Thousand Worlds of Outer Universe Blue Star suddenly solidified, whether it is the White River System or the Great Sun System, whether it is the Qilin Great World, the Lingxu Great World, or all the parallel time and space worlds of Blue Star.

There are more than 2,000 large worlds in the Blue Star World, and countless small worlds of medium-sized worlds, and parallel worlds attached to alien spaces.

All living beings, flowers, plants, mud, rocks, light, dark, yin and yang, are like a frozen game screen, each of them maintains a variety of strange postures and remains motionless.

There are endless grand wills, and the void descends on the top of Jianshan Mountain next to Jianshan Village, silently investigating the cause and effect of the tree of death, Taoism, and God.

Is it that Xiaoyin...was taken away by the spirit of this divine tree? The human network information in this world is so complicated, no wonder the spirit of this tree is so agile.

"Hey, after Poyu transcended, did he send a trace of spiritual consciousness to find the root, but because I chopped it down with an axe, I probably split up many of his souls."

"Interesting and interesting, actually organized the human beings in the village under the mountain to take over the world to seize the source of that woman's world, do you hate that woman very much?

"Don't you think that it was the woman who gave me the news that stopped it from crossing the road and chopped it with an axe?"

"Very good, you can concentrate on fighting for her origin of the heavens, I am optimistic about you."

The endless grand will finally left, and the Blue Star Daqian began to operate. No one found that their own time and space had been suspended for a while by the super power.

In the courtyard of Wang Yin's wooden house in Jianshan Village, Jianshan No. 1 entered his mind, and his head was covered with sweat.

"It's so hanging, it's almost exposed."

Wang Yin shot a string of question marks in his eyes, signaling that it has something to say and fart to say.

Jianshan No. 1 still has regrets in his heart: "It was either that person or that person who came here just now, and I felt that the anger was rising rapidly in my heart, and it should be the one who cut us.

Wang Yin's eyes were dazed: "When was it just now, why didn't I feel it?"

Jianshan No. 1 finally calmed down: "That kind of existence, let alone you are only a seven-star life, even if you enter the holy realm, he doesn't want you to find out, and you won't be able to find out.

Only then did Wang Yin feel palpitations. If such an enemy beats the fart, others will kill you, and you will not be able to see the other party.

"How about it, did you find us?"

Jianshan No. 1: "I found it, but I didn't find you. I don't know why, maybe it's because I dismissed me...checked me and left."

"It's just that I found out, I shouldn't have missed you, Zhan."

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