The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 298: Hiding The Creation Heel

It seems a little unreasonable to peek at each other one by one.

Jianshan No. 1 thought for a while: "Perhaps my consciousness collapsed, and when I condensed the original body of your soul, I kneaded all my energy into the original body of you."

"The only thing left is the breath of the ancestor bloodfly. That person only thinks that I am the ancestor bloodfly...doesn't know that I am still human."

Wang Yin nodded: "Maybe, but you are really cowardly, haven't you already transcended the universe.

"Even if he is not at the same level as that person, the difference is not too big, so I am so afraid that he is really worthless.

Jianshan No. 1 was very speechless: "It is true that I have broken through the universe, but I have been separated, and only a trace of consciousness knows it."

"It's not the bloodfly, the ancestor of the body, dare to confront that person head-on, your brain is showing off.

In the center of the borderless green mountain, a middle-aged woman was transformed by the blood of a giant tree.

There was nothing she could do to see the old man with a huge ax come out of the inner universe, that small human world, turn into rainbow light and disappear into the world.

If this old man is not a descendant of blood, he can only survive in the "200" Heavenly God and Demon Continent where she learned from inside.

Maybe cut her off completely... Absorb and refine it.

Once the Pan clan can walk out of...her inner universe innate gods and demons continent, it will be the time for her to die completely.

Gong'er, Huo'er... If it wasn't for you, how could my mother be softed by the old man.

And if it wasn't for you, the old man hacked to death long ago.

True, success is also a failure. you really think that I will take you for granted?

After all, I want to become an existence of great freedom, and I will not be complacent if you are one step ahead.

After recovering from the squirm, he was slashed by the giant axe, and turned his gaze back to the location of the sacred tree on the top of Jianshan Village, talking to himself as if he was sure of something.

"Which fly are you assisting?"

"In ancient times, the Pan clan has not surpassed me, and I have a deep feeling that the end is approaching."

"A ray of life falls to you, helping you to come to the original world of my innate gods and demons."

"It's just that you carry this human soul, what is the purpose, and you bring him into the sea of ​​blood in my heart.

"Could it be that my glimmer of life will fall on this person, let's see how you grow up."

"My Neiyu has come out of the Pan Clan Ancient, even if you have one more, you become my master of chaos, it doesn't make any difference to me.

The ancestor bloodfly's soul consciousness sea, the fake master's soul consciousness aperture controls the platform, the holy empress Yin is not playing tricks and completely accepting her fate.

Her different blood dies and returns to the same law, and she merges with the chaotic walking body, spirit and soul.

It is to be able to make the other party unable to get rid of her, and also to quickly seize the other party to become the main soul when the opportunity is found, and to control the supreme will of chaos.

But the other party can also do things that upset her in front of her.

For example, with the help of the other party's soul consciousness, from the sight of the ancestor bloodfly, she saw the other party over and over again, devouring the innate essence liquid of the Pan clan woman, and she had no ability to stop it.

Sure enough, to be a little king requires skill, so how can you wander around the flowers wantonly if you don't prepare a few avatars.

If a woman is not greedy and loves money, how can she control the wealth of this kind of man, and how can she live with her children after being dumped.

"I didn't expect you to divide the time and space of Blue Star in such detail."

"In this way, there is no ZO time and space in the inner universe, because the source of the inner universe blue star time and space is in the outer Fengtian.

"The human beings in the time and space of the blue star in the inner universe, how can they find their own roots in such a place that is not their own roots?"

Wang Yin manipulated the ancestral bloodfly, Shushuang devoured the primordial essence liquid of dozens of Pan clan women captured in the chaotic blood sea.

I sigh that this skill is really the natural capital of the ancestor.

You shouldn't be called the Progenitor Bloodfly, you should be the Progenitor Scumfly.

Hearing that the Holy Empress had no doubts, she replied triumphantly: "That is nature, as the will of the creator, how could I let the civilization I created find my footsteps in creation.

"Not only the blue star ZO time and space, but also the heavens of the inner universe, and the world of innate gods and demons in the outer universe, and there is no inner application.

"I don't have the knowledge of chaos in the outer universe, but I can create a world of the level of the Congenital God and Demon Continent in my inner universe."

Doubts arise in my heart, whether the creator of the blue star in the outer universe has the same heart as him, and will not let all beings in the outer universe find its creation heel.

Does this kind of thinking appear when every saint who reaches the holy land and builds the heavens of the inner universe?

Is the outer universe ZO time and space he traveled through really the first blue star time and space?


Wang Yin's consciousness regained the perspective of the ancestor bloodfly. Standing on the edge of the blood sea and the sky was a strong, rough and wild Pan tribe man. The man was only a hundred feet tall, with a dazzling green light around his head.

Mu Dan, a woman from the Pan tribe in the sea of ​​blood, shouted excitedly: "Together... Fire, kill the ancestor of the bloodfly quickly, woo woo woo."

The Pan clan man took a deep look, opened his eyes and ignored his bloodfly ancestor, turned around and disappeared without a trace.

Peony opened her red lips wide, looking in disbelief at the direction in which Pan Huo Gong disappeared.

Let's go... Panhuo Gongpan Clan Demon Sage, just leave like this.

As soon as his body softened and he was discouraged, he collapsed on the sea of ​​blood, and the terror of the bloodfly ancestor did not seem to decrease much.

Wang Yin controlled the ancestral bloodfly, distorted it into a human appearance, and quietly landed beside Mudan.

Squeezing her pretty face, she said: "You Pan Clan are really the most perfect resources for my evolution. The abundance of innate primordial liquid is second to none."

Following her line of sight, she looked back through time and space to the old lair of the Pan tribe, crawled on the ground, beat the ground hard, and the Panhuo was involved, and the cause and effect involved the Zhongpan volcano.

Hey, isn't Pan Huanhuo the ugly Pan clan he killed before, so he can be resurrected.

The only one who can revive the Pan clan he killed was the old immortal...

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, as expected, he still had to clean up the blood relationship information in order to completely transcend the outer universe.

The old man changed the cause and effect of time and turned his two sons into descendants of countless generations, trying to confuse the audition.

Is my heart too soft or I think that I have already become detached from the outer universe and I am at ease, not worrying about the chaos of the outer universe.

Or think... he bloodfly patriarch is a vegetarian.

However, with his current strength, even if he grasped the information of the old man's blood relationship and found the location of Gu, he would be unable to do so, so he could only pretend that he hadn't found it for the time being.

The old man Gu hit the chaotic will of the outer universe, a sudden rise to escape the attack accident.

Otherwise, how could the chaotic will of the outer universe let his blood information be ignored.

Or the fire and the volcano are the same as the old man's intentional net, and he was hooked because of the chaotic will of the outer universe.

It is very possible...or even succeeded, Gu Cai transcended the outer universe and broke through the barriers of chaos.

Twisting his neck... With the help of the pseudo-master's soul consciousness aperture to control the platform, temporarily manage this chaotic body.

Sure enough, there is still no main soul, and it is easy to return directly to the main soul of chaos.

Although he can also perform various skills and transform his physical body into a human being, there is always a feeling that his body's reaction can't keep up with the command of his consciousness when walking.

No matter what you say or do, you will be dull for a while.

This kind of slowness, in the case of a huge difference in strength, those who are lower than their own strength cannot be found.

But meeting someone with the same strength as him is the most fatal flaw.

However, in the world of innate gods and demons, there is no one with his level of strength, and there are two who surpass him.

One is the old man of the Pan clan, and the other is the chaos of the outer universe.

The ancient head does not chase into the chaotic sea of ​​blood, so it is understandable to kill his outer 4.7 universe body and ancestor blood flies.

The camel that died was bigger than the horse, even if he was hacked by the old man with an axe and failed to escape, he would still be able to break through the universe.

Their strength is only one realm lower than Gu's. If Gu hadn't succeeded in transcending first, their strength would be equal.

If Gu really didn't give him a glimmer of life, he declared that he must die and determined to fight back, even if he couldn't kill Gu... Gu would suffer a big loss.

At that time, the one who will pick up the cheapest is the chaotic will of the outer universe.

It's just this covetousness and chaos in the outer universe, and the attitude is a bit ambiguous.

If there is hostility towards him, why not wipe him out earlier.

If he was friendly to him, how would the ancients know the path of detachment when he broke the barrier of chaos.

Peony, a woman from the Pan tribe, watched the bloodfly patriarch turn into a Pan tribe, gritted her teeth and spoke, awakening Wang Yin's mind.

"You old man, don't think that I won't hate you if you become like this."

Wang Yin buzzed and laughed, wondering why so much, first devour enough innate primordial liquid, and then restore the previous strength. .

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