The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 301 Surrounding Blue Star

These situations, the former main soul arrived at the holy land of the inner universe, and he knew about it when he traveled to the heavens.

Moreover, the heavens and worlds of the inner universe evolved according to the heavens of the outer universe, and Jianshan No. 1 has long known it.

The only thing I haven't really experienced is the original body, so it's normal for the original body to complain.

Wang Yin's scalp was numb when he heard this, the army that occupies a light year, the army uses light years as an organization.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he kept wiping away the cold sweat that appeared on Yuanshen's forehead.

Yuanshen broke out in a cold sweat, he might be the first in all heavens and myriad realms.

When other monster monks were in the seven-star realm, they had no access to this supreme secret at all.

Many people don't even know that the world they live in is the great world.

The main starting point of his original body is too high. There is a former main soul who has reached Poyu Transcendence long ago, and only came into contact with these secrets.

Because his evolutionary resources are directly the origin of the outer universe and the great world.

When others are still working hard for the little spiritual weapon, the heavenly materials, the earthly treasures, the medicine pills, and the exercises.

He devoured the origin of the world from the very beginning, you can't say that he is angry.

This is fate. Although he doesn't have a good father, he has a good ex.

Even after his rebirth, the main soul of the ancestor bloodfly, it is normal to be scared.

The sharing of memories by the main soul of Neiyu belongs to sharing. He has never experienced it in his original body, and he does not have that kind of intuitive experience.

What's more, Neiyu has so many memories, it is impossible for him to go through them one by one.

Sighing: "So I am, standing on the blue star of the lowest dimension of 687 days, organized by the holy land of the highest dimension, and I don't know how many dimensions have been hit."

"How can Hell Machine Soul have such a powerful force, comparable to the top establishment of the Supreme Holy Realm?"

Jianshan No. 1 replied with more certainty: "That's why I said that the person standing behind the machine soul of hell is 100% the supreme chaos of the outer universe and the heavens." 11

"Otherwise, ordinary holy forces would not have such a high establishment."

Wang Yin: "Then what should we do? I can't handle this situation. Do you want to make a move?"

Jianshan No. 1: "I can only assist but not take action, otherwise Chaos of Outer Universe and Panzugu will find out the cause and effect of attacking us.

"You don't have to worry. If it doesn't work, we can ask for help from the demon-body Blue Star sentient beings."

Wang Yin doubted: "It doesn't mean that as long as you reach the outer universe, you will transcend the barriers of the inner universe."

"There are so many people and monsters in the demon-body Blue Star, including Blue Star's father who has reached the outer universe, is it already a great freedom beyond us?

Jianshan No. 1 shook his head: "No, all living beings, flowers, plants, mud, stones and dust ghosts in the blue star.

"The source is all from absorbing the former main soul, when Qinglongshan transformed into the dream fly demon body and evolved, and lost the essence of the body to evolve."

"This is the bloodfly, our reborn ancestor, who transcended unbounded and dug up the source of unbounded, and made a plan to escape again.

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to let the demon-body Blue Star sentient beings go out."

"They (aecd) are actually equal to the clones under our clones. They are the cornerstones of the outer universe, and they are not allowed to follow in order to prevent accidents."

"Otherwise, how could we use them so easily.

Wang Yin gave a thumbs up, the plan to break through the universe and escape from the border is really high, and everything has been calculated early.

Oh, is he boasting himself? Po Yuchao is the former him.

He nodded and said: "Understood, isn't this unbounded world after detachment, the Wu universe belongs to unbounded, how can it fit in with it.

For the first time, Jianshan No. 1 looked at the original body, Wang Yin, with disdainful eyes.

Although it is the root of it in the past, why doesn't it feel so bright? Is it the same in the past?

He explained: "Original body, you should familiarize yourself with your memory, what we need to get together is the outer treasure heavens.

"The boundaryless on the transcendence of the outer universe is the upper realm of the outer universe and the heavens, and the universe without universe belongs to the unbounded inner universe, so there is no need to follow the Tao.

"Let's put it this way, the fact that the demon-body blue star can stay in the infinite universe is actually the cause and effect for us to obtain the unbounded origin."

"It's equal to when we were the ancestor bloodflies, even if the detachment failed, we still existed in a semi-detachment."

"That's why Gu Cai didn't kill us all, and forced us to die, and he would suffer a lot."

It’s so complicated, Wang Yin feels like opening a treasure chest, and there’s still a treasure chest inside. Is the inner universe and the outer universe an endless loop?

If he transcends to no bounds, will he be told to transcend again?

Jianshan No. 1 is worthy of his humanity, and immediately knew what he was thinking.

"It's not as complicated as you think in the original body. After we have transcended the outer space, we are omnipresent and free.

"For example, if the inner universe is Yinwu, if she is allowed to come to the outer universe, she will truly be at ease.

"At that time, she can go wherever she wants, including the unbounded and unbounded universe, and she can go there directly with one thought, because she is already everywhere, and we can't restrain it."

That's good, that's good, Wang Yin breathed a sigh of relief, so that he can feel at ease, otherwise he would rather die than play infinite loop detachment.

The noise outside spread into the sea of ​​consciousness.

It was Li Wen who brought Li Gao and three other alumni, one male, two female, toasting him at the same time.

Li Wen: "Brother Yin, don't treat us as classmates in the future, but directly treat us as younger brothers. If you point us to the east, we will definitely not go west."

Li Gao: "That's right, that's right, if you call us a dog, you won't chase chickens."

One boy and two girls are called Che Zhongshan, two girls are slim, beautiful and thin, Gu Beibei, and the fat one is called Mujuan, all of whom are juniors from Wang Yin's alma mater.

Mu Juan followed everyone and stood up to toast, her expression dazed.

Things developed magically. Originally, she heard that her best friend sent experiment materials to senior Li Wen, and she didn't want to go back after going to the deep sea.

She has become the girlfriend of Li Wen, a sissy, and a senior with a pretty face.

She came here on purpose to find a good girlfriend to play with, and by the way destroy the good girlfriend, and have a good time with senior Li Wen.

A sissy, boyish senior like Li Wen is the most suitable, and she is the heroine type of girls.

What is Gu Beibei doing in here? You should find a strong man to take care of you, a delicate girl like you.

Mujuan was aggrieved in her heart, and she didn't know about Mazhu until she came to the deep sea.

She actually saw Ah... Ah Piao in Gu Beibei's hotel room, where she lived with Senior Li Wen.

These Ah Piao were summoned by Senior Li Wen.

St. Mamalia is frightening to death. Is she a sheep entering the house and delivering food to the door.

A cold and wet feeling came from her back, her nails were only half a foot long, and the white claws were walking on her shoulders.

A cold and hoarse whisper came from my ear: " Juan, what are you thinking."


Mu Juan was so frightened that she jumped and screamed, and rushed to the back of Senior Li Wen, and buried her head on Senior Li Wen's back.

"Don't look for me, don't look for me, Brother Li Wen, help me."

The cold and hoarse whispering voice lingered into her mind.

" Juan, are you looking for me?

"I am your elder brother Li Wen, hehehehe."

Senior Li Wen's back gradually became cold, wet and rotten. Mu Juan raised her head stiffly, and a terrifying Apiao face was in front of her eyes.

He also sneered at her: "Toast... Toast... Hehehe... Hehehe."


She screamed again, just as Mu Juan was about to escape from this Ah Piao's face, someone pulled her hard.

"What is Mu Juan doing, toasting."

Mu Juan, who was sweating profusely, followed the voice, and her best friend, Gu Beibei, had beautiful eyes and was looking at her with concern.

Seeing that she was awake, he patted her on the back very understandingly.

"Did you see Ah Piao again, Juan, don't be afraid...Senior Li Wen won't harm us.

Mu Juan held the wine glass in one hand, and stroked her chest with the other hand, it was too scary, too scary.

Woohoo, she must find a way to escape from this Apiao circle.

Wang Yin came back to his senses, picked up the wine glass and had a clink with some classmates and alumni.

He raised his head and swallowed it in one gulp, and said leisurely to Li Wen: "I have something to do right now, but it's a pity that you can't help me. y

Li Wen's heart skipped a beat. He knew Brother Yin's background, so he asked cautiously.

"Brother Yin, what happened again?

Wang Yin: "It's not a big deal, but our Blue Planet is surrounded by ten trillion hell machine souls."

Li Wen swallowed his saliva, did he make a mistake of ten trillion yuan?

It's not the first time he's heard of Hell's Machine Soul. He heard it when he was in Jianshan Village, and the Godfly team went out to conquer it.

Although he has never seen it before, it must be something incredible that can make the Godfly team conquer with such a powerful force. .

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