The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Three Hundred And Two: Ten Trillions, Ten Trillions

A strange atmosphere began to circulate outside the food city, in the streets and alleys of Deep Sea City, or in other words, in the whole Blue Star.

Except for Wang Yin, he is not the same as them, not to mention that the matter has something to do with him.

The weird atmosphere came from a news broadcast by the official media of Dragon Country, and this news was broadcast in all countries of Blue Star at the same time.

Everyone received it on their mobile phones, but Ji Wen and the others were so absorbed in eating that they didn't notice it.

On the first day, everyone was normal. Many people just stopped and looked up at the sky, whispering and discussing.

"The official news is that the sky above the blue star is covered by a layer of green mist, and all the stars have disappeared, including the big sun star."

"The only thing left to be found is the moon around the blue star."

"Is it true? I can't see anything. We often have this kind of weather here. We can't see the sun and stars."

"It's all caused by smog, so there's nothing to be surprised about~ It's a mob."

"That's right, the officials say it's green smog, isn't the green park still smoggy.

"The situation you mentioned is regional, haven't you seen it, the official said it is all blue stars."

"And I checked on the Internet, the bird country, the sister country, the giant bear country, the elephant country, the black country, the monkey country, the kimchi country, the romantic country, etc... All countries have released this news, what? The smog can cover all the countries of Blue Star."

"One more point, only the moon and stars are still within the line of sight. What does it mean? It means that the green fog that the official said is outside the orbit of the moon and stars. Can the heavy haze go outside the orbit of the star?"

The sky is deep blue and black. Careful people observe with astronomical telescopes and find that this blue is a very thick green. It is the color after light refraction and smog pollution in the atmosphere, and it is not really blue.

It's as if there is a huge green eggshell outside the sky, completely enveloping the moon star and the blue star inside.

Under the blue star's atmosphere, regardless of the tropical rainforest, or the north and south poles, all wind and rain weather is operating normally, and no other abnormalities have occurred.

However, the high-level officials of all countries and the astronomical and scientific circles in the whole Blue Star have already fallen out.

These people all gathered in the conference halls of their respective countries, watching various high-power cutting-edge astronomical telescopes, running all cutting-edge satellites around the blue star, and detectors on the moon and stars, and the videos and photos sent back were noisy.

"By God, this is the phenomenon of Fangzhong County in Longguo.

"I said at the time that the phenomenon in Fangzhong County must be taken seriously, and the cause of it must be thoroughly studied. You can see that it is spreading all over the Blue Star now."

"Fuck you bird god, this is not spreading the entire blue star, but enveloping the moon and stars. If you want to study it, no one will stop you."

"Oh Falk, what did you say, insulting the bird god, do you want to fight.

"If you fight, you will fight, come and come, Saint Mama Leah, if you don't beat you down, I will pluck your feathers and give you the bird god to eat.

The next day people panicked, and there was a rush to buy supplies on the street.

There are rumors that the doomsday is coming, and the hell devil has come to the world.

The great sun and stars in the sky were taken away by the demons of hell.

The alarm in Jianshan Village has been shouting, ding ding ding... Alarm, alarm, super alarm, ten trillion hell machine souls appear in the west of Blue Star ZO time and space, the highest command level is five, please prepare to fight, please prepare to fight.

Brother Zhang, sister-in-law Zhang, Fan Shan and Fan Bin, all the warriors of the village, listened to the sound of the ding ding ding sirens from ear to ear, and unanimously turned to the old village chief.

"Village Chief, did our ears hear correctly?"

The old village head, pulling his beard vigorously, saw that Wang Yin's courtyard was empty, he cleared his throat and shouted.

There are all of them, go home and collect the corn. "

After shouting the first one, he ran back to the village chief's office, trembling, picked up his teacup and took a sip of herbal tea to calm his shock.

It's too scary. Ten trillion hell machine souls, and there are five levels of hell machine souls.

Whoever loves to maintain the safety of the world will do it, Xiao Yinzi is not here, old man, I am not at home drinking tea, right?

In the military fortress of Shanjiao Village, Ye Wen and Xu Jianfeng received unified instructions from the Supreme Elders.

Drive to the entrance of the Jianshan Village highway, stop the car, and follow a child in the village into the village head's office.

Now that the two of them entered Jianshan Village, they no longer had to queue up.

Since getting the ten god flies, the old village chief spoke on behalf of the god master, Wang Yin, the captain of the brigade, to deliver the message.

A ten-member team led by two people can enter and leave Jianshan Village once a day.

But after going out on the same day, you can't enter again, you have to wait until the next day to enter.

So if something happens, come in and don't go out easily.

Ye Wen cupped his hands: "Old village chief, the elders let us find out if the green mist wrapped in blue stars, moons and stars is exactly the same as Jianshan Village, is it the Shenwu of Jianshan Village?"

The old village head had just had a rest, when he was woken up again by the arrival of the two men.

Pour two cups of spiritual tea for the two of them, and the two of them quickly took a long sip with their eyes lit up.

This is a good thing, the top quality from the top cultivation world, currently only Jianshan Village has it.

When the strength of the two of them and the space-time fly team improve, they also want to enter the top world of cultivating immortals and make Void Spirit Tea for their families to taste.

The old village chief was worried and gestured to the two of them.

"Ten trillion, ten trillion, alas! Everyone go home and sleep."

Ye Wen and Xu Jianfeng were baffled by what they heard, and they wanted to go home and sleep.

Especially Xu Jianfeng was very angry with the old village head. When he came, the old village head only gave him a time-space fruit, and he didn't even let him see the god fly messenger.

Ye Wenlai not only got the fruit of time and space, but also got ten godfly messengers, old village chief, do you watch people serve food?

Fortunately, he ran back later, abruptly killing two of the last two-foot-tall messengers of the God Fly.

0…ask for flowers………

Changing to a high-level godfly envoy with a height of three feet, it was only then that Admiral Ye Wen regained his complacent expression.

The envoys of the ten godflies now belong to them, and the last godflies with eight heads and two feet in height are used by their space-time fly team.

The two godfly messengers were three feet tall, and he and General Ye Wen each had one head.

As the captain and vice-captain of the Long Kingdom Space-Time Fly Squad, the envoys of the two of them, it is not too much to ask to be able to bring out their status as the captain and vice-captain.

Everyone is a godfly messenger who is two feet tall, and the status of the captain and vice-captain will wipe out the heavens.

In case I have to accept an interview or something in the future, I'm not very angry.

Xu Jianfeng's morality of respecting the old and loving the young is still very good.

Seeing the old village chief's unpredictable performance, Ye Wen didn't bother to guess and asked directly.

"Also ask the old village chief to clarify, what is ten trillion, and is it related to the blue star and green fog?"

The old village chief signaled the two to get up, and led them out of the village chief's office.

When he came to the square of Jianshan Village outside, he stretched out his hand to grab a handful of thick green snow, and stretched it out in front of the two of them.

"This divine mist is given to Jianshan Village to protect the village by the Supreme Lord Fly God. Any demons and ghosts with this divine mist should not enter Jianshan Village at will."

"Since the two of you already know the function of Shenwu in Jianshan Village, haven't you guessed anything yet?"

Admiral Ye Wen and Xu Jianfeng were startled, could it be that Blue Star was in danger.

"Old village chief, you are saying that the blue stars and green mist wrapped in outer space are indeed the divine mist of time and space in Jianshan Village.

"The purpose is to protect Blue Star."

"Is there any disaster that is going to befall our Blue Star?"

"What kind of disaster is it that can make that supreme God Fly Lord take the initiative to protect Blue Star.

The old village chief sighed again, made a ten sign to the two, shook his head with a sad face and said.

"Ten trillion, ten trillion, alas!"

Xu Jianfeng was in a hurry, why was the old village chief still playing charades?

Holding back his anger, he prepared to ask another question.

The old village chief seemed to know himself too, so he sighed inexplicably, making people confused and annoying.

He raised his hand to signal to be safe and calm, pouted his lips and whistled, and the twenty-foot-tall godfly suddenly appeared, and the strong wind swept the three of them onto the back of the godfly.

A moment later, in the gap between the blue star outer space and the dark void, Admiral Ye Wen, Xu Jianfeng, and the old village chief were under the protection of Shenwu.

Looking at the densely packed starry sky covered with blue stars and green mist, hell machine souls, dizzy and dizzy.

Ten trillion, ten trillion, ten trillion, our blue star population is not even ten billion, but the enemy has ten trillion.

The most terrifying of these ten trillion enemies, if any one emerges, it will be a monster that can destroy the city.

"Old village chief, I'd better listen to you, go home and sleep."

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