The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Three Hundred And Four: The Taste Of Will

Coming out of the elders' house, Li Wen was full of depression.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Intelligence Bureau of the official family had already noticed that he summoned A Piao.

It's just that he didn't create a bad image, and the officials turned a blind eye to him.

But they have long followed, all kinds of monitoring robots sent by IKEA.

Upload all his words and deeds to the official big data analysis center in time.

Only then did he analyze that he seems to know what ten trillion is, and people from the official family immediately appeared beside him.

Gu Beibei's mother Juan only felt that the experience during this period was full of inconceivable things.

They, they not only saw what A Piao was, but also entered the Longguo Elder's Home.

My God, that's the Longguo Elder's House, a place they never imagined in their ten lifetimes that they would have the opportunity to enter.

With flushed faces, they followed Li Wen, experiencing it like a dream, bringing their lives to the peak.

Just as depressed as Li Wen was Pan Huogong, the leader of the Chaotic Blood Sea Pan Clan.

Pan Huogong held a wooden carved woman in his arms, and the sea of ​​consciousness showed an ancient head holding a giant axe.

Waves of various memories impacted his soul, making him extremely chaotic.

"This is a toy my grandfather gave me when I was young."

"No, no, this was given to me by my father, who said it was a statue of my mother.

"Hey ancestor, what did you say, ancestor, isn't it? Then what is this statue 04?"

"Your descendants and grandchildren will always hear the voices of hell machine souls calling from many in this statue.

"What the hell are these and how do I hear these calls.

"My head hurts, my head hurts."

"And grandpa, grandpa, how did Uncle Yin become Master Uncle, how did you become Patriarch.

"No, no, why is Junior Brother Xiaoyin an uncle?"

"Oh, you are not grandpa, you are my is my father, ah ah...

Panhuo knew something was wrong.

He is the leader of the Pan Clan, and exists in the middle of the Demon Sacred Realm, so it is impossible for his thinking and memory to be so chaotic.

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, someone deliberately disrupted his memory.

Who, exactly who can disrupt him, the time and space memory of the demon god.

Old ancestor, is it the ancient ancestor?

Those who can disrupt the space-time memory of the Demon Sacred Realm can only exist at a higher level than the Demon Sacred Realm.

Such an existence, in the Pan Clan, there is only Lao Tulku.

Pan Huo Gong hugged the statue in his arms, as if hugging the whole world.

Everything was fine until today when he accidentally found this statue in his cave.

Then things started to mess up, and when he picked up the statue, all kinds of messy memories flooded in.

In a daze, a trace of will penetrated into the barrier of time and space, and went to the unknown star minister.

This starry sky is densely packed, full of all kinds of strange mechanical foreign objects.

These mechanical foreign bodies are called hell machine souls, and there are about ten trillion thirty-two million.

They surrounded an eggshell made of dense green fog, drilling something vigorously.

Why is this green fog eggshell so familiar, like the green halo on his head.

Captain Leng Pa brought ten trillion hell machine souls to the moon star orbiting the blue star.

Among the ten trillion hell machine souls, seven trillion are first-level minions.

More than 2.5 trillion ordinary second-level fighters, 499.9 billion advanced third-level fighters, and 100 million fourth-level elite fighters.

It's not that Leng Pa didn't want to move forward anymore, but that a mysterious green mist suddenly appeared in the starry sky ahead, blocking the team's way forward.

The mechanical hoarse electronic voice spread across the starry sky: "What is this, how can it stop us.

Level six... This green mist enchantment is at least level six. "

"That's it, that's it, this green mist Y1758 Great Thousand Universe, we have met many times."

"According to the command of the great commander, hostile forces appeared in this universe, preventing our family from eating many times, and there is indeed something strange in it.

"Open it, open it, open this mysterious green mist, and swallow all the world planets behind the green mist."

"That's right, the planet behind the green mist, it must be unusual to be protected by it."

"After swallowing, we can find out who is preventing our family from eating and recovering.

"Captain Jin Chuan's strength is level 5, and he cannot open the parallel entrance of the green mist barrier. The green mist defense must be at least level 6."

"Perhaps more than six levels, it is very likely to be equivalent to the seven-level defense of the peak of the galaxy."

"Otherwise, with the fifth-level strength of Captain Lengba, plus our hundreds of millions of elite fighters, the sixth-level barrier can still be opened.

Jin Chuan commanded ten trillion hell machine souls, stationed and surrounded the green fog barrier, and took turns to bombard with all their strength.

Ten trillion hell machine soul monsters, to the ears of ordinary blue star people, is the shocking news of destroying the world.

Scattered in the cosmic starry sky, there are not many, barely enough to cover the outer green pigment covering the blue stars.

Leng Pao's mechanical and electronic voice roared angrily: "Concentrate all your strength, and you must open the opening."

The glory of our hell machine soul cannot fall in this universe.

I don't know when, they were sent out by the abyss.

A member of the gold and silver team who devoured the source of the Y1758 universe.

Unknown enemies endlessly interfere with their feeding and recovery, and wipe out their eternal machine souls.

This is inexcusable, and this heresy must be found and exterminated.

Under the guidance of Skeleton Abyss Commander, Leng Fan followed the ¥1758 universe all the way.

Finally found the smell of the enemy here, the strongest starry sky in the planetary world.

Be sure to open up the planet world and find out the enemies that prevent them from coming back to life.

Ten trillion hell machine souls, led by 100 million four-level elite fighters.

Form ten thousand teams of spiral structure machines to drill on the green fog day and night.

Drilling in, you must transform the two planetary worlds inside into their difference.

There is also the world called True Spirit Race hidden in the green mist at the same time.

Let's all become the nutrients of the Skull Cold Abyss.

The road trembled with the roar of machinery, and a large number of hell machine cards were swallowed by the green garden, completely losing the ability to display darkness.

The consciousness completely dissipated from the hell machine soul, and it rained down on the starry sky of the universe, turning into a truly dead and dysfunctional thing.

These dead and dysfunctional things have lost all dark energy fluctuations.

Forever rotting and festering in Unreal, can no longer be restarted.

The corpses of the hell machine soul piled up outside the starry sky, and the sound of cold and angry anger became louder and louder.

In the end, ten thousand teams of spiral structure machines simply concentrated their full strength into one team, rotating at super-light speed like a tornado.

The tail of the tornado swept across the starry sky and stretched for thousands of miles.

Open up the wicked green hat next door, open up the hateful stealing heresy.

If you stand in the distant starry sky and look at it, you will see the machine soul of hell,

It seems to cover an unknown number of miles, spinning a super huge top at high speed. 093

The sharpest tip of the super gyroscope rotates with a force that exceeds the speed of light by an unknown number of times... vertigo.

The lack of fiery light, even the big sun star has to flee in fear.

It's just that no matter how hard they try, the thick green garden that blocks them is as solid as a rock and as stable as Mount Tai.

Standing in the depths of time and space in Jianshan Village, Wang Yin watched these hell machine souls attacking Blue Star, Moon Star and Green Mist one after another.

He laughed and said: "Action, Hell Machine Soul, attack Hell Machine Soul."

"It's best if I don't have to do anything, and you will all fall here completely.

The Hell Machine Souls, who had been unable to attack for a long time, sat down collectively in place.

The neat and grand prayer sounded through the starry sky, pierced through countless barriers, and conveyed the mysterious existence of unknown time and space.

There is incomparably great will, under the humble guidance of this prayer.

Across layers of barriers of time and space, descending in front of the blue star moon star green mist eggshell.

All the machine-spirits of Hell rejoice, this is their god... this is their master.

An incomparably great will descended on the consciousness attached to ten trillion hell machine souls, waking up and roaring.

"Green and green law, it's the damn green and green law again, let me break it all, hehehe....

Covering an unknown number of miles, the super gyroscope rotates at super-light speed.

With the help of this great will, the space-time gap was finally drilled in the green thick garden.

Entering Jianshan No. 1, where Wang Yin was sleeping, the carp jumped up and looked straight ahead.

"The will of the holy realm, they have invited the will of the holy realm."

"It's just that this will, why does it have the smell of pan clan.

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