The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 305 High Status

Jianshan No. 1 quickly closed the gap in time and space drilled by the super hell machine soul spinning top and the mysterious will.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, the machine soul of hell who was closest to the gap had already taken the opportunity to sneak in.

Inside Wang Yin's Soul Consciousness Sea, Jianshan No. 1 said seriously.

"Original body, the will of the holy realm summoned by these hell machine souls, I suspect it is a monster of the pan family map.

"The power of its descending, although not much different from mine, with the addition of ten trillion hell machine souls, it is slightly better than me."

"Protecting the blue star and green mist is like protecting the dam of the reservoir."

"Even if the small hole drilled by them is temporarily sealed by me, it will not be able to withstand years of malicious damage."

"Once the embankment is missing, Blue Star Time and Space will be lost forever."

"Hurry up and think about it, and get rid of these ten trillion hell machine souls.

Wang Yin looked at Jianshan No. 1 like an idiot, and said nothing when Jianshan No. 1 was covered with fog.

"You said, this is ten trillion hell machine souls, and there are 100 million fourth-level elite fighters."

"There is also a veteran captain who entered the fifth level of strength early, how can I solve the situation if you don't help me.

Jianshan No. 1 said that it can't, if it wipes out ten trillion hell speeds by itself.

It will alarm the will of descending to the holy land to take action, and the chaotic blood sea and ancestor bloodfly will have to take action.

Things will escalate to the battle of the holy land, attracting the ancient ancestors of the Pan clan to deal with the bloodfly, the ancestor of their chaotic blood sea.

So the best way is for the original body to swallow ten trillion hell machine souls as soon as possible while it is protecting the time and space of the outer universe blue star.

But among the ten trillion hell machine souls, there are 100 million fourth-level elite fighters, and there are also veteran fifth-level captains. It is really impossible for the original body to rush out.

Even if it can be done, it will attract more hell machine souls.

According to the scale of a team of ten trillion, the Skull Gold Abyss contains a super army of hell machine souls 100%.

Jianshan No. 1 rolled his eyes: "In the current situation, you have to refine the Hedao Blue Star Time and Space in advance."

Wang Yin asked: "You mean, let the demon body come over and help me refine it?"

Jianshan No. 1 shook his head: "No, the demon body and the beings on that blue star father's body can't go back to the heavens of the inner universe, and they can't come to the time and space of the outer universe. They can only be safe if they stay in the non-universe.

"No universe is the world after detachment, staying there...whether the inner universe is cloudy, or the outer universe is chaotic, the ancient Pan clan can't deal with them. y

"However, they can separate the soul consciousness, and come to help you refine the time and space of the Outer Universe Blue Star, just like the Dragon God came last time.~.

"Original body, I will temporarily help you, protect and hold the time and space of the blue star in the outer universe, guide the blue star sentient beings in the demon body, separate the soul and consciousness to refine and merge, and the rest depends on you.

"Before the arrival of the army of machine souls from hell, we must thoroughly refine the time and space of the outer universe blue star.

After listening to Jianshan No. 1, Wang Yin felt relieved that it was okay to do so.

In the process of Jianshan No. 1 assisting him, he originally used the demon-body Blue Star sentient beings.

Refining the time and space of the blue star in the outer universe, laying a solid foundation for evolution, and then withdrawing the plan of the former master soul of the inner universe.

Wang Yin: "There is another question, what is the Y1758 universe that these hell machine souls are talking about."

Jianshan No. 1: "This is the machine soul of hell, numbered in the outer universe, the heavens and the myriad worlds.

"It's the same as us, dividing the inner universe and outer universe Z0 time-space, Z1 time-space, Z2 time-space, don't worry about it."

So that's the case, Wang Yin understood.

Quickly greet the God Fly team, and start the guerrilla hunting tactics against trillions of hell machine souls.

He even quietly hid aside to study how to cooperate with the demon-body Blue Star sentient beings to refine the time and space of the Outer Universe Blue Star together.

Chen Hu'er, the grandson of the old village head, watched as the officials deliberately surrounded Jianshan Village and built fortresses with heavy troops.

You can also see Shanjiao Village, countless state-of-the-art fighter jets whistling and patrolling over Jianshan Village.

In the end, he was very decisive and said to his parents.

"Mom and Dad, it doesn't matter whether you sell the house or take out a loan, anyway, I want to go back to Jianshan Village to see Grandpa."

"If you don't want to, I'll sell your kidneys and organs, and I'll have to scrape together tens of millions of dollars to go back."

Chen's father and Chen's mother were haggard and extremely depressed, and agreed. They could also see that Jianshan Village was different from the past.

The father's reluctance to go out of the village to pick them up for free shows many problems. Although the father is old, he is not old and confused.

If it weren't for Jianshan Village, there would be things that my father would not let go of even if he died.

I must have run out to meet them early and told them the reason.

Ten days later, Chen's father, Chen's mother, and Chen Hu'er stood in the courtyard of their old house in Jianshan Village.

He stared hard at the twenty-foot god bat lying in the vegetable field outside the courtyard, speechless for a long time.

And in the vegetable field, there are almost ten feet high, fragrant ginger, green onion, garlic and cabbage.

Is this still their home, is it still Jianshan Village? Could it be that they have traveled through time?

When the old village head looked at his son and daughter-in-law, he looked like a fool who had never seen the world.

He said triumphantly, "How about selling the house in the county seat? It's not your fault."

"The old man told you a long time ago that you should not be fooled by money while you are alive."

"If the three of you are reluctant to part with 300,000 yuan, you will never miss the great opportunity of Jianshan Village in this life."

Chen Ma's lips turned white, and she slapped her face twice. She took Father Chen's hand and asked Father Chen to slap her again.

This is the secret of Jianshan Village, and this is the reason why the Dragon Kingdom officials and heavy soldiers guard Jianshan Village these days.

"Father, those who have been in Jianshan Village, why do they say that there is nothing in Jianshan Village when they go out? Isn't this harmful?

"If Hu'er hadn't insisted on going back to the village, he would have sold the kidney if we didn't sell the house, and we would have really missed Jianshan Village.

The old village head has a meaningful son, daughter-in-law, and grandson Dao with two bloods.

"Do you think anyone can get the opportunity of Jianshan Village?"

"If you are not the old man and my family, entering Jianshan Village is like many outsiders."

"I can only go around Jianshan Village briefly, I can't see anything, and I can't say anything when I go out.

Father Chen was also pinching his thigh [I didn't recover from the shock of the God Fly Messenger.

Hearing what his father said, he complained: ~Then why are they rushing to line up to come in. "

"I saw a lot of forces, so I stationed directly at the provincial road crossing in Shanjiao Village."

"Obviously I've already come in, but still changing people and continuing to line up, is it because people are stupid and have a lot of money?"

Grandson Chen Hu'er raised his hand to answer: "Isn't this simple? Those who broke their heads and rushed in are obviously all blue stars and all parties with plans."

"With such a force, even if they get any benefits, they won't say anything."

The old village chief admired his grandson and children very much.

Frantically looking at the twenty-foot-tall Godfly lying in the vegetable field outside the courtyard, he praised it.

"It's still my grandson who is smart enough to guess the way."

"Up until now, the ones who wanted to break their heads were all Lan Xingke, big and small.

"And these forces are secretly maintaining order, for fear of losing their qualifications for queuing.

"They came to Jianshan Village, and on the surface, they didn't get any benefits."

"Actually walking around the Village Protector Shenwu is a great benefit in itself."

"That's the time-space mist bestowed by the God Lord, and smelling it can prolong life, let alone come in and turn around.

Chen Hu'er's heart was pounding, and sure enough he was right to insist (Qian Wangzhao) to go back to Jianshan Village.

Grandpa loved him very much since he was a child, and he couldn't imagine that grandpa would be so heartless that he had to charge 100,000 yuan to lead the way to enter the village.

Because among them, there are peerless opportunities that cannot be measured by money.

If grandpa breaks the rules, he will lose this opportunity, and their family will also completely lose this opportunity.

Grandpa said just now that if they don't come in again, they will have no money to come in after the toll increases to one million.

Grandpa had no choice but to erase his memory, go back to Fangzhong County to find them, and be an ordinary person honestly.

"Grandpa, can I ride Lord Godfly?"

The old village head shook his head: "Master Shenfly outside the courtyard is the superior of the grandfather, and you will ask Master Fly if you see him in the future.

"Master Fly's magnetic field is very powerful, and your physique can't bear it."

"This is the evolutionary technique bestowed by the captain. You should start practicing the fit with the last generation of Master Godfly.

Father Chen took over the exercise and swallowed his saliva: "The captain is a little silver, right? Does he have a high status?"

The old village head: "The captain, the spokesperson of the God Lord, can do everything for the God Lord, you say the status is high or not.

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