The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 36: Whale Kun

The granddaughter was dizzy seeing her grandpa running away from the killer whale. She knew that her grandpa was unreliable, but she couldn't imagine how unreliable she was. For some reason, she threw her granddaughter to a monster with wings and ran away. Only a grandpa could do that. matter.

But she could also see that grandpa was very afraid of the monster with wings above, and the monster that even grandpa was afraid of must not be offended.

The granddaughter of the killer whale made a baby sound in her eyes: "The monster above, I said that I don't know my grandpa, do you believe it?"

Wang Yin stroked his head, this is also a silly whale.

"You say it's your grandfather, but I don't believe it."

The granddaughter of the killer whale: "Oh, then I said that it is not my grandfather, do you believe it?"

Wang Yin complained: "Killer Whale girl, it's too late for you to say that you don't know each other now, I already know that big fool is your grandpa."

Orca granddaughter: "You are the killer whale and your whole family is a killer whale. I am Jingkun and I have a name. My name is Jingxiaoxiao."

Wang Yin stroked his head again. Nima's family has the same temper as whales, and they don't want others to call them killer whales.

Both feet fell to the ocean level and squatted on the sea in front of Whale Xiaoxiao, watching Whale Xiaoxiao with his body rising and falling with the waves.

"Okay, Little Whale, are you a demon clan? This king just wanted to say hello to your grandpa. Why is it running?"

Jing Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yin cutely: "My grandpa will run away when he sees a monster who is stronger than him. He said that this is the secret of our Jingkun clan's survival. If he sees a monster who is stronger than us, he will run away, otherwise will be caught."

"Pfft." Wang Yin almost choked, "You are the ladyboy."

I know it wants to express the human race and the demon race, but this guy is too lazy to express it separately.

"Then you see why I don't run."

Jing Xiaoxiao continued to stare at Wang Yin cutely: "You're a stupid lady who doesn't even know this. Grandpa has already sent me to you, so of course I won't run away."

Wang Yin's chest is so stuffy that he can't continue talking this day, this idiot really thinks he is a shemale.

It looks like a human with monster wings, a combination of a human and a monster.

"Okay, tell me, are you a monster race? Why don't you want to say that you are a killer whale?"

Whale Xiaoxiao: "Baby Baby...Baby Baby...."

Wang Yin slapped her on the head: "Speaking're talking demons."

Jing Xiaoxiao felt wronged: "He is neither a demon nor a killer whale. The killer whale is my pet and I belong to the Jingkun family. Our family members all have Kunpeng blood."

Oh, it's still a good thing Wang Yin's eyes are all set, the natal essence of Kunpeng's blood must be very nourishing.

No wonder people don't like people calling them killer whales. This killer whale is a pet, just like whoever has a pet dog Huanhuan, whoever calls the dog owner Huanhuan will be anxious to keep a dog.

"You said you have Kunpeng blood in your body."

Jing Xiaoxiao raised her head proudly: "Yingyingying, oh I mean of course it's as good as it gets."

"It's the Kunpeng that is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot."

Whale Little Kuang nodded: "Yes, yes, it is a kun that can't be stewed in a pot...You bastard."

Suddenly realizing the meaning of Wang Yin's words, Jing Xiaoxiao was very angry, and spit and scolded Wang Yin: "Baby, baby, you can't cook, your whole family can't cook."

Wang Yin smiled with relief and said that he is not a killer whale, not a killer whale. The king said that the whale is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot, what are you worried about.

"Okay, then your grandpa sent you to me, you are mine, right? I can do anything."

Whale Xiaoxiao nodded frantically: "Yes, yes."

Wang Yin looked at Whale Xiaoxiao up and down, but he couldn't tell Whale Xiaoxiao's age, so he wouldn't hurt children.

"How old are you? Are you an adult?"

Jing Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yin like an idiot. This ladyboy has a problem with his eyes: "I'm already 50 years old and have given birth to several babies."

Wang Yin puffed... At a loss for such a big killer whale, the king was actually afraid that she was underage and could not always put human experience on the monster race.

Immediately excited about the inexplicable Kunpeng bloodline, the innate essence fluid must be high-level and rich, if Jing Xiaoxiao can lead to find some Kunpeng bloodlines and suck enough whale-kun innate essence fluid, it will definitely be of great help to evolution.

The mermaid's natal essence is also very high-level, but the girl Yu Haohao is very wary of her to prevent him from devouring it to her heart's content. Not only did she not gain anything when she went to the mermaid country, she was almost cheated to death by the old hag.

Excitedly said: "Well, you are indeed very big. This king needs a lot of life essence, which is a kind of innate essence liquid produced in the heart. If you follow me, let me swallow it. Don't worry, this king will not hurt you." .”

Jing Xiaoxiao didn't understand at all, and nodded foolishly: "Okay, okay, you can take it."

Wang Yin listened to perfection and opened the mouth of Whale Xiaoxiao and was about to drill into it, making Whale Xiaoxiao stare big and round and small eyes inexplicably. Didn’t this shemale say that he wants to devour my something? Why is he making me food again? .

Then Wang Yin was dumbfounded that the whale is too big, Wang Yin is only 1.8 meters tall, so the whale is thick and thick, opening its mouth can't swallow its innate essence liquid.

Looking at the mouth that can swallow two cars after opening, the distance between the mouth and the heart is at least ten meters.

Unless it drills directly into the whale's heart from its small mouth, but what if it accidentally swallows itself and digests it, forget it.

Touch the chin, or just suck it out of its mouth with monster power, take a look at the cute and cute Sun Xiaoxiao, and forget it, this whale is too cute, it would be a pity if you accidentally sucked its heart out and died.

Even if it can be bathed in the evil spirit and mist to mutate, it is just a spirit without a soul.

Whale Xiaoxiao waited for a long time, Wang Yin moved and Yingying asked: "Hey ladyboy, what are you doing, hurry up if you want to eat me, I'm ready and waiting to eat you."

Wang Yin gave it a slap in annoyance: "You are the one who feeds me, and your whole family feeds it to me. My lord is saying that I want to devour the innate essence liquid in your body, which is the source of life. You fat pig is too fat, and I can't reach it." .”

The whale's small eyeballs twirled, and the big head slid to Wang Yin's side, and the two bright and clear eyes rolled around a few times before reacting.

"Is it because you are too young, Xiaoxiao knows about Baby Baby... Hahaha, my family died laughing."

"Monster monster, why are you so small, Xiaoxiao is called Xiaoxiao, you are smaller than Xiaoxiao, my stomach hurts from laughing."

Wang Yin was so angry that he rushed up and slapped it on the big head.

"Shut up, this king is just teasing you, you little killer whale, what tongue twister did you say, this king is so young, believe it or not, this king will kill you."

Jing Xiaoxiao was angry: "You are the killer whale, and your whole family is a killer whale."

Rolling his eyes, he continued to be angry with Wang Yin: "But killer whales are big, but you are too small, wow haha ​​I laughed so hard."

Wang Yin burst into tears, this guy is so stupid for driving there.

Just freed from the shadow of the old hag, and being hit by the thief, Whale Xiaoxiao, he lay down on the ocean floor dejectedly, and sighed to the sky why it was so difficult for him.

Whale Xiaoxiao seemed to realize that Wang Yin was unhappy and was not laughing, so he swam around Wang Yin twice curiously, leaning against Wang Yin with his big head and sticking out his tongue cutely.

"Humans, do you want to devour that primordial liquid so much? I'll take you to a place where there are bloodlines of my same race who are as big as you, and they won't dislike you when you're young."

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