The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 37: Dolphin Peng Clan

I'm dizzy and I'm still saying that this Wang Xiaobu has been belittling demons like this.

"Roll rough."

Whale Xiaoxiao was very wronged and Baby Baby rolled over on one side.

Wang Yin is also very embarrassed to see Jing Xiaoxiao's grievances and tumbling. Although he looks like a killer whale, he is a wise demon with emotional thoughts. He knows that he is lost and comforts him. He wants to take him to find a bloodline that is suitable for him to devour. How can he? fierce it

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be wronged, this king didn't mean it."

Jing Xiaoxiao heard Wang Yin talking to her, and rolled happily to Wang Yin's side.

"Is that right? I said you won't be angry with me. My family has seen many human beings like my family before. You are not a human being and you like my family, right?"

Wang Yin chuckled: "Yes, this king is not a human being now, but this king is a transformed monster."

His demon body is a blowfly, that’s right. As for the human soul? It’s now a blowfly body, and it’s fine to be a human after replacing it with a human body.

Jing Xiaoxiao knew that he would have so many dramas in his mind when answering a question, so he asked with dazed eyes: "What is a transformed monster clan, isn't a monster clan just a monster clan?"

"Transformation is the induction that occurs when you reach the highest level of cultivation and are taller than your grandfather. Being able to transform into a human is very helpful for cultivation."

It’s not surprising that Jing Xiaoxiao doesn’t know about transformation, not to mention that Jing Xiaoxiao is its grandpa, a big and stupid whale, maybe he doesn’t know what transformation is. Generally, if there is no guidance for wild monsters, they can’t reach the world of mortals. Rank eight doesn't understand at all.

"Yingyingying understands, my family will also change form in the future."

Whale Xiaoxiao seemed to understand but nodded to express his understanding.

Wang Yin continued: "So this king is of the monster clan like you, but this king's clan is special, and the transformation speed is faster, which is what it looks like now, not a human monster."

It turned out that Jing Xiaoxiao said that he really understood it now.

"So do you have to devour that liquid to evolve? It's so pitiful that the Whales and Kuns don't need to devour it to evolve. We only need to eat, sleep, and sleep to evolve."

Wang Yin is very envious. This silly whale can evolve even while sleeping, but this evolution method is very slow. No wonder many monster races are always thousand-year-old monsters.

Or is his method of phagocytosis fast? Is it possible that this scumbag has adapted the prehistoric feats and yin and yang feats? Why is it that he keeps devouring every day? .

Ding Ding: "A warm reminder, the issue of the host has been noted in the scriptures a long time ago. The prehistoric power and yin and yang battle skills have already melted into the host's demon body and human flesh and blood. There is no need for cultivation. No matter what method the host uses, it only needs to swallow energy. , Even if the host does not do anything to eat, it can evolve, and the host is required to swallow the innate essence liquid, because swallowing is the fastest evolution, and I hope the host will improve its strength as soon as possible, so as to avoid being peeped into the secret of the host by the power.

Wang Yin, who was concentrating on thinking about the problem, was suddenly startled by the sound of ding ding in his head. Fuck you, you are sick. Ding, Ding Ding blame you.

Well, it turned out that I sensed the doubts in my heart, so I came out on purpose to show my sense of presence. After reading the prompt, it turned out to be the case.

I always thought that what kind of smacking skills and hundreds of battles do you need? Wahaha, if that doesn't force him to go da da da?

From this point of view, the cultivation and evolution of the king is more blessed than the silly whale. The silly whale needs time to accumulate. The king can not only accumulate time, but also can evolve by breathing and drinking water. It is no wonder that the king and the children of Qinglong Mountain have evolved so fast.

With a sudden pride in his heart, he raised his head and looked down upon the sky as a king, and replied in a demeanor: "Hmph, listen carefully, this king is the demon king of all the demon clans on land, and the king of flies. This king can evolve through breathing, not comparable to you little monsters who can only evolve through sleep."

Anyway, your whale is small and you don’t know how many monsters there are on land. I know I’m awesome and I can just quack.

Jing Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up with envy when he heard it. It turned out that this is a monster king whose evolution method is so powerful, no wonder Grandpa wanted to run away when he saw it.

Turning his eyes, he stuck out his tongue and licked to please Wang Yin: "Your Majesty, the little one is calling you Brother Wang Ying, okay? What kind of innate fluid do you want to devour? I know that a branch of my family is very suitable for you, and they are also Kunpeng blood. , Brother Wang Fly, you must like it."

Wang Yin is overjoyed to have other bloodlines.

"Which family is it? Take me with you."

Whale Xiaoxiao turned around and flicked his tail to sweep up a spray, and swam quickly to the distance.

"Brother Wang Ying, come with me. They are the close relatives of the Jingkun family, the Peng Peng family, and they live a thousand nautical miles ahead."

Wang Yin hurriedly followed and was a little dizzy at the same time, why did the porpoise tribe appear again.

Whale Xiaoxiao was relatively slow, and it was only a few days later that he proudly pointed to a group of dolphins emitting golden light, showing off to Wang Yin.

"Look, Brother Wang Ying, Xiaoxiao didn't lie to you, right? This is the Tunpeng Clan, a close relative of our Jingkun Clan."

"According to the elders in the clan, our Whale-kun clan has evolved to the top and broke through the realm of the big kun, which can be big or small, and is the overlord in the water.

"If the descendants of our two clans have returned to their ancestors, they will have a chance to become the real ancestor of Kunpeng."

"So our two clans often intermarry, but it's a pity that they can only intermarry when we are very young. Once our Jingkun clan grows to fifteen meters, they will be as small as your king and cannot intermarry."

Wang Yin's chest felt tight due to being stalked, Whale Xiaoxiao, can you stop using Xiaoxiao to drive.

But I finally understood what Jing Xiaoxiao meant. This is that the Kunpeng bloodline is divided into two races. The Whale Kun clan inherited the Kun bloodline, and the Dolphin Peng clan inherited the Peng bloodline. Frequent intermarriage between the two races has the opportunity to produce a complete Kunpeng bloodline.

In the bay of a beautiful small island in the ocean, fifty or sixty dolphins with a length of three to four meters and a minimum of one meter are playing and playing. This is a dolphin race that Blue Star humans have never discovered.

There may be golden dolphins among the dolphins observed by Blue Star humans, but there are absolutely none that emit golden light. If there was such a special race, it would have spread all over the world.

Following Whale Xiaoxiaoyou to take a closer look, this group of dolphins emitting golden lights are actually a group... Emaiga, isn't this the same habit as ordinary blue star dolphins.

As if knowing Wang Yin questioned Whale Xiaoxiao and continued to introduce.

"Brother Wang Ying, don't be surprised. This is the base camp of the Tunpeng Clan. This is a normal exchange activity, and it is a normal behavior to unite the family and divide the classes."

Well, Wang Yin admits that he is very outdated. This is the normal behavior of people shaking hands and chatting with us humans. He can't always use human thinking to look at aliens.

The dolphins with the strongest golden light in the bay saw Whale Xiaoxiao approaching and screamed sharply, and a dozen of the largest dolphins surrounded Whale Xiaoxiao, circling around Whale Xiaoxiao excitedly and screaming.

"Little princess, why are you old, are you here to intermarry with us, but we are no longer worthy of your old man."

Whale Xiaoxiao will ask Jin Guangxiong to slap the dolphin: "Go away little toothpick, I am bringing a guest to see the dolphin lady."

Wang Yin was very surprised: "I didn't expect you to be a princess."

Jing Xiaoxiao raised his head proudly: "It is necessary that my grandfather is the current Jingkun patriarch, and I am the grandson of my grandfather's direct line, of course I am the princess."

The golden light dolphin who was blown away was not angry and ran to the front to lead the way.

"Little princess, come here, and the empress is waiting for you over there."

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