The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 40 Escape From The Giant Mouth

After listening to the words of the giant octopus, Wang Yin wanted to cry but had no tears. Didn't everyone say that Blue Star can't accommodate the power of rank eight? Why do you all have a way to stay in Blue Star?

Breaking through the ninth rank is the life of a star fairy, Blue Star Mother, why don't you let them go, why keep scaring them.

The reason why the fish queen old hag stayed behind was that her clan had an ancient formation, and you, a wild octopus demon without an ancient formation, said that he had an innate natal mucus protection.

They are all catching Blue Star's loopholes. Since there are loopholes that can be left behind, let's not talk about whether the eighth-rank master can leave Blue Star behind.

After the octopus finished talking about its own situation, it looked at Wang Yin eagerly, waiting for Wang Yin to tell it the secret of Wang Yin's ability to change form.

Wang Yin was trapped in the giant net of slime, and struggled many times to no avail. It was impossible to count on anyone from Qinglong Mountain to rescue him. As for the octopus with eight claws, the world's eighth turn and powerful Tianwei, Blue Star was already invincible.

The speed I rely on is useless when it is blocked by its natal mucus, and now I can only rely on myself to fool it.

"Senior, this is how our King Fly Clan can transform in advance. We don't cultivate and evolve by absorbing the essence of the world, the sun, and the moon like our predecessors. We rely on our natal innate ability to devour and evolve. With the current size of our predecessors, I am afraid that blue Xing can't find a devouring object that can satisfy the needs of seniors."

After speaking, Wang Yin Balabala dictated his revised and deleted devouring evolution skills to the giant octopus. The giant octopus was stunned for 30 seconds after listening to it, before asking cautiously.

"So before you stayed in those small places in Tupeng Bay for a few months, was it to devour their original evolution?"

Wang Yin nodded his head frantically: "Yes, senior really knows the details."

The eight-clawed octopus saw that this method was useless to him. The main reason was that his body was too huge, and he couldn't find someone to devour if he wanted to use it. Transformation and totalization cannot come.

Other monster races can transform as long as they reach the eighth rank. It doesn't know whether it is because of the large size of the body or the restriction of heaven, but it can't transform, and because it has not reached the rank nine star immortal life, it dare not leave the blue star without authorization.

Excited at the moment, the eight giant tentacles began to turn red and angry, and the manic storm vortex that was breathed out began to sweep everything over the ocean with a radius of 10,000 meters.

Wang Yin was terrified when he saw it, don’t swallow yourself in one gulp, this kind of rank eight can really get angry, so you don’t care if you have a backer, your backer is as powerful as it is, at worst, everyone will beat you hard The field frame is, anyway, it has lived enough.

It's just that if the transformation has hope, it still doesn't want to provoke its colleagues with backers. After all, it's also annoying to always come to harass it.

Wang Yin hurriedly shouted: "Hey senior, don't worry, it's not impossible, you can listen to me first."

The octopus heard that Wang Yin still had something to do, and finally became a little quieter.

Two mountain-like giant eyes looked at Wang Yin: "Say it quickly, don't moan, or our family will swallow you."

Beads of sweat rolled down Wang Yin's forehead, and he could deeply feel that the words of the giant octopus with octopus were true, and there was deep malice towards him in it.

"It's such a senior. Senior, your purpose is to transform, right? If you can't transform, you will only be trapped in this ocean forever, right?"

The octopus with eight claws was indignant. Anyone who worked hard to reach the peak of the eighth rank would be very upset if he couldn't get there even with a huge body on his back.

"Yes... Now that you know our family's plight, what can you do to tell me quickly."

Wang Yin tentatively replied: "Have you ever considered giving up your current cultivation, senior? If you are willing to give up this cultivation and evolve from scratch, you don't need to start from the weakest cultivation. You can evolve from the world of mortals." It will take shape soon."

"The fact that our people can quickly transform into form is based on this natal evolution method, and the accumulated life energy is sufficient to transform in advance."

The eyes of the huge octopus with octopus lit up after hearing this, and it fell into silent thinking. Wang Yin didn't force it. This kind of courage is like cultivating immortals. Anyone can do it.

After a while, the octopus finally responded and asked Wang Yin in a gentle tone.

"Monster clan boy, we ask you, how long does it take for your family to evolve from the first rank of the world of mortals to the eighth rank."

Wang Yin was secretly delighted that it looked interesting, and his tone was not so aggressive.

Immediately introduced in a soft and sincere manner: "Senior, how long it will take to evolve to the eighth rank of the world of mortals, the junior can't guarantee it, the junior can only tell you the real situation in my clan, you can judge for yourself, several seniors in my clan have evolved to the world of mortals Eight revolutions, it only takes a few years before and after."

Let's make him feel at ease first, not to mention the Qinglong Mountain mother flies a few thousand-meter giant pythons, and the Qinglong Mountain demon spirit has only been around for a few years.

The eight-clawed octopus was overjoyed, let alone a few years or hundreds of years, it could accept it, but it took tens of thousands of years to evolve to the current rank eight of the world of mortals.

Although the wisdom in the early stage is not developed, it is not considered drowsy, and the wisdom in the later stage is not much faster, it is all accumulated over the years.

After making up his mind, Ai Ai, the octopus, loosened the mucus wrapped around Wang Yin's body, and asked cautiously.

"The monster boy, little brother, I'm sorry just now. Our family still has a problem, that is, the evolution method you just mentioned is not suitable for our family.

It's female. Is there a female evolutionary way in your family? "

Being let go of her body, Wang Yin finally relaxed. Today's test has finally passed, and she is determined to improve her brain response first, at least to catch up with her spiritual consciousness before she can fully use her speed.

I can't make this kind of low-level mistake again. My spiritual sense didn't have time to react when I found out the danger, and the speed has already hit me. It's a fool.

Hearing that the octopus asked again, it was stretching its muscles and bones to clean up the liquid on its body. Wang Yin was stunned for a moment, and looked at the huge octopus strangely.

The octopus with eight claws was a little embarrassed by Wang Yin's inexplicable eyes, and its eight huge tentacles danced without wind.

Wang Yin didn't dare to ask random questions, he finally succeeded in fooling him, but he can't let him turn his face again, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Immediately replied solemnly: "Senior, you don't have to be polite to call me King Fly. Naturally, there are female evolution techniques in my clan. In my clan, females make up the majority and males the minority."

The giant octopus with eight claws finally relaxed and continued to ask: "Brother Wang Ying, can you teach our family? Tell me what conditions are required. As long as our family can do it, we will agree to Brother Wang Ying."

"By the way, don't call us senior, our name is Zhang Miaomiao, you can just call us Miaomiao."

Wang Yin took a strange look at the octopus with eight claws. The name Zhang Miaomiao has a lot of water. No wonder there is so much mucus. Then he asked Zhang Miaomiao in a low voice with a chill.

"Okay, this junior will call you Senior Miaomiao. Senior Miaomiao, is this natal slime that you bring with you?"

People are old and spirited, and Zhang Miaomiao knows what Wang Yin means when he hears it, so he is embarrassed to reply.

"Brother Wang Fly, don't worry, these natal mucus are the protective layer of our body. Looking at the slime, it looks disgusting, but it is actually very clean. It is still a great tonic for some monsters with weak blood and blood. Eating it can quickly It increases Qi and blood."

"Brother King Fly, do you want to try it? Our family will provide you with the highest quality high-grade slime."

Wang Yin said he couldn't stand it: "Thank you, senior Miaomiao, the juniors don't need it."

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