The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 41 Alien Octopus Girl

Zhang Miaomiao was a little sorry to hear that Wang Yin didn't need her slime. She couldn't ask for evolutionary exercises for nothing. It would be great if she could exchange it with her own slime. She had as much of this thing as she wanted.

Seeing that Wang Yin didn't mention the exercises, he eagerly asked: "Brother Wang Ying, can you teach our nobles the devouring evolution technique now?"

Wang Yin shook his head: "Don't worry, Senior Miaomiao. The female phagocytosis evolution technique can only be found in the younger generation Qinglong Mountain King Fly Clan. The female seniors in the younger generation can do it. The younger generation is male and does not practice it."

"If the senior is at ease with the junior, he can return to the world of mortals with his loose cultivation base, and return to the junior clan with the junior. The junior will definitely arrange for the transformed female in the clan to teach the senior."

"Senior, don't worry, this junior is the young master of the clan who promises everything. No one in the clan will object to what this junior arranges."

Zhang Miaomiao is still hesitant. This kind of return to the world of mortals is too risky for the little monster to rebuild. She doesn't know if what the monster boy said before her is trustworthy. .

But the opportunity to transform after waiting for thousands of years is in front of her eyes, and she will never give up. This blue star thief God is against her. At the peak of the eighth turn of the realm, he couldn't change his form and dared not leave Blue Star.

But even if she dares to leave Blue Star, she can't leave. She needs too much moisture without transforming her body.

Wang Yin wasn't in a hurry and didn't dare to run away immediately, the old monster's spiritual consciousness covered him, something strange guaranteed to restrain him immediately, and he would no longer trust that he would have no place to cry when the time came.

Knowing what Zhang Miaomiao was worried about, Wang Yin continued to make up nonsense: "Senior Miaomiao, don't worry, even if the senior's cultivation base drops to the world of mortals, the junior will not be able to hurt the senior. Using human practice as a reference, the junior can only practice the ninth level of qi. .”

Zhang Miaomiao's huge eyeballs spit out a drop of natal blood, floating not far from Wang Yin and said to Wang Yin.

"Brother Wang Ying, it's not that our family doesn't believe in you, it's just that it's too risky for our family to disperse and practice, so let's all give each other a drop of our own life essence and blood, and make an oath to form an alliance. It's all safer."

Wang Yin had a headache. This octopus is very cautious. If she doesn't agree to her request, it seems that the situation will not be broken today.

Immediately spit out a drop of the blood of the blowfly's life, anyway, he is the soul of the human race, the blood of the blowfly's life has little effect on his soul, at most, he will return to the human body in the future, just give up this blowfly demon body.

Besides, this is a means of restraining each other. As long as he does not threaten Zhang Miaomiao's soul, Zhang Miaomiao will not threaten himself. Similarly, Zhang Miaomiao dare not threaten himself at will.

Zhang Miaomiao saw that Wang Yin agreed to accept her natal essence blood, and gave her a drop of natal essence blood for her to accept with great joy.

The two sides then made a heavenly oath to never harm each other. After the oath was completed, Zhang Miaomiao began to control her body to disperse her huge cultivation.

Just like an inflated balloon is pierced with a hole to leak air, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth overflows, forming a tornado that sweeps across the ocean, stirring up the clouds in the sky, and a colorful and beautiful sky emerges. The vision of heaven and earth.

A hundred nautical miles away, an ocean-going freighter is sailing across the ocean at high speed. The captain stands on the top of the freighter and holds a high-powered special telescope, carefully observing the dark sky with lightning dancing in the distance, and judging whether a storm is coming.

Suddenly, the dark clouds and lightning quickly dissipated in the telescope, revealing a colorful glow all over the sky. In the glow, eight giant pillars with tentacles piercing the sky and earth swayed and waved, shocking and dazzling at the same time.

"Oh Maigao is the eight sea gods, it is the eight sea gods."

The captain's lips trembled and his whole body was sore and limp. He had heard the legend of the eight sea gods for a long time, but he really saw them today.

With trembling mind, the telescope fell to the ground, bent down and knelt down to pray piously towards the eight giant pillars with tentacles that pierced the sky and earth.

The captain's abnormality alarmed countless crew members and sailors behind him, and all of them followed the captain and knelt down and prayed devoutly.

Someone who didn't believe it quietly took out his binoculars and looked at the distant world. Then his face was pale and his forehead was wet with cold sweat, and he hurriedly put down the binoculars and touched his forehead to the ground to confess.

I pray that Lord Poseidon forgives their unintentional peeping, and bless their long-distance freighter with safety forever.

On the same day, the rumor that Blue Star Max Ocean saw eight sea gods spread wildly in the Blue Star Internet world. Of course, this is only the statement of the younger sister country. A huge nameless sea monster appeared.

Some people didn't believe this news, they only regarded it as a rumor, but those humans who have personally come into contact with the monsters of Qinglong Mountain in the Dragon Kingdom, all deeply believe that this is not a rumor. Just found out.

In front of Wang Yin, Zhang Miaomiao looked at Zhang Miaomiao, who had lost his huge cultivation base and fell to the world of mortals. The terrifying tentacles that were once thousands of meters long are now only about ten meters long, and the once huge head is now only about three meters long.

In order to be able to coordinate with Wang Yin's body size, Zhang Miaomiao used simulacrum to suppress herself with all her strength. Otherwise, for a monster whose strength has changed in the world of mortals, she would be at least tens of meters long.

This is a pink octopus with a layer of strange mucus on its body. Wang Yin has never seen an octopus in the human world, at least Wang Yin has never seen such a pink octopus covered in strange mucus in human society.

Looking at the countless ecstatic fish, dolphins, killer whales, sharks and other sea animals in the ocean, Wang Yin looked at Zhang Miaomiao and smiled.

"Senior, the aura of cultivation that you dissipated has benefited thousands of living beings, and this transformation will definitely succeed immediately."

Zhang Miaomiao said with emotion: "Actually, for our family, as long as there is a change of form and hope to disperse, it's no big deal. Our family has long been tired of lurking here for tens of thousands of years."

Stepping on the surface of the ocean to Wang Yin's side, Zhang Miaomiao sighed with a complicated expression as he watched the sea beasts churning around.

"Then why can't the predecessors transform into form? As long as the monster race enters the eighth rank of the world of mortals, isn't it easy to transform into form? Many of our clan have no barriers to transforming into form."

Zhang Miaomiao looked up at the sky: "It's not that your Blue Star Heavenly Dao engages in racial discrimination. Those who reach the eighth rank and easily transform into forms are all your Blue Star local demon clan. Our family is not a local demon clan. Judging from the memory of our family's blood inheritance , our family entered the life of the blue star after following a meteorite into the blue star in ancient times."

Startled, Wang Yin jumped to Zhang Miaomiao's side and looked Zhang Miaomiao up, down, left, and right.

"I didn't expect that senior is still an alien. Does senior still remember his hometown?"

Zhang Miaomiao rolled her eyes: "Our family has never stayed in the local area. We got the information from blood inheritance after we evolved into a monster race. We only know that the place is about one light-year away from Blue Star. If we want to go back, our family At least it is enough to advance to a five-star life."

Ding Ding: Zhang Miaomiao Wang Yin begged for comments on her flower collection, and quickly evolved back to her hometown.

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