The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 42: Changes In My Sister Country

Looking at an octopus a few meters tall, what it feels like to roll its eyes in a human way, anyway, people who don't cultivate demons can't understand it.

After the crisis was resolved, Wang Yin also helped Qinglong Mountain to receive a ten thousand-year octopus demon. Wang Yin was in a very happy mood.

After asking Zhang Miaomiao if he had nothing to pack, the two demons went hand in hand and flew towards the east.

According to Zhang Miaomiao, the sister country is 3,000 kilometers to the east. If you go to the sister country to have a look, you can fly back to the dragon country from the sister country.

On the way, Wang Yin tried to ask Zhang Miaomiao about the news of cultivating demons. After all, he was just a group of nouveau riche in Qinglong Mountain, who wanted everything from practicing exercises to treasures from heaven and earth.

"Senior, don't you really have nothing to take care of? Didn't you say that your Great Demon Cave has a lot of natural treasures and spiritual treasures, the worst thing is that there are always storage rings, storage bags and so on, so you are willing to lose them all."

Zhang Miaomiao looked at him like an idiot: "Brother Wang Fei, do you read too many novels? The things you said are all written in novels. In reality, our demon race doesn't have those things. They all rely on instinct to suck the essence of the world. grown up over time.”

At the same time, he also persuaded Wang Yin earnestly: "Brother Wang Ying, our family sees that your talent is very good, don't fantasize about those unnecessary things, and evolve well is the real thing."

"I've been bored for thousands of years. I've played everything humans like, but I've never found the things you mentioned."

"I can speak the languages ​​of all 360 countries in Blue Star, and I have read all the literary novels. My family also went to the Baboon University in my sister country for further study. After graduation, I have a Baboon University tutor certificate."

After finishing speaking, he proudly spit out hundreds of certificates, ranging from teachers and professors to scientists, and the certificates of the chairman of the legal person of the group company.

Wang Yin almost fell from the sky in a somersault, wiped the embarrassing sweat from his forehead, and looked at Zhang Miaomiao silly, my God, this is still a shopping mall boss, a baboon top student, no, he is already a professor tutor of a top student.

No wonder if you ask yourself if you have any exercises, you are directly asking if there are any female cultivation exercises, not whether there are any female evolution exercises. People have directly regarded themselves as human, and have never regarded themselves as female octopuses. Treat people as female creatures.

He quickly boasted: "Senior, you are really powerful, but you are so big and can't transform, how did you enter human society?"

Zhang Miaomiao patted his forehead with his tentacles: "Our family found out that you have been cheated by you. You don't have any family. You don't even understand the common sense of demon cultivators. As long as demon cultivators reach the world of mortals, the consciousness of demon souls can be possessed and controlled." of the lower beings,"

"Our family has the power of seven ranks thousands of years ago. It is easy to learn to separate the demon soul to control human life, but only part of the demon soul can not be completely possessed. Otherwise, our family will directly and completely possess human life. Don't forget about the complete transformation, don't you know that since you belong to the demon cultivator family?"

Fuck, it's so embarrassing to be exposed, Wang Yin blushes in embarrassment but doesn't panic, he knows that demon spirits can possess people, just like the reason why he cast charm.

It's just that they haven't formed common sense about the new monsters in Qinglong Mountain, and now that the big octopus has only one turn of strength left, he is not afraid of being exposed, not to mention that there are blood essences of life to restrain each other.

Quickly stopped the flying figure and said to Zhang Miaomiao in a serious manner: "Senior, my Qinglong Mountain Monster Clan is indeed not an ancient family, but it has flourished and evolved very fast. I said before that the elders of the family really deceived the seniors. In fact, Qinglong Mountain is now the king who has the final say. .”

Zhang Miaomiao chuckled and looked at Wang Yin: "Now I'm calling you my king, stop pretending."

"So you kid really think that we can deceive our family by making up a family lie? After all, our family has lived for tens of thousands of years and hasn't seen anything."

"The reason why our family is willing to give up cultivation is because we have heard about the deeds of your Qinglong Mountain monsters. Even the most difficult to appear vegetation, mud and stone monsters have appeared under your influence, including a large piece of ding ding produced by your Qinglong Mountain. Big Mouth Monster, our family knows all about the changes caused by monsters and humans rushing into the sister country, so our family believes that the swallowing and transforming technique you mentioned really exists, so we decided to give up cultivation."

"If our family really believes that there are a group of backstage ancestors behind you, will our family give up cultivation at will? That's not an act of a fool looking for death."

Wang Yin didn't fly and sat on the ocean floor.

"I said that seniors don't take you to attack people like this. Really, Dayang is full of deep malice towards this king. I have made me an idiot a few times when I came to Dayang. So senior, you blocked the way on purpose. I know that this king came from Qinglong Mountain."

Seeing Wang Yin like this, Zhang Miaomiao used the common language of the demon clan, and let out a low magnetic female voice, laughing out of joy.

"You said that our family is sleeping on the bottom of the sea, and the two little fishes of the mermaid family passed from our head to the human continent. In the end, only the female came back with your kid. Our spiritual sense followed the smell of your coming, so we naturally know You are from Qinglong Mountain."

Wang Yin looked up speechless and sighed, the ocean is full of dangers, you pass from above and below, there are a pair of terrifying eyes staring at you, it's so frightening, if you are always scared all day, will the king shrivel.

This Zhang Miaomiao is like an old hag like the queen of the fish. Sure enough, in front of these old bastards who have lived for thousands of years, he is simply a handful of young leeks that taste old.

At this time, a group of sixgill blue sharks exuding strong demonic power just passed by, Wang Yin rushed over with a sea bian in depression, imprisoned these sharks with demonic power, and devoured them regardless.

It seems that the king is still very powerful, regaining his confidence and glowing red, Wang Yin returned to Zhang Miaomiao, proudly raised his head, posing as a demon king, and waved: "Let's go."

Zhang Miaomiao watched Wang Yin's performance with amused expression, and asked, "This is the devouring evolution technique you mentioned. It's really special. Can any race be a resource?"

Wang Yin looked up at the sky and answered inscrutablely: "Of course not. Any race can be used before entering the stream. After reaching the Qi training stage, only highly intelligent humans will work best with high-level demon races with demonic aura. If you are not so angry , the low-level primordial fluid king of these little monsters still doesn’t like it.”

Oh so? Zhang Miaomiao waved her tentacles to express her understanding.

Then he looked at Wang Yin meaningfully: "Then do you want to devour our family's innate essence liquid, my family is also a high-level monster clan, and we were once a rank eight monster."

Wang Yin shuddered: "Forget it, thank you senior for your kindness, this king will not take advantage of senior anymore."

The king of the Yaoshou tentacle department hasn't gotten used to it yet, so he vibrates his wings and runs away without a trace.

Zhang Miaomiao's eight tentacles hugged her belly and laughed. She was very happy to see this kid eating all the way. She also found it very interesting to see what this kid was thinking. Many humans are afraid of tentacles. Wang was also afraid.

Wrapping a tentacle into the back of the head like a human arm, his eyes showed a thoughtful expression. Could it be because the Qinglong Mountain Demon King has lived in the human world for too long.

Wang Yin didn't know that his unintentional behavior made a ten thousand-year-old monster start to doubt his identity as a monster, and he flew over the sister country in a few breaths.

He wasn't worried that Zhang Miaomiao couldn't find his way. Ever since he knew that the old monster was an old octopus, he wanted to stay away from Zhang Miaomiao, so as not to be accidentally caught by this old octopus again.

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