The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 46: The Tiger Demon Comes Out Of The Mountain

The king of the gods roared at the Grand Canyon, a five-meter-long colorful giant cautiously stepped out of the entrance of the canyon, wrinkled its nose nervously breathing the breath of the forest outside the canyon.

A moment later, he took a few big steps cautiously, and then stood there blankly looking up at the sky for more than ten minutes.

After going back and forth several times in this way, he finally moved to the forest outside the canyon.

Looking at the primeval forest after an unknown number of years, the giant tiger could no longer hold back the wildness of the king of the forest in his blood, and roared deafeningly, swearing that the king would return.

"Ang...Ang Woo...Ho...."

With this roar, the forest was full of fishy winds, and the strong smell and pressure of the tiger monster swept the entire forest. For a while, the forest was flying like dogs and dogs, and all kinds of frightened animals ran around, and the rattling and screaming of macaques resounded through the forest .

The colorful giant tiger was finally sure that he could enter the forest of the outside world. He was so excited that he rolled and jumped all over the ground like a puppy, roaring and jumping. He lay humanly on the grass in the forest, feeling the smell of the mountains and forests affectionately.

"Haha...hahaha...My Huba is finally free, hahaha, people, wait for your king to taste it."

"Two hundred years... For two hundred years, our husband and wife can only stay in this broken canyon and cannot move, gnawing on tree roots and grass every day to vomit."


Huba laughs, jumps, cries and makes noise, rolling and roaring wantonly in the mountains and forests, is it easy?

It is a carnivorous king, but it was confined to the canyon to eat vegetarian food for two hundred years. Does anyone know the pain? It seemed to think of something and stopped suddenly while jumping happily.

"That's right, my wife, go back and tell my wife that we can finally get out of the canyon, ang woo... ho ho ho ho..."

"God kings and people, hurry up and wash your necks to welcome the arrival of your king. I haven't tasted meat in two hundred years. I'm going to have a big meal today, wow ha ha... ho ho ho ho..."

Turning around and running towards the Tiger Roaring Grand Canyon, it wants to tell his wife the great news as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the children born in the canyon didn't survive to the present, and they couldn't see their kingly demeanor roaring proudly in the mountains and forests again.

This is a king of the mountain forest who became a demon in the early years. He and another tigress started spiritual evolution by chance. Because he consumed too much blood and food in the mountain forest, his demon power grew too fast.

In the souls of the two tiger demons, it feels that as long as they walk out of the mountain forest, a catastrophe will be imminent, and the souls will be wiped out.

In the end, even the mountains and forests did not feel safe, and they were forced to retreat step by step into the Tiger Roaring Canyon.

This is also the reason for the name of the Tiger Roaring Grand Canyon. After being forced to retreat to the Tiger Roaring Grand Canyon, the two tiger monsters were irritable and depressed all day long, and often roared in the canyon.

Living near Shenwangjia all the year round, people who went to the mountain to collect herbs heard about it for a long time, and then spread the rumor of the Tiger Roaring Grand Canyon. According to the rumor, this is the place where the tiger king lives in Shenwangjia, a living dragon pool and tiger den, the most mysterious and dangerous place in Shenwangjia , strangers avoid.

Perhaps it is one of the measures taken by Bluestar Heavenly Way to protect the outstanding people of the monster clan. If the tiger monsters do not listen to the warning and walk out of the Tiger Roaring Canyon, human society will be discovered, and the Blue Star humans will rule and avoid the heavenly way. Under the trend, the two tiger monsters may have died long ago up.

Staying in the Tiger Roaring Grand Canyon in a well-behaved manner, avoiding the stranger under the mysterious aura of the king of the gods, on the contrary, he has survived two hundred years and lived to the present, but the two hundred years have been very difficult.

The tiger demon is a carnivorous animal that became a demon. After returning to the canyon, all the creatures in the canyon that could escape escaped, and those who could not escape were hunted down by the tiger demon couple.

In the end, when no food could be found, the two tigers turned into demons and turned on the intelligent tiger. Finally, they resisted their instincts and changed to learning from human planting. They survived by eating edible plants such as flowers, fruits and wild vegetables in the canyon.

These flowers, fruits, wild vegetables and plants are innumerable, and they are inexhaustible. It is the most beautiful paradise to switch to a vegetarian or omnivorous life.

But it’s hell for the two blood-eating tiger monsters. Nima, we eat meat and eat meat. You actually let us grow vegetables and be vegetarians. The heart of the two tiger monsters is very tired.

In two hundred years, the two tiger demons also gave birth to offspring and walked out of the canyon, but they couldn't develop their spiritual intelligence and became demons. In the end, they had to go back to the canyon and die in front of their husband and wife.

Half a day later, the other end was also about five meters long. Led by Huba, the colorful female giant tiger walked out of the canyon gracefully and cautiously. She held her head up and smelled the moist and familiar fragrance of the virgin forest outside the canyon, feeling that there was no such thing in the soul. Terrified by the danger, the demon happily opened its huge tiger's mouth, and let out a roar of thunder and ecstasy to cater to the bully.

Its husband did not lie to it, they can really return to the mountains, "Aww......"

The two tigers ran quickly in the forest, demarcating their own tiger king's territory, and soon came to the edge of the forest.

Huba: "My wife... you said why didn't Heaven suddenly restrict us to come out? Is it because our strength is so high that Heaven has no way to restrict it: "Wow haha... woo hoo hoo hoo hoo... . "

Huba's wife Hu Chunhua answered gracefully: "I don't know what's going on, but we should be careful. Two hundred years ago, the fire-breathing weapons of humans outside the mountains could hurt us. After two hundred years, the outside world that we have never touched is even more dangerous. Know how deep the danger is."

Huba hopes to become the overlord of the tigers. After enlightening his wisdom, he named himself Huba. Huchunhua loves the beautiful flowers in the mountains and wilds in spring. He often sniffs them, so he named himself Huchunhua.

While running, the bushes in front suddenly swayed, and a few stray wild dogs emerged flexibly. From the canopy above the wild dogs' heads, a few wild macaques cheered excitedly: "Hohohoho...Wow, the wild tiger demon, the source of life is so pure and strong , so happy... Ho Ho Ho Ho...."

A few stray wild dogs: "Woof...don't snatch dead monkeys from your dogs... woof...these two tiger demons are so mellow. It will definitely be able to transform... woof woof.".

"Dare to snatch the dog's milk and kill you monkey bastards... woof woof."

The wild macaque on the tree bared its teeth and grinned: "Ho Ho Ho... The dead dog is gone... Monkey Master is about to transform... These two tiger monsters were first discovered by Monkey Masters... belonged to Monkey Masters. .. Ho Ho."

A wild peach blossom suddenly drilled out next to it, and a huge mouthful of juice squirmed on the trunk.

"Don't make any noise. These are two purebred wild tiger demons. They have extremely strong life energy. It's not like they can only be devoured once. Take them first and divide them slowly."

The tiger, tyrant, and tiger Chunhua couple were stunned. What did they hear? They actually heard a few monkeys, some wild dogs, and a wild peach blossom talking about dividing them up in front of them. Did they all become demons?

Are there a lot of monsters now? Why can’t their children become monsters? God, you are too biased. It’s really unreasonable.

But as the king of the mountains and forests, as the top king of the food chain who has been a monster for hundreds of years, the two tiger monsters will not let a bunch of miscellaneous people discuss unscrupulously in front of them, so what is the king's face and the tiger's face?

They showed their fangs and claws at the same time, raised their heads and let out a terrifying roar: "Wow..."

The black evil wind in the mountain forest raged violently, and in the evil wind, countless vicious, bloodthirsty ghosts rushed forward, killing wild macaque monsters and wild dog peach blossom monsters.

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