The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 47: Monsters Are Bigger Than Monsters

Wild macaques... stray wild dogs, the peach blossom demon saw countless evil ghosts rushing towards him in the black air billowing in the evil wind, and he calmly let out a disdainful laugh.

"In this day and age, there is still playing with the wind of demons, and the tricks of commanding puppets are outdated."

At the same time, he shouted: "Look at my macaque's scream charm", "Look at my dog's roar charm," "Look at my slave's peach blossom charm."

"Is it big or not? I will ask you two tigers if they are big or not. The demon tiger should not run away."

After the two tiger demons blew the evil wind, the evil spirits of the ghosts jumped up into the sky, and the tigers spread out from mid-air to hunt and kill. The murderous aura of the king of the forest filled the forest, freezing the demon's soul.

Tigers love to attack with one blow. In order to guarantee a one-shot kill, they follow closely behind their evil ghosts. Several slags who provoked them tore up and devoured.

They really believe in the effect of killing with one blow, as evidenced by the vicious ghosts in the evil wind and black air. Controlling ghosts is a natural magic skill of the tiger demon clan. All creatures hunted and eaten by them, the beast souls are bound in their bodies Inside, become accomplices and ghosts, seducing food for them.

But this time they miscalculated. When they culled a few little macaques under the tree, and next to the stray wild dog demon... the peach blossom demon, the demons suddenly became incomparably huge.

I saw a few dog demons baring their teeth, and several huge dog heads several times larger than their tiger demons opened their bloody mouths, trying to swallow them in one gulp.

The macaque, which is taller and stronger than the mountain peak, raised its head and roared. It slapped its chest and then pinched the tiger spring flower in its hand, throwing it around like a volleyball, having a great time.

The peach blossom demon in Huba's eyes also turned into a giant tree that pierced into the clouds, and countless trunks waved down, beating all the ghosts of their husband and wife into thin air. The sharp teeth entangled it tightly and couldn't move.

The two tiger demons were so frightened that their evil aura froze in an instant, and their souls flew away and fell to the ground, curled up and whining like puppies.

In reality, some macaque monsters, wandering wild dog demons, and peach blossom demons saw the two tiger demons curl up on the ground after being frightened by everyone's joint charm technique. Be strict.

It turns out that the vine that Huba saw really existed, but it didn't have sharp teeth. It was a companion vine that was attached to the Peach Blossom Demon for survival. It was hidden by the Peach Blossom Demon to fight against the Pit Demon, so the Peach Blossom Demon actually coexisted with two demons. .

A few macaque monkeys ran up and down in the bushes, looking into the distance and roaring: "Hoho... Hurry up, go, those hungry wolves heard the news and are coming... Hoho..."

The peach blossom demon and the wandering wild dog demon heard the words, quickly lifted up the two tiger demons and ran towards the distance together. They are weak, so I want the monster group in the alliance. Although they usually quarrel fiercely, they are very united when they meet their opponents.

In this primeval forest, it is better to avoid large groups of monsters like wolves, otherwise not only the two tiger monsters will be snatched away, but they will all be caught and devoured by the wolves.

The most abominable thing is that this group of evil wolves don't talk about demonic virtues. After catching the monsters on their recipes and devouring the source of life, they will be eaten by them as food.

Therefore, the complacency of some herbivores after becoming demons disappeared, because the natural enemies followed them to become demons.

Fate is fair, the food chain will always exist, and the sky will not spare anyone alone.

Hu Chunhua woke up leisurely, and saw the scene where he was heartbroken and eager to die.

A stray wild dog was pressing on its vigorous tiger body, mouth-to-mouth devouring something from its mouth. Behind the wild dog were a few monstrous monkeys, urging the wild dog to hurry up and take their turn.

Not far away, Huba was holding a wild peach blossom and screaming strangely, one two three four, two two three four, three two three four, one more time.

There is also a dog demon next to it, and the monkey demon urged the wild peach blossom tree: "Hurry up, hurry up, rotten peach blossoms, it is agreed that everyone will share equally, and you can't eat alone."

Wild Peach Blossom Tree: "What's the rush? I can't wait. I don't have my mother's all things peach blossom hallucinogen. If you catch a tiger demon, you won't cooperate with you to devour it. You must know how to be grateful."

Hu Chunhua fell headlong to the ground, they were bullied by dogs in Pingyang, and there are no tigers and monkeys to dominate the mountains.

Two days later... Hu Chunhua woke up from grief again, and looked up to see Huba who was full of flattery, circling around a stray wild dog: "Master Dog, teach me the devouring evolution technique!" , and Roaring Charm...Little Huzi worships you as my teacher."

The stray dog ​​raised its head proudly: "It doesn't matter if I teach you the technique of devouring evolution. This is already a popular commodity in many monsters. For the sake of your wife, the dog does not hide his secrets."

"But the charm technique, you have to join me as weak, so I have to alliance the family. This is the sorcery that we have inherited from Qinglong Mountain, and it cannot be passed on casually."

Huba frantically clicked on the huge tiger's head, sticking out his tongue to lick the smooth fur of stray dogs.

"Join, little tiger, join now. In the future, you must respect the alliance and respect your order, Lord Dog. You tell little tiger to go east and never go west."

Hu Chunhua rolled her eyes and continued to faint, Huba, Huba, your tiger face, how can you please a dog, it's a stray dog, you have the ambition to be the king of tigers.

This is useless, my old lady wants to join me, so I want an alliance, plant a forest hat for you, and make you mad, scumbag.


The old Wangtou of Wangjiacun was holding two brand-new printed secret art books in his hands, and excitedly ran home to show off to his wife.

"Old woman, look what I got. The latest upgraded version of the Hundred-Turn Demon Smash Dafa, and the Hundred-Turn Smash Man Dafa, we can practice it. Do you like it?"

Mrs. Wang looked at her husband and roared angrily: "Damn ghost, do you have the nerve to practice it? I heard that this kind of exercise is specially created for the old king next door. Do you want to be the old king next door?"

The old Wangtou smiled: "How could it be that you are the woman I love the most in my heart, my old Wang will never let you down in my life."

Mrs. Wang is really good at coaxing her sweet words, and she doesn't know if this old thief has gone outside to steal.

"Do you really don't want to be the old king next door? Then why are you looking for this practice method? How do you practice it?"

The old Wangtou said excitedly: "Cultivate like this, don't be fooled by rumors and look at these two sets of exercises with strange eyes, these are two sets of very serious methods of swallowing monsters and devouring evolution, which are designed to attack those swallowing monsters such as flowers, trees, soil, etc. Weird."

"The practice of devouring the vitality of the heavens and the earth on these spirit monsters is very suitable for the needs of ordinary people like us."

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes: "It turns out that you have planned for a long time. Didn't you still have stone monsters? Why don't you fight stone monsters?"

The old Wangtou trembled in fright: "The stone monster is heavy and hard, so you can't hit it casually, otherwise you won't know what happened if you kill it."

Mrs. Wang said with a dark face: "I don't care if I want to practice, but I will punish you to fight a hundred stone monsters, and tell you to find your son to push back. You are very active in evolution and cultivation."

The old Wangtou sighed: "Do you think that I, the old Wangtou, don't want to find my son? I trampled on the threshold of the chief police chief's house when I entrusted him everywhere. It's not that there is no news about that brat."

He hugged his old woman and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, the day has changed, maybe that stinky boy has some chance to make a fortune, and if there is an accident, we can't control his fate."

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