The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 48: Island Demon Sister Crying

Wang Yin doesn't know what's going on in the corners of the blue star, he's playing in Apple Mountain now and forgets to eat and sleep.

The appearance or absence of those wild little monsters has little effect on him. He just wondered why Blue Star has the fish queen old witch, Zhang Miaomiao, and Whale Kun, so why humans don’t know about the existence of these big monsters.

I also wonder how these big demons are so honest, they all hide in their lairs and stay still.

Now he knows from Zhang Miaomiao that the modern age is the end of the Dharma and it is difficult to evolve, so Lanxing Tiandao chose the human way, making human beings the spirit of all things.

The sequelae are these monster races. As long as their strength breaks through the world of mortals, they will be warned by the heavens in the soul, and the human world cannot appear.

The stronger the monster's strength, the more obvious the warning. Some people who don't listen to the advice will be struck by lightning and die before human society appears, or they will be killed by various accidents inexplicably. die.

When monsters in the sea encounter a human cruise ship passing by, they will be killed by the turbine inexplicably, and they will be given a name to survive the catastrophe.

After successfully crossing the catastrophe, the heavens can't do anything with you as a monster, well, congratulations on your freedom to ascend to other worlds.

If you fail to cross the catastrophe, you will be wiped out in ashes and smoke, and your soul will be scattered. If you dare to disobey the order of heaven, you will not be beaten.

Is Dao Dao the will of Blue Star that day? I’m sorry, it’s not. Blue Star is just a living planet under the jurisdiction of Dao Dao, and Dao Dao is the collective name for the collection of Blue Star’s countless time and space and evolutionary will.

So Zhang Miaomiao wondered what was wrong with the current Dao of Heaven, is it because humans are no longer in power and monsters are in power?

It's not right, human beings are still living in full swing, and every monster has no thought of harming human life at all. If there is a thought of harming human life, there will also be a warning in the dark.

If it is not the monsters in power, why can the monsters appear in the human world openly and set off an upsurge in human pursuit of evolution.

When they heard the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom, they joined hands with the high-level leaders of the Blue Star countries to announce that human beings will join the demon clan, and the sky demons will be collectively referred to as the queen of ten thousand demons.

Zhang Miaomiao understood, the way of heaven is still the same, the way of humanity has not been replaced, and the way of monsters is allowed to flourish, because this is a new era of the way of unifying all things.

The way of monsters can appear openly in the world and the way of heaven does not interfere, because the way of monsters also belongs to the way of all things.

Humanity has become a demon, and it is still the representative of the heaven, but also the representative of the demon, the representative of the way of all things, and continues to be on top of all evolutionary paths.

The island demon spirit of the younger sister country finally condensed the true spirit demon body. After the real spirit demon body was sharply reduced and solidified by Daokeng Zhenmei, she crawled at Wang Yin's feet and tried her best to please and serve Wang Yin, trying to get more devouring skills from Wang Yin.

What Daokeng Zhenmei didn't know was that there was still a pair of sharp eyes looking at her in the endless void of Longguo.

After serving Wang Yin and arranging Wang Yin's daily necessities, Daokeng Zhenmei regained her gigantic real spirit body again and lay back on the island to rest.

She hadn't reached the realm of spirit island unity yet, and she didn't really appear in the form of a demon body. The real spirit body was just an illusory and intangible spirit body. After shrinking sharply and condensing into a human-sized body, she barely felt a little bit of physical body solidification.

As soon as he lay down on the island, there was a tsunami dragon sound that broke the sky and shattered the sky in the distance.

"Hum...Little Chongchong, little sister, Xiao Chongchong, Master Long finally caught you, Hum..."

Daokeng Zhenmei stood up in shock: "Who?"

There was a deafening dragon roar in the distant space: "Of course it's me, your dragon master hahaha...hahaha."

Feeling the coercion of heaven and earth coming from the distant space, Daokeng Zhenmei stiffly turned her body of the true spirit and looked towards the distant space, only to see a giant line in the distant space that was thick and long. The dragon hovers in it.

I do not know how many miles around the dragon, Tianwei Longtong is staring at her intently.

Daokeng Zhenmei was so frightened that her cherry lips trembled and asked cowardly: "Senior, you... hello, are you the spirit of the Dragon Kingdom?"

Hearing the words, the giant dragon lightly raised its majestic dragon head, and responded with a dragon cry that shook the sky.


Immediately, the dragon head looked down at the island pit Zhenmei: "Little Chongchong Lord Dragon is not a lowly demon spirit like you, Lord Dragon is the real dragon god condensed by the beliefs of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, the spirit of the mist on the earth is just the food of Lord Dragon. "

"Do you know what the first thing Long Ye wants to do after waking up?"

Daokeng Zhenmei turned pale with fright, and hurriedly bent down to say hello.

"Hai, hello God of the Dragon Kingdom, little demon is ignorant, I don't know what you want to do."

"Hahaha, you don't dare you not know."

The giant dragon was so huge that it didn't know how many miles it was, and its body suddenly rolled over, and the explosive wind, roar and thunder resounded across the universe.

"Then Master Long will tell you this little bugger, what Master Long wants to do, Master Long will beat you up on behalf of all the bloody creatures on his body."

After finishing speaking, the giant dragon raised its huge tail, which was an unknown number of miles long, and whirled towards the beautiful and real spirit demon body of the island pit. In the spiritual body space invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people in Blue Star, a doomsday energy storm exploded like the world collapsed. The sound of destruction caused by the dragon's tail sweeping across the void.

I saw a super tornado of more than 20 magnitudes appear out of thin air over the ocean of the Dragon Country and the Sister Country in the real space, and it swept towards the mainland of the Sister Country with the momentum of destroying the world.

Daokeng is so beautiful that she turns pale with shock. If she is drawn, the island of the sister country will be destroyed immediately.

This giant dragon is too huge, so huge that even a slight sweep of its tail can make her annihilated in ashes.

"God, save me...God, save me, God."

The collapsed and desperate Daokeng is so beautiful, she calls out to Wang Yin who lives on her apple mountain, and expects Wang Yin to help her and protect her through this catastrophe.

Standing on the top of Apple Mountain, Wang Yin watched indifferently and did not intend to intervene. This is one of the wishes of a hot-blooded man in the Dragon Kingdom.

Don't think that if you arrange beauties from all over the world to serve me, I will help you. I am a scumbag, do you understand? If you don't know how to look it up in the dictionary, a scumbag will not be defeated by sugar-coated bullets, or by a confidante. Well, I want to save you.

From the time when the dragon woke up and had a conversation with Daokeng Zhenmei, and then the tail of the dragon swept across the sky, he saw it all. Apart from being surprised that the dragon in the Dragon Country woke up so quickly, there was no disturbance in his heart.

Seeing that Wang Yin was indifferent to her call, Dao Keng was so angry that she gritted her teeth. This is a ruthless scumbag. As the will of a woman who is a demon spirit in a country, she understands the meaning of a scumbag better than anyone else.

In the crisis, no longer caring about the image of being a demon spirit of a country, the real spirit demon body hula turned around and crawled on the island itself, rising the most fat and anti-beating part of its body to meet the whipping of the dragon's tail.


In the earth-shattering explosion of void space, the tail of the giant dragon slammed into Zhenmei's most fat and resistant position in the island pit, and the resulting storm of destructive energy swept across the blue star world, and the atmosphere was churning and the ocean was surging with huge waves.

All the monsters that can see the real spirit space, human beings are dumbfounded at this moment, and there are countless things in their hearts.

Daokeng Zhenmei, as the younger sister of the country island demon, although her standing height is extremely small in front of the dragon, she is still very tall in the eyes of ordinary people.

Such a huge real spirit monster crawling on the main body island, using the most fat and anti-beating part of the whole body to withstand the powerful scene of the giant dragon, countless human monsters and ghosts will never forget it.

Seeing the beauty of the island pit, the giant dragon bends down to be beaten honestly, the dignity of Gao Jie's dragon soul dictates that it is not good to beat the real spirit demon body of this weak island, so as not to hurt the lives of innocent ordinary people and monsters.

Put away part of the destructive power and use the front grab instead, and hit Daokeng Zhenmei's face with a slap, you are a woman who can't control the caterpillars on her body, Master Long will slap you to death.

On this day, all the blue star creatures heard Daokeng Zhenmei crying bitterly.

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