The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 49: My Sister And The People Of The Country Are Panicked

The history of the Blue Star Demon has been recorded for an unknown number of years, and the details of the history are too long to be verified. The Dragon God of the Dragon Kingdom beat up his younger sister, the Demon Spirit, so hard that her ass burst into tears and she cried so hard that her heart was broken.

As a result, because the residents of the younger sister country, the demon spirit, have been sucking the essence of the culture of the Dragon Kingdom for a long time, Zhenmei Daokeng was beaten by the Dragon God Yitong of the Dragon Kingdom and then integrated into all cultures. Spirit demon body.

It is said that the island pit is really beautiful and the real spirit is crawling on the island body, devoutly accepting the trial from the giant claws of the dragon god, and was dizzy by being slapped and slapped by the huge dragon claws. The light spots of Confucian and Taoist culture were spread out by the dragon god's giant claws, and merged into her true spirit and demon soul.

Amidst the thunder, the dragon god finished his last lash with his claws, and he retracted his giant claws in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a volcano erupted at the core of the beautiful demon soul in the island pit, bursting out an energy storm that dazzled the universe, and the entire spiritual body collapsed and dissipated to merge into the huge island body below.

Dragon God's eyes suddenly widened, and he innocently looked at all the humans and monsters watching this scene.

The giant claws of the booth let out a thunderous sound: "You all saw that Master Long didn't blow her up. She did it herself. Don't blame Master Long for it."

"The one Master Long really wanted to kill was the bird who started pointing fingers before he woke up."

All the humans and monsters who saw this scene fainted collectively. Yes, we didn't see you beat the monster.

On the main body of the island, the beautiful island began to rumble and tremble, and the green mist sprayed from the ground of the island, the sewers, subway stations and other underground exits in the city.

Thin, forming a thick fog covering the entire island.

In the hazy mist, the body of the island distorts and changes, moving mountains and seas, and a female giant composed of islands piercing the starry sky slowly stands up from the ocean.

I saw this giantess, who looked enchanting, plump and beautiful from a distance, and saw mountains and rivers moving sideways and rivers flowing backwards up close.

On this day, the entire island of the sister country rose up, becoming the first land of Blue Star to become a demon. Countless human monsters raced around, screaming in terror and reaching outer space.

But just like the blue star has its own gravity, although the giantess has stood upright, all the buildings and cliffs on her body seem to be suspended in the air and move sideways, and the rivers seem to flow backwards, but in fact they are as stable as Mount Tai, which is natural and has not collapsed. drop phenomenon.

All human beings, monsters, plants, trees, mud, stones, and birds and beasts are panic-stricken, but they have their own ways in peace and stability, and their daily lives are peaceful and stable.

Just like ants climbing up the wall, the wall is also their stable world. The creatures living on the giantess did not feel that they were already standing in the air.

The Giantess Island Keng Zhenmei turned the huge island body, facing the direction of the Dragon Kingdom, and respectfully bowed to the giant Dragon God as a lady of the sister country.

"Daokeng Zhenmei is grateful to Lord Dragon God for fulfilling the task, and bestowed Zhenmei with the real body of the spirit island."

The true spirit space of the Dragon Kingdom is as long as it is long and as wide as it is wide.

"What, the real body of this woman was shot out by Master Long. Your reasons for dumping the blame are really shameless... Master Long flashed."

Amidst the sound of the dragon's roar, the dragon god disappeared for an unknown distance into the mountains and rivers of the Dragon Kingdom.

Daokeng Zhenmei looked up at Wang Yin who flew up and stood above her head, and her seductive voice sounded.

"Lord Shangshen, do you like Zhenmei's body? Now Zhenmei has become the real body, and I can use this real body to serve you. If you swallow it once, it will be a country's innate essence liquid. It's so hot."

Wang Yin looked at the island giantess who broke through the blue star's near-earth atmosphere below her, and swallowed hard.

"You can keep it for yourself, it's too big for me to enjoy it."

With a puff, Daokeng Zhenmei let out a hearty laugh like a silver bell.

"Hahaha, the king is really humorous, but Zhenmei still has to thank the king for his gift. It is the king who passed on the life essence of the blue star creatures, so that Zhenmei can come to the world. Now Zhenmei has merged with the island's main body, the spirit island, and transformed into a human being. If it is, it is just a consciousness energy body, so Zhenmei does not intend to transform into a human being."

"If the king needs Zhenmei, he can call at any time, but the king is too small, and Zhenmei can't supply the king with the innate essence liquid, hehe."

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and smiled, and she could be seen giving Wang Yin a seductive glance from far away, but her lips and winking eyes were too huge, on the eyebrows, lips, and the huge jade hands that covered her mouth and smiled, there were countless Life and human monsters, if Wang Yin was not standing on a high place, and her body was covered by spiritual consciousness, I really couldn't see her smile.

Wang Yin held back his mouth, this island monster changed his face so quickly, he became his real body, and the title of him was changed from a god to a king, no wonder the younger sister who lives on it is so capricious.

Countless monsters danced wildly on the island of the sister country. This is a great breakthrough in their monster society. The huge island of a country has become a monster, and it is a top-notch monster that directly integrates the monster spirit and the body without transforming into a monster.

That's right, it's a spirit monster. If it is a spirit from the island of the sister country, at most it will only be a true spirit. If it can transform into a shape, it will be a shape-shifting monster.

But now Daokeng Zhenmei is directly following another path of not transforming into form or becoming a ghost, and taking the path of merging the true spirit and the body into a great monster.

The strength of this route is earth-shattering. The disadvantage is that it cannot be reduced or grown. The demon body can be as big as the land. It has set an example for the wise land demon spirits that have appeared in many countries, and let these land demon spirits know what the road is. The most suitable for yourself.

Otherwise, many demon spirits in the land will be trapped in the level of transformation and non-transformation, and become obsessed. What should they do if they transform their bodies and shrink their people? .

The islands, continents, and bays of the sister country are still there, but the islands, continents, and bays are all twisted and combined into the body of a banshee. The surface of the banshee's skin is still mud, rocks, vegetation, mountains and rivers, not real flesh and blood skin.

For this reason, a group of imitators, monsters, turned into half of the form and kept the half for mischief and scaring. They complained about it saying that even the island demon is also a body of mud and stone, and the half-form is the king of the monster clan.

Daokeng Zhenmei In the park, a half-formed hen demon triumphantly introduced to others by waving chicken claws.

"Seeing that there is no half-transformation is the characteristic of being a monster. When my wife was a chicken, I watched monster movies with my master. In the movie, the monster is gorgeous and mesmerizing. When the male protagonist couldn't help but pounced on him, the monster smiled slyly and showed terrifying claws. The male protagonist scared my wife so much that my heart jumped, from then on my wife decided that after becoming a demon, only the body and head will be transformed, and the claws must be left to scare people."

The wolf-headed banshee next to her giggled coquettishly and continued: "Sister Chicken's idea is too suitable for my wolf girl's heart. I also like to watch those stinky men. When I suddenly saw the frightened look of this demon after removing the charm, I immediately Kneel down to this wolf girl, hee hee."

A few human men lying on the grass next to them were choking on the thunder of the two demons' words.

"Please be a good monster, brother was scared by a snake monster last time and almost gave up. Transforming into such a beautiful body, she must have a snake head, it's too freaking perverted."

"I've also seen one with a transformed head, but the body is still the original body, which is so scary."

"It's the scariest thing to do without transforming your head. Using a hideous and terrifying face to devour your innate primordial liquid can make you die in nightmares."

The two demons immediately started arguing with several men.

While the chat was in full swing, a few humans and monsters in uniforms came from a distance, and they showed their IDs in front of the Hen Demon and the Wolf Girl.

"Hi, may I ask if you two are Ms. Chicken Flying and Ms. Wolf? We are from the Lanxing Demon League Etiquette and Security Inspection Team. Now I suspect that the two are suspected of intentionally intimidating the Lanxing Demons. Please follow us." Cooperate with the investigation."

The chicken will fly and the wolf's cheap expression is frozen, and he is dejected and leaves with a few inspectors.

Ding Ding: Daokeng is really beautiful and I beg everyone to spend flowers, comment, and collect data. Your support is the driving force for the evolution of the heavens.

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