The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 58: Blue Star Is Dad

Wang Yin has a blank expression, doesn't he, anyway, I don't believe what you banshees say now.

Even if you are a monster of the land and a woman, this king still doesn't believe it.

Wu Hei raised Wang Yin's chin with his slender black hands, and looked carefully: "It's quite handsome, but don't worry, our country will not do that kind of thing that swallows little monsters by force."

After finishing speaking, the plump lips touched Wang Yin's earlobe and blew.

"Because this king's avatar is made of soil, even if you forcibly swallow your innate source, the source that you swallow is just cheap soil. Although it is the soil from your own country, there is no need for your country to expend energy to help the little ones on you. The little mud becomes a demon."

"Unless you want to try the taste of mud, then this country will satisfy you, hehe."

"Oh no, the little demon doesn't want to try it, thank you Lord Wu for your kindness."

Wang Yin quickly refused, shaking his hand to dismiss Wu Heihei's thoughts.

This witch Hei Hei is so evil and let her touch her body, who knows what weird things she will come up with.

Quickly changed the topic: "The little demon heard that Lord Wu was fighting with the Lord of the Giant Elephant Kingdom, why did he come to see the little demon so idle?"

Wu Heihei smiled contemptuously: "That cowardly and stupid elephant, when he saw the god's movement on his country, he thought it was a helper invited by his country, so he immediately shook hands with his country and gave up his second echelon status to his country. Mimi has already quietly returned to their homeland."

"Besides, it's okay if he doesn't go back. Lan Xing's father started to summon all the lands that escaped from his body to return, otherwise his father will dump us."

Wang Yin was taken aback when he heard the words: "Why is Lan Xing a father, isn't Lan Xing a mother?"

Wu Heihei: "That's right, Lan Xing's father, who said Lan Xing is her mother."

Wang Yin was speechless again, telling whoever said that Lan Xing is mother, and Lan Xing can also be father, but why did Lan Xing father summon them? Could it be that Lan Xing father is alive.

"Master Wu, as a citizen of Blue Star's father, can you tell the little demon what's going on, the little demon is very curious about father, and aren't you already able to leave father and go to outer space? You can form a star around your father, just like the moon and stars."

"That's so easy. We are all the flesh and blood of Blue Star's father. Although we have awakened our wisdom and achieved our true body, we cannot do without Blue Star's father. If we leave, we will wither and die, and we will never return to our father."

"It's like if you cut off your own finger, the finger will dry up and rot after leaving the body. If you can't put it back immediately, you won't be able to put it back after it rots."

"Our current state is just fingers. We can survive alone and have our own thoughts, but we can't leave the body for too long. We must return to Blue Star to recharge every once in a while. After maintenance, we can continue to go to outer space... waves."

"If you want to leave Blue Star and go far away, for example, to other galaxies, unless Blue Star's father evolves very powerfully, his strength can be extended to other galaxies, and he can support our main body to charge from a long distance, then he can go farther."

After Wu Heihei's explanation, Wang Yin finally understands the situation of these land monsters on Blue Star. Before he saw these giant monsters running around to fight in outer space, he still wondered if everyone ran away like this. After downloading the kernel, there is nothing left.

It turned out that he was worrying too much. These land monsters could indeed jump out of the blue star's atmosphere and reach outer space to fight.

In the future, you can even fly to other galaxies to fight, provided that Papa Blue Star can keep up with the charge.

Because these land giant monsters are all flesh and blood from their fathers, which is the same as the principle that human flesh and blood cannot leave the body. Even if the flesh and blood have an independent spirit, soul, and wisdom, they cannot survive without the body. will rot and die.

So my father's situation is like, all the flesh and blood on a person has become a demon, fingers can't stand toe fighting, stomach can't stand butt fighting, everyone is not convinced of the world war, but as long as the father's body needs it, he will unconditionally return to his father's body , obey father command.

The most important thing now is that not only these lands have become giant monsters, but even the father has become a monster and has come back to life, and his consciousness has begun to withdraw the flesh and blood of his body that went to outer space to fight.

Wang Yin's teeth were shaking and he was gasping for air. His father had a very cute grass mud horse. He felt that he really wanted to raise a group of them.

What are these things, isn't it the cowardly fear of death after being reborn as a blowfly? Because of fear of death, after discovering the blowfly's huge and abnormal devouring organs, it is an evolutionary attempt that arises.

How did the entire Blue Star life, the country evolve along with it, even Blue Star's father has evolved into a demon.

He really had a lot of shit to say, and he said it and took it back and said it again.

After Wu Heihei finished talking about the situation, he wanted to scatter the dirt clone and return to the main body. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he waved his hands and rolled up a windowless and extremely dark mud room where he couldn't see his fingers.

"Friend Bird Country, aren't you wondering if you can find your own country at night? My country will tell you if you can find it."

"Have you found it, can you find it, tell me quickly."

Wang Yin hummed resentfully: "Yes, yes, the little demon knows it's wrong, Mr. Wu, you have a lot of adults, so let's talk high."

"Don't think that this country really doesn't know who you are. The majestic demon king pretends to be a little demon from another country to fool this country. Swallow some of your origin to soothe the mood of this country."

Wu Heihei finally left, Wang Yin stood on top of her huge Guo Tuzhen, and spat.

"Scum girl, this king already knows that these banshees can't be trusted, and the land monster is the same."

Wipe the sweat off her brow, this banshee actually knew who this king was, and she didn't expose it, it was shameless.

The four vortexes on the wings glowed red, and flew towards Qinglong Mountain with a buzzing sound. I haven't returned to Qinglong Mountain for many years, and I almost forgot that it was my base.

At the same time, the mountains and the ground shook all over the Blue Star, and the plates moved sideways. Not long after becoming a demon, the four major plates were one male and three females.

It is difficult to match the combination of more porridge and less monks. Among them, the Longguo plate is the only male, and the other three female plates will not let go.

But these years, on the four major boards, the fighting relationship between the giant monsters of the country is intricate, making the relationship between the four major boards also ambiguous, just like in human beings, three men fall in love with a woman at the same time, and the four corners fall in love.

You have me, I have you, you hate me, I hate you, you have a relationship with her, and I have a relationship with her.

Just when the anger of the four major plates was getting higher and higher, and the fight to the death was only in the morning and evening, a great will came, and Blue Star's father became a demon.

So the four major plates obediently quieted their flags and drums, and waited for their father's orders.

Then the four major plates were horrified to find that not only the four major plates became the real body of the plate, but also the five oceans became the real body of the ocean, and the ratio of males and females was even, two females and three males.

The four major plates snorted at the same time, why do you five have become real bodies, why are you hiding? Is it fun to watch the four of us wrangling.

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