The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 59: The Five Oceans Floating Into Outer Space

Wu Dayang said he was very innocent.

"We have never participated in your land battles, it's just that you didn't discover us, otherwise you would all be monsters, why couldn't we be monsters."

The four major plates were silent at the same time.

"Well, you have a lot of people, so you are right."

Finally, the abnormal movement of the four major plates of the blue star and the five oceans has disturbed countless human beings whose consciousness has broken through the world of mortals.

They, they, their ancestral star, Blue Star, has become a demon.

On this day, over the blue star, the whole world is unified and cloudless, the sky is crystal clear, and the sun shines directly on the blue star.

The highest mountain range in Blue Star, the ahaha lala mountain range rumbling upwards, is a mountain range nearly 1,000 kilometers wide and 5,000 kilometers long.

All human monsters, giant monsters from the land, giant monsters from the four major plates, and giant monsters from the five oceans have a feeling in their hearts, oh my god, that's my father's weapon.

Then the whole blue star spun around on the spot.

Thousands of super hurricanes roared through the atmosphere, and the body of the five oceans was rotated and twisted into a huge tornado wave, just like the five thick braids of the blue star, floating above the time and space of the blue star.

In the huge tornado wave, humans from all over the blue star, and the monster cruise ship, screamed all over the place. They never dreamed that they would go to outer space when they were only on a cruise ship.

After continuing to scream and panic, I found that I was fine, and the cruise ship was still driving steadily on the ocean, but this ocean has no left and right, only front and back.

The cruise ship I took is like driving on a huge cylindrical ocean plane.

Anyone with a super astronomical telescope can see the other four huge cylindrical oceans from the telescope.

The hurricane roared over the ocean, but they were divided into different boundaries, and did not threaten to harm life in the ocean, and the cruise ship sailed.

On the other side of the ocean, there is the magnificent and beautiful Blue Star Mountains and Rivers Continent. You are at the end of the ocean, and your sister is at the head of the ocean.

"Oh Mai Cake, this world is so spectacular."

On a cruise ship, James Gao, who just broke free from the entanglement of a few female wraiths and asked to devour yang qi for cultivation, was holding a super astronomical telescope, observing a spectacle that had never been seen in history, with a shocking and inexplicable expression.

Behind him, three female ghosts like virgins were wet all over, twisting their limbs strangely, and crawling towards him quickly.

One of them was in a daze, and teleported in front of him, and climbed up from his bare feet. On a pale and bloodless beautiful face, black and empty eyes smiled at him, sticking out a blood red tongue towards his lips. Quickly lick it.

James Gao was very impatient, these female ghosts were endless.

She stretched out one hand to support the female ghost climbing on him, and pulled hard with the other hand. Amidst the female ghost's high screaming and terrifying screams, her head was pulled to the other side strangely, and tears flowed from her blinking eyes.

James suddenly felt pity in his heart, these are some poor women, he turned the female ghost's head upright, and breathed a big mouthful of Yang Qi at the female ghost's cold lips.

In the female ghost's extremely comfortable, satisfied and happy expression, James took time out to grab the female ghost's hair with his big hands, pulled her to the super telescope, and angrily taught her a lesson.

"Even if you are dead and bitter water spirits, don't just want to devour Yang Qi every day. You should look at the outside world more. Look at the tornado ocean formed by the five oceans. How spectacular and beautiful it is. I want to chant a poem so much. Remember the wonders of the five oceans through the ages."

"Ocean, you are really big. How big is it? It's as big as the sea."

"Signed: Jaime Gao Blue Star Oceanic Column, how does it rhyme?"

After reciting what he thought was the poem of the Dragon Kingdom, Jaime Gao triumphantly showed off to the dead grudge water spirit beside him.

The Sadako-like vengeful spirit hanging on him and gaining yang energy, hummed in satisfaction and made an unstable sound like an electric wave.

"No... Zizi... Huge difference, we... also want to see... Zizi... body, not allowed...."

"Don't hurry... Devour... Sizzling... Yang Qi... We are about to disappear... Sizzling."

"You... Zizi... Yang Qi is special... We suck... Zizi... It won't hurt your... life... Zizi... You... have worked hard."

After listening to the sizzling sound of the dead resentment water spirit on her body, James Gao stroked her head in distress, and took the two death resentment water spirits next to her into his arms, who were eagerly waiting to swallow the yang energy.

"It's okay to take it slowly, James has a lot of yang energy, so he can control his fullness."

In my heart, I feel resentful for the three female ghosts. They are really three poor women. It is not easy for them to become Wraiths, and they don't want to be Wraiths, okay?

Every time they come out, they just want to inhale some yang energy food. Only yang energy food can keep them on their own and survive.

If you are full, you will sleep peacefully, and you don't want to come out to hurt living beings. How can human beings be so afraid of them and hurt their feelings so much.

The lives of those who have been devoured by Yang Qi are fragile, and it is not their fault that they cannot withstand their inhalation. Every time after devouring Yang Qi, they are also very sad to see all the devoured objects die.

Now I have finally met him, Jaimegao. His innate skill is the endless flow of pure yang and righteous energy.

Follow you three female ghost ghosts, he, James, is in charge.

It was as if the three female ghosts won 50 million lottery tickets, and since then they have never left Jaime Gao, and they will never devour the yang energy that hurts other living beings.

James looked up at the starry sky, feeling that his image was infinitely elevated.

You are taller than the bald head in the west opposite the east. You are so yang, why don’t you help these unjust dead spirits? Just let them suck and fill them up. Every day I just want to brainwash others, I just want them to help you work to earn a living.

What kind of big ambitions are there? The resentful spirit is not empty and does not have a bald head. I admire the free laborers for being so righteous.

Gazing at the starry sky and the five thick ocean wonders, James was very proud of himself.

Turning the lens of the super telescope in my hand, I finally saw the highest peak on the blue star, which evolved into a continent of giant pillars supporting the sky, and it became clear in my mind that it was my father's exclusive weapon.

He licked his dry lips, feeling inexplicably envious.

Dad really is dad, this is really big, it seems that dad is full of love. "

He bowed his head and asked the three female ghosts who were devouring his yang energy wholeheartedly.

"Buy cakes, you say that Lan Xing's father Chunxin Dangyang has no date, and he won't do anything."

The three female ghosts who complained about the water spirit expressed their incomprehension and were confused: "What."


On the top of Qinglong Mountain, Wang Yin sits high in the palace on the top of the mountain, serving the female fly, Empress Qinglong, and hundreds of thousands of Qinglong Mountain monsters.

Up and down the mountain, before and after, there are tens of thousands of human beauties, monster beauties with painted eyebrows and black dresses, all dressed up in fancy dress, looking forward to their luck bursting out and being summoned by the king.

The entire Qinglong Mountain is no longer what Wang Yin knew it to be. Ever since the Qinglong demon spirit successfully merged with the rocks to form a real body, Qinglong Fairy, who represents the will of the entire Qinglong Mountain, has continued to create strange peaks, rocks, mountains, waterfalls and canyons, creating the highest mountain for Wang Yin. Qinglong Sacred King's Mansion.

Once the highest peak on the mountain, it rose from the ground under the influence of demon power. In Duxiu Mountain, the palaces on the peak are layered upon layers of resplendent and magnificent palaces, solemn and solemn and beautiful. There are countless exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals.

If you can't find any exotic flowers and plants, you can find a seven-turn and eight-turn flower and grass monster to restore your body. If you can't find rare birds and animals, use seven-turn and eight-turn. Restore the body to work.

The monsters in Qinglong Mountain are all over the blue star, and the world of mortals is comparable to the Wannian Huangjing in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Tribulation Stage, Wannian Wild Ginseng and so on, as well as Crane Boys, Pheasant Phoenixes, and so on.

Therefore, many of the exotic flowers and plants near the palace, as well as rare birds and beasts, are monsters in disguise, who just recovered their original bodies and wandered in the mountains.

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