The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 60 Dad Is Going To Chase Beauty Stars

For this reason, Wang Yin was once very puzzled, where should so many big monsters go after breaking through the star level.

According to the legend, after the catastrophe period, they will ascend to the fairy world, but the big monsters like Blue Star don't cross the catastrophe. For example, Zhang Miaomiao has a three-star life.

As a result, she was forced to cross the void and go back to her hometown of her mother star in the starry sky, more than a light-year away.

Then if there is no such place as Ascension to the Immortal World, either I was misled by the legend, or everyone's level is not high enough. The star life that seems to break through is the same as the celestial beings, and the actual ability is not up to the limit of entering a higher world. .

Walking on the road between Qinglong Mountains, you will find yourself in the most prosperous city in the world.

The road space is not only crowded with goblins, monsters and monsters, but it also feels spacious to those with large bodies. They will step on a group of little monsters who are screaming and screaming. After the giant ape leaves, the little monsters who were stepped on will go to play alive and well.

As for the shape-changing monster, I'm sorry that he has already transformed himself, so naturally he won't do stupid things like walking the world with his body.

The entire space on the mountain is used comprehensively by demon power and charm, it is just like the standard virtual world among monsters.

Countless mud and stones are busy exchanging ideas on evolution, countless grasses and bushes are busy setting up stalls to start a business, and countless vendors are shouting loudly.

"Breakthrough seeds, breakthrough seeds, here I come to buy Breakthrough Seeds, this is the special grass seed produced by Materia Medica after breaking through the world of mortals. Taking it can make you break through a realm easily, and you don't have to work hard to fight Tun Tun monsters, you don't have to work hard Go fight Tinker Monsters, you can buy them comfortably and use them happily.”

A sky demon human woman came over: "Boss, you can use it at the fifth rank of the world of mortals."

Countless grass seeds and weeds above the head swayed: "I can't use it, I can only use it below the third rank of the world of mortals."

The Heavenly Demon girl said, "Forget it, I thought I'd come across a rare fruit that I could use."

Weed doesn't mind either: "Buying and selling is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness. If you add a chat friend to a beautiful woman, I will sell it to you at the fifth turn of the Materia Medica."

Sky Demon Girl: "No need, no need, I've already leveled up by the time you turn five in the world of mortals."

"By the way, please ask me the way, how to get to the place where the king on the top of the mountain lives. I haven't been here for many years. Now there are so many roads on the mountain that I get lost."

There was a piece of dirt under the Tian Yao woman's feet, and she suddenly raised her head like a snake: "I'll take you there, beauty. My ten-fang earth monster is very fast, and I will reach the foot of the Great King's Temple in ten minutes. The price is negotiable."

The Tian Yao girl was startled and quickly jumped to the side: "You're going to die, why are you sleeping on the road, it's so scary to jump up suddenly."

The ten-fang earth monster was very aggrieved, and muttered: "Do you think I want to sleep on the road? I'm not a masochist. Don't you know that there is a shortage of resources in the gaps in the mountains? You are still stepping on others."

Sky Demon Girl: "Ah."

Hurrying to look down, dozens of two-inch tall grass greeted her enthusiastically: "It's all right, you can step on the beauty as you like, or add a friend, we are the most gentle monsters on this road."

The Tian Yao woman was sweating coldly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll go to another place."

The big nameless tree at the side finally couldn't bear to look at it any longer. It stretched out a branch and patted the woman's shoulder. Seeing the woman raised her head and noticed it, she said gently. "Miss, don't worry about them, and don't be afraid of stepping on anyone. This mountain is full of monsters, and even the dirt is not pure. If you are afraid of stepping on them, don't go up the mountain."

"You want to go to the king's place, don't you see that the king is the tallest and largest mountain now, even if you go up to the temple on the top of the mountain, don't care about the roads, all the mountain roads you see in your eyes are all monsters street."

"Although you can go boldly, the ones that will be stepped on by you are all willing to be stepped on, otherwise they have no place to stay, you will know when you look at it."

After the big tree finished speaking, he pointed at the middle of the path and stretched out a branch and inserted it hard, only to see a gap in the path quickly, and in the gap was a tiny room like a high-rise building. Countless weak monsters looked up at the big tree in the sky above. , Hehe giggled.

"Grandpa Tree, why did you lift our roof?"

The Tian Yao woman was dumbfounded and patted her forehead.

"Thank you, Mr. Dashu. I know that Qinglong Mountain is full of monsters, but I really didn't know that there are so many monsters, so many layers will be laid on the ground."

Nameless Tree: "You're welcome, you're welcome, they're all poor local demons on the mountain, they can only live in the slums, and the housing prices here are so high now, don't look at the tiny rooms they live in so many floors, each room costs a lot of money." It was bought at a high cost, and it was Qinglong Niangniang's policy to give priority to supplying local residents.

Only then can they barely survive, otherwise they would have been squeezed out and wandered in the outside world. "

The Tian Yao woman smiled awkwardly, and thanked Dashu again for reminding: "Thank you, Mr. Dashu."

This is too exaggerated, even the roadside dusty place has to be purchased to live in, the management of Qinglong Mountain is so dark.

No, I can't bury the King, Qinglong Mountain belongs to the King, and I said that the management of Qinglong Mountain is so dark, isn't it saying that the King is so dark.

Knowing the situation of Qinglong Mountain, the Tian Yao girl simply stood up from the sky and stopped walking to avoid stepping on too many monsters.

Although others are willing to be trampled on, I am too embarrassed to be trampled on. I am flying in the air, so it will be fine.

Seeing the sky demon girl going away, selling weeds with broken grass seeds, she stretched out grass leaves to the nameless big tree as a thumbs up gesture.

"The old tree is still so warm to the demon."

The nameless big tree is unpredictable: "I often say that you are slow to respond, and you still don't believe it, especially you little grasses want to add other people's friends. You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. This lady, Tian Yao, has never seen it on the mountain. She went straight to the king's holy place as soon as she came. Dian, maybe he is a super boss who knows the king, so keep your eyes open."

Several grasses swayed and answered collectively: "We have no eyes, we are just the weakest Tinker."

The Sky Demon girl hadn't flown far, when a large black shadow suddenly condensed in the air in front of her, and upon closer inspection, it was composed of countless fine dust particles, and the shadows of the fine dust particles quickly combined to form a human facial features, towards her greeted.

"Fellow Daoist, please fly slowly. You are flying too fast. Many of our companions couldn't dodge it, and they all crashed into your respiratory organs. Can you wait a moment to let them come out?"

The sky demon woman was stunned, I can fly, will I still interfere with you monsters?

The nose suddenly itched and involuntarily sneezed, choking out a small cloud of dust and scattered in an instant.

Gathering the consciousness to look at one of the dust, it turned out to be a big demon in shape and a handsome guy. His tiny body flew to the next leaf and slapped his chest vigorously.

"Scared fans to death, scared fans to death, almost swallowed."

The Tian Yao woman turned her back to the sky helplessly, is this because she can't even breathe the air casually, you guys are going too far.

Angry and angry, he finally came to the foot of the Temple Peak, where the cliffs rose from the ground, and all kinds of monsters were densely packed on it, with nowhere to get in.

Under the peak are all standing, sitting, walking or sleeping countless human beings, monsters, monsters, and a beautiful and enchanting human lady with her waist twisted and walking towards her.

"Beauty, do you want to buy a place? No one or demons in Qinglong Mountain are willing to sell it now. The little girl plans to go out to practice for a while. I can rent my place to you. Would you like to take a look?"

The Tian Yao girl quickly shook her head: "You don't need to thank me, I'm here to find the king."

She is very happy in her heart, she is an old woman over a hundred years old, she did not expect to be called a beauty after cultivating a demon.

Looking at the mountain peak in front, none of the monsters were willing to give way. The densely packed flying monsters in the sky were all high-level monsters, so they dared not rush in and had to gather their monster power and shout.

"Wen Juan of the Wang Fly Clan asks to see the King, please inform the brothers and sisters above."

In the temple on the top of the mountain, Wang Yin, who was enjoying the melon and fruit food offered by the mother fly and the Qinglong empress, suddenly felt the earth emanating continuous violent thunder and vibrations, and rushed out of the temple in amazement to let go of his spiritual consciousness to observe.

Under the consciousness, Lan Xing's father was hitting the space beside him cheerfully and frantically, and the space had already been knocked into a huge gap by his father.

A huge and beautiful planet full of flowers appeared in the gap. The planet opened its huge and beautiful eyes, which were as large as the diameter of the father, and was looking at the father curiously.

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