The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 61 Planet Life Universe

Seeing the beautiful planet on the opposite side of the space rift, Blue Star's father was even happier.

In Wang Yin's consciousness, he clearly saw his father's 5,000-kilometer-long gigantic towering mountain range, rumbling and growing in a circle, becoming a 7,000-kilometer-long gigantic towering mountain range.

"Hehe, Dad's weapon is really domineering."

Smiling all over his face, dad is really awesome, and when he was concentrating on watching with relish, the little demon at the foot of the mountain reported that there was a human being from the sky demon, who claimed to be Wenjuan of the King Fly Clan and asked to see him.

Who is Wenjuan? Why do all cats and dogs want to see this king, I wonder if this king is tired of seeing him.

"not see."

Tucao now humans call themselves demons, there is no demon or transvestite at all.

Rubbing his chin, if he was still a human being, he would want to beat up anyone who called him a monster or a monster.

Although Wang Yin's state of qi, blood and monster power does not seem to be high, the actual body quality and speed are very high, comparable to a five-star life, and the life quality of ordinary blue star human women and monster women is not very attractive to him.

The main effect is already insignificant, so he is really not interested in seeing these ordinary human women and monster women. Unless he is moved by his heart, he will communicate and entertain from the heart.

If he can turn into a big body and get the real body of giant monsters such as Daokeng Zhenmei and Wu Heihei, this kind of innate origin above the level of giant monsters in the land will be useful to him.

If you ask how strong a five-star life is, it's like referring to a foot that has stepped into the golden fairy level.

According to the setting of the books on cultivating immortals that I read when I was a human being, after entering the Golden Immortal, there will be Da Luo Jinxian, quasi-sage, saint, and saint together.

According to the evolutionary comparison, the stage of life evolution to one-star life and nine-star life is equal to the stage from ordinary immortal to golden immortal.

The big Luo Jinxian, the quasi-sage, the saint, and the sage in the back, compared with what level of life in the evolution, Wang Yin is not yet clear, but when the realm reaches a higher level of life, he will naturally encounter a higher level of life, and then he will know the level of evolution behind.

He doesn't believe that there are no other advanced life forms in the universe, and Zhang Miaomiao's blows before will never be forgotten.

Memories flashed in the eyes of the female fly next to her, and she hesitated to report to him.

"Your Majesty forgot, Wenjuan is the woman that your Majesty changed her human thinking and put back into human society. She seems to be a professor."

Is there such a thing? Wang Yin was taken aback, as if there was such a person, one of the unlucky five people who came to Qinglong Mountain to spy on him not long after he became a demon.

Hehe, it's interesting. At that time, these five people were just mortals. They were changed by a dream of their own, thinking that they were monsters of the King Fly Clan, who were sent by the king to enter human society as undercover agents.

Now all Blue Star demonization cultivation has become a trend, there is no ordinary person in Blue Star, and the lowest level of ordinary people are all in the Qi training state. These few human beings who are the first to contact themselves, as long as they are not too lazy, break through the world of mortals for a turn Not difficult.

He didn't even believe that he still couldn't get rid of the dream after going to the world of mortals.

After all, his spiritual power was not high at that time, as long as these people's spiritual power reached his level at that time, they would naturally know that they were real human beings, not monsters.

Knowing that it was the unlucky five, Wang Yin also wanted to meet. After all, it has been so many years, and it is good to recall the past.

"Then call her up."

The giant monster on duty yelled, and his voice pierced through the clouds of the Christmas peak and reached Wenjuan's ears at the bottom of the peak.

"Your Majesty ordered, Xuantian Demon Wenjuan enters the palace... enters the palace... enters the palace...."

The big monster was imposing, and the monster's energy boiled and changed color in the shouting, and the echoes lingered in the ears.

On a straight line in front of Wenjuan, all kinds of human beings, big monsters, and monsters are hung on the cliffs of the giant peak. A ladder is laid out from in front of Wenjuan to the temple on the peak. I don’t know how many eight-rank humans this ladder is Powerful, transformed into a big demon, built with the fleshy body of an eight-rank monster.

It is these eight-transformed big monsters, human sky monsters, monsters and spirits who gave the king the honor of summoning life.

All humans and monsters summoned by the king's oral instructions can enjoy this honor. Stepping on the ladder built by countless big goblins, human sky monsters, and monsters with powerful bodies, enters the palace, which indicates that from then on, the carp will jump over the dragon gate and become the highest in Qinglong Mountain. one of existence.

Wenjuan didn't know that she had hit the right path and got a great chance and blessing.

Looking at the countless big demons, elves, monsters, and human beings who have built a meat ladder in front of me, I tremble with trepidation.

Even if her strength is not high, she can tell countless of them at a glance. They are already rank eight monsters in the world of mortals, humans, monsters, and maybe even star life.

How dare she step on such a ladder, she didn't dare to move when she stood still, cold sweat broke out on her forehead that was crystal clear like jade.

It was the beautiful and enchanting lady next to her who was also a human being, seeing her so nervous, she whispered to her spiritual consciousness to comfort her kindly in envy and jealousy.

"Don't be nervous, you just go up, the king summoned you, this is your honor."

"If you don't go up the steps of these powerful combinations, these powerful people will think that you look down on them and will hate you."

Wen Juan felt pitiful after hearing this, it was simply too scary, and it was scary.

After cultivating to the second rank of the world of mortals, she knew that she was a human and not a demon. Oh, she is now a sky demon, but she was charmed by the king at the beginning, but she is very happy to be charmed by the king, and she has achieved her current sky demon ability.

Wen Juan looked pitifully at the beautiful and enchanting lady: "Sister, can you take me up there, my little sister has never experienced this scene, so I really dare not move."

The beautiful and enchanting lady's eyes were shining brightly, her face was flushed, and she suddenly bowed to Wenjuan at ninety degrees.

"Thank you for your promotion. In the future, if you have something to do, please tell me. The younger sister will be on the saddle, and I will resolve my worries."

After speaking, she seemed to be afraid of Wenjuan's repentance, so she walked quickly to Wenjuan's side, lightly held her jade arm and respectfully said, "Sister, you just go with my younger sister."

This turned into a little girl, Wenjuan was dumbfounded again, as if she didn't understand the situation, she seemed to have done something stupid.

As a human being, he was once a high-end talent, and he has been cultivating demons for more than a hundred years. His EQ and IQ are both top-notch, and he has never encountered anything.

From the actions of the beautiful and enchanting lady, she knew that the king's call may be a great opportunity for ordinary monsters and human sky monsters. Even if she can go up with her, she is on the verge of a great opportunity. Opportunities are priceless.

Sighing in my heart, I was really at a disadvantage this time because I have never experienced such a scene.

If I knew it earlier, I would bring the little girl from the family. It is really not worthwhile for others to take this kind of opportunity. Originally, she wanted to bring the girl from the family, but because she knew that the king likes to devour the congenital essence liquid, she was afraid that the king would swallow the congenital essence of the girl in the family. Element liquid.

Now it seems that the Yaozu thinking is also beneficial, at least there are not so many complicated thoughts, and this opportunity will not be missed.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, it's useless to regret after saying all the words, and it's too late to call that girl after regretting.

Immediately, he could only feel at ease, and with the support of the beautiful and enchanting human lady, he calmed down his excitement and walked slowly towards the temple on the top of the mountain.

She was about to meet the monster who changed her life, the Lord Demon King who promised to accept her as his concubine in the dream, and the husband in the earlier dream.

Wen Juan hadn't arrived in the hall yet, Wang Yin wasn't very excited about meeting the old human woman who was devoured when she was just becoming a demon.

The main reason is that he has had too many human women in these years, thin and fat, white, black and pink, and countless monsters in all shapes and sizes.

The Wenjuan Wu Lili back then was just an ordinary woman compared to these peerless and enchanting women. He was willing to see her because of fate, not because he longed to meet her.

The spiritual consciousness covered Lanxing's father with concentration, and finally, with a bang, he smashed open a space crack that was huge enough for Lanxing to pass through, and rushed into that space with a roar under the surprised eyes of a planet full of beautiful flowers on the opposite side of the crack.

At the same time, the Great Dream Scripture, which had been silent for a long time in the Dream Soul Realm, suddenly issued a warning.

"Warning, warning, you have entered the universe of planetary life, you have entered the universe of planetary life, this universe is very dangerous for life born with congenital souls, please separate the human souls and resurrect the demon souls as soon as possible, the human souls should leave quickly, the human souls should leave quickly."

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