The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 63 Dire Distress Man And Demon

The other monsters and human beings in the hall don't know that Blue Star's father has gone to another universe, or a universe where only planetary life exists.

Lin Yaoer happily leaned over to Wang Yin, trying to flatter the King of Qinglong Mountain who was serving her.

"Your Majesty, are you comfortable... What are your hobbies, Majesty? Tell Yaoer, Yaoer will definitely satisfy you."

Wenjuan covered her face and hid behind Wang Yin, speechless. She brought a shameless partner to the king.

Mother Fly and Empress Qinglong, Yangmei, Dolphin Aiai, Xue Qingcheng, Xue Binger, Xue Piao Piao and several other old people have already seen the strange things, and they all seize the opportunity to get in front of the king. The girl in shape-changing form, the beauties of ghosts and monsters are more omnipotent than the other, and they all hope to gain a firm foothold in Qinglong Mountain with the help of the King. Now Qinglong Mountain is the only highest holy place in the entire Blue Star Demon Realm.

Xue Piaopiao is the current head of the Xueshan Sword Sect. He failed to organize the disciples of the Xueshan Sword Sect to kill Wang Yin. Instead, he was able to get close to Qinglong Mountain. He led all the Snow Mountain Sword Sect to Qinglong Mountain.

And with Xue Binger's help, he took the lead and became one of the giants in Qinglong Mountain. Qinglong Mountain is no longer the original Qinglong Mountain. Under the nourishment of countless big monsters, it towers across the sky of Yangyun City hundreds of kilometers.

Xue Qingcheng saw that Xue Binger had come to Qinglong Mountain a long time ago, and she was in a good mood. She praised her baby daughter for having a higher vision than her. Caring follow-up nanny.

Of course Wang Yin is happy with it, since he is a scumbag anyway, it is impossible for him to marry them, but as a servant who takes care of his daily necessities, he is still very willing, so he doesn't bother to care about their arrangements, even if some of them want to marry As a human, it doesn't matter to him to marry directly.

In addition to the female and banshee devoted to him, there are more female banshees he doesn't know beside him.

When Blue Star is completely demonized, Qinglong Mountain will become the only holy place for monsters in Blue Star. As long as they can gain a foothold on Qinglong Mountain, even if it is just a small monster in the world of mortals, they will be the honored guests of the deep-rooted big family in the Blue Star World, because The background of these monsters is the highest holy land of Qinglong Mountain.

In Qinglong Mountain, the closer to the temple on the top of the peak, the sky monsters, monsters, elves, ghosts, and monsters have higher status.

There used to be ghosts and wraiths all over the world in Blue Star, but at that time, Blue Star hadn’t become a demon, and the way of heaven punished ghosts and wraiths very severely, and they would be wiped out if they were not careful. The dark world lives on.

It wasn't until Lanxing began to demonize under Wang Yin's leadership that ghosts and wraiths could reappear in the world.

Monsters are heterogeneous creatures that emerged out of nowhere after Blue Star demonized them, among which zombies and zombies are the representatives.

Under the halo of Qinglong Mountain's highest and only holy place, all the blue star monsters, elves, ghosts, monsters, and humans, racked their brains to enter Qinglong Mountain to find a place.

As for the monsters, ghosts, ghosts, monsters and humans on Qinglong Mountain, they tried their best to get close to the demon king in the peak temple.

Wang Yin smiled and enjoyed Lin Yao'er's service, and was very satisfied with Lin Yao'er's shoulder-beating massage skills. There are too many human women from the Yao clan that I don't know on the mountain. This is the one I don't know. He asked gently: "This is the first time. Are you serving the king?"

Lin Yaoer's face was flushed, and she said shyly and excitedly: "Yes lord, Yaoer competed for the bottom seat of Qinglong Mountain 30 years ago, and it took 30 years to get close to the giant peak of the king's residence. Since then, she has been working hard to learn how to serve the king. technology."

"It's just that the king hasn't paid attention to her for thirty years, but today, thanks to sister Wen's blessing, her wish is fulfilled. Yao'er thanks the king for giving this opportunity, and thanks to sister Wen for giving Yao'er the opportunity."

Wenjuan felt inexplicably heartbroken upon hearing this, she was simply a prodigal girl who wasted a spot and gave it away without grasping the rare opportunities that others had had for decades.

No way, she has this opportunity, let alone lose to others. Mother Fly still remembers her, as long as she takes good care of the king and Mother Fly, the girls in the family will still have a chance to go up the mountain, and immediately take care of the affairs of the palace more actively than Lin Yaoer .

What she didn't know was that on the blue star's boundless ocean, countless gigantic whales and kuns were stupidly shouting: "It's not fair, it's not fair, my little one has known the king a long time ago, and my ancestor has long been the king!" Father-in-law's father died, why did the king leave my little family in the ocean, my Jingkun clan protested against the king, my Jingkun clan protested against the king."

All humans, monsters, ghosts, and monsters who saw this scene asked curiously: "Hey, what are these killer whales doing? They are so angry."

A group of behemoths were enraged collectively, spitting at the talking humans, monsters, ghosts, and monsters.

"You are the killer whale. Your whole family is a killer whale. My family is the Jingkun family. Do you know the Jingkun family, bumpkin?"

Among the behemoths scolding the bumpkins, Jing Xiaoxiao was aggrieved with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Wang Fei, my big brother Wang, how can you forget Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao is also your whale."

At this time, there will always be a huge monster several hundred meters long, and the ancestor Jingkun will rush out and give her a chestnut one by one.

"I told you not to deal with the king, told you not to practice hard, told you not to transform, and my identity as the ancestor of the Holy Land just disappeared like this, woo woo woo, I am so sad..."

Whale Xiaxia was even more aggrieved and cried loudly.

"Grandpa, you hit me again. I also want to deal with Big Brother Wang, but Big Brother Wang is too young to reach me. What can I do, woo woo woo..."

The ancestor of Jingkun, who had turned into a thick and thick man, sat on the surface of the sea, and a large group of fat whales accompanied Jingxiao and cried loudly.

When all kinds of comfort and farce around Wang Yin continued, all humans and monsters on and off the blue star, including the giant monsters in the land, were in chaos.

They noticed that the big sun star that passed by the top of the blue star without paying attention every day was gone, replaced by a huge star that looked colorful from a distance and was covered with a sea of ​​flowers when seen close up.

Moreover, this giant star is so close to Blue Star's father that it will cover half of the sky on Blue Star.

Under the watchful eyes of all the big goblins, monsters and humans whose consciousness has reached the star life, this is a superstar whose whole world is a sea of ​​flowers.

Moreover, there is no flesh and blood life and intelligent life breath on the superstar, only the bright and hot individual life breath of the superstar itself like the sun.

The four major plates and the five great oceans seem to know something, and they are law-abiding and have not moved.

They are the representative skins that cover Papa Blue Star's body. After Papa Blue Star became a demon, he smelled the breath of the female star in the planet's life universe and crashed into the surrounding space in a frenzy. They knew a thing or two.

The reason why ordinary humans and monsters, ghosts and monsters can’t feel it is that they are too small to feel it, and the second is that they are protected by Blue Star’s father’s consciousness and the four major plates, five oceans, and the local monster energy of each country.

Even Wang Yin didn't know that his father had such a talent. After becoming a demon, he could smell the breath of female stars in the alien universe, and he could directly hit the space channel to the life universe of the alien planet, and open the channel to the life of the alien planet. universe.

What he doesn't know is that this is one of the means by which the will of the heavens maintains the planet's life. As long as it is a planet after it has become a life with wisdom, it will be able to find the coordinate entrance to enter the planet's life universe, and open the entrance to enter it.

Otherwise, life on such a planet is most likely to be locked and enslaved by advanced civilizations in the ordinary universe. A planet that can run away alive, any fool knows how valuable it is.

Before all the chaos of monsters and humans subsided, the human monsters and ghosts living near the equator saw an incomparably huge mountain with a width of thousands of kilometers protruding from a huge canyon on the equator.

It is good to stretch out, because this section of the giant mountain will not only stretch out, but also retract, and after retracting, it can continue to stretch out.

The weirdest thing is that it will shake back and forth, and the hurricane caused by the shaking will clean up the clouds over the equator.

The quick-moving humans and monsters quickly took out the super binoculars, and some humans and monsters with strong spiritual sense cast out their consciousness, and they saw that the giant mountain looked like a huge mountain.

The big tongue happily licks the skin of the continent on the surface of the huge and beautiful planet above the sky.

And the huge and beautiful planet seems to like this kind of licking very much. The land that can't be seen at a glance keeps shaking, bringing waves of fantastic, beautiful, and spectacular flowers.

All the banshees beg their fathers for flowers, collect them, and evaluate them. Your support is the driving force for the evolution of the heavens.

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