The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 64: Beauty Star Request

The reaction of the beautiful planet made Dad very happy, the huge tongue licked more cheerfully, and circling around the huge beautiful planet.

It’s just that the countless human beings, monsters, ghosts, and monsters on him were dumbfounded, gloomy, and weeping. They found that they were no longer in the blue star time and space, and came to a cosmic void that they had never seen before. The people had no choice but to join forces with the monsters and monsters to take to the streets and alleys of the Blue Star World, protesting against their father in the wilderness, asking him to go home quickly.

But dad is having a good time, he can't hear the sound of these little bugs on his body, so what if he hears it, dad is dad, will he be swayed by you little bugs?

So today, all the human monsters and ghosts living on Dad's body feel dizzy in the sky. In the cloudless sky, a huge planet that is so huge that it blocks half of the blue star whizzes and whirls above Dad's sky.

Some human beings and monsters who lived near the equator and couldn't help their curiosity finally unfolded their bodies. Those with high strength rode the wind along the huge swaying tongue mountain range, while those with low strength jumped up on the huge tongue mountain range.

It rushed to the top of the huge tongue mountain range in a flash, and rushed to the land surface of the huge and beautiful planet in the sky.

The huge beautiful planet suddenly stopped spinning, and the expression in the beautiful eyes of an unknown number of miles was frozen, and then it made a puff... puff... puff... low and strange frequency sound like a heartbeat to Blue Star's father.

At the same time, a strange shock wave quickly swept across Lan Xing's body.

Feeling the strange low-level frequency sound and shock wave, Lan Xing's father stopped to lick happily, spun around a few times, and then made puff... puff... puff strange low-frequency sound .

Discovering this scene, Wang Yin's heart suddenly tightened. Since he was reminded by Zha Jing that this universe is very dangerous to the innate spirit, he has been paying attention to all kinds of abnormalities.

Consciousness covers the sky above Blue Star, carefully observes the huge beautiful planet and the reaction of Blue Star's father, trying to know what the two planets are communicating.

However, the language barrier makes it impossible to know what they are communicating.

Is it because the frequency is inconsistent? Wang Yin is trying to adjust the perception frequency of the divine consciousness to the rhythmic frequency of the giant beautiful planet and the strange low heart beat of Papa Lanxing. hour.

The huge and beautiful planet above the sky has already turned away from Blue Star's father, roaring and flying towards the deep space of the universe.

Such a huge planet roared away, and the pulling force brought about by it was incomparably huge. Even if Dad tried his best to use his demon power to stabilize the surface of the body, the ocean was rumbled by the gravitational force and set off monstrous waves.

Among them, on the side facing the huge and beautiful planet, the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain peaks and plains were all ripped apart.

Without Blue Star's daddy's stable demon power, these flowers, plants and trees that have not yet become demons will directly be smashed into pieces and shot into the universe starry sky.

Even so, the human monster facing the huge and beautiful planet was pulled into the air, and flew towards the void of the universe as if losing gravity.

Fortunately, there is no ordinary life in Lan Xing's father now, and even the doll is a master of Qi training, helping each other to form a string at critical moments.

It is like countless strings of Tarzan flying out of the surface of the blue star, floating in the wind like seaweed in the land and atmosphere of the blue star.

It's like a song, seaweed, seaweed, happy seaweed, we're swaying in the wind, let's all dance together, Blue Star's father leave me alone, cough and tear away.

In addition to these human beings and monsters who can only practice Qi, Dad is more of a man who has cultivated to a level above the world of mortals, comparable to superhumans, monsters, ghosts, and monsters in folk myths and legends.

Although some of them have evil intentions and are violent and vicious, most of them are brave to help others and willing to help demons.

So with the help of countless superhumans, monsters, ghosts, and monsters who can be compared to the half-immortal and fairy-like mortals in the folklore.

Ordinary humans and monsters who floated into the atmosphere hand in hand like seaweed finally returned home without any danger.

From the time when Blue Star started to become a demon until the time when Blue Star's father evolved into a demon, Blue Star was in turmoil during the Hundred Years Demon War.

Super powerful humans, monsters, and spirits actively use their demon power to build, solidify high-rise buildings, and residents' homes, so these home buildings are extremely strong, and they are firmly stationed on the surface of the blue star as solid as a rock.

Unless Dad peeled off a layer of the crust on his body and threw it away, even if a super earthquake with a magnitude of several hundred occurred, it would not be damaged at all.

In the event of an emergency, all the old, weak, women and children will hide in these extremely strong buildings, or in the underground protective layer, so that no old, weak, women and children will be hurt, unless some of them have to run out to watch the excitement, they may appear Accident.

In the universe of planetary life, after seeing the huge and beautiful planet leave, Blue Star's father hesitated and struggled, as if he wanted to catch up. But in the end, he still didn't catch up, and quickly adjusted his position and left in the opposite direction.

Wang Yin really wants to know what kind of communication between Huge Beautiful Planet and Blue Star's father caused his father to voluntarily give up the opportunity to chase the beautiful star and choose to leave instead.

It's just that if you really say you can leave, things are obviously not that simple.

There are countless stars in the living universe of this planet, and most of them are moving freely, just like countless fireflies flying in the starry sky.

As far as the eyes can see, beyond the line of sight of the divine sense, countless huge galaxies are also entangled with each other, swimming happily, like DNA chains that have come to life, and they look like snakes.

There is no time reference in the starry sky. About half a day after Blue Star's time, Blue Star's father was on his way in a hurry, when a huge black planet suddenly appeared in front of him, and quickly hit Blue Star's father.

The black planet entrains a black energy storm that sweeps through the void, and the storm entangles and rotates like a black hole in space with a big mouth open, and it is about to swallow Blue Star's father in one gulp.

Dad exclaimed and spun around in place, turned around and ran away without looking back.

This huge black planet is more than ten times bigger than it, regardless of its gravitational volume and mass, it is no match. Only the monster power can let it go, but the key now is not to waste time, the father of the huge black planet knows it well.

It doesn't want to get entangled with it to delay the chance of escape, and at the same time, it doesn't want to expose its demonic power unless it is absolutely necessary, not to mention that there are too many beings on this powerful planet in the void of the universe.

It's not bad that it knows what the other party needs. When the naughty little cuties on it rushed to the huge and beautiful planet, it shocked the huge and beautiful planet. Apart from the life of the planet, this universe does not have the flea-like life of the father.

The spiritual consciousness of the huge and beautiful planet immediately covered Dad's body and scanned him, and sure enough, he found one on his body, which many planets in the universe long for, the innate soul life.

Then the huge and beautiful planet immediately asked Dad for this innate soul life, and promised that as long as Dad handed over this life, he would be willing to form a partner with Dad.

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