The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 74: The Great Dream Scripture Again

Wang Yin is sitting in the rented house, observing the news that appears in his mind, the Great Dream Scripture enters the Tao through dreams.

It turned out that what he had obtained was not a cultivation method for immortality, but a great dream scripture that lived in him a long time ago, an evolution guide like a prehistoric classic.

As long as you have the great dream scripture, you don't need to work hard on your own, the scripture will automatically guide the host to absorb energy, and when you absorb it to perfection, you can transcend the past and present, and feel at ease.

As for why I didn't find it before, I didn't find it until now.

The Damengtianjing said that because after he crossed the parallel blue star before, his mental energy consumption was too large, and he could not enter his own dream soul world. It is not the dream world but the dream soul world. One of them is human beings, and the other is only him. Inborn congenital soul life only.

Looking up speechless, it turns out that he came from time travel, so is Wang Yin of this world still him? The Bible tells him that he is both Wang Yin of this world and Wang Yin of the time-space world with a demon body.

You made things so complicated, not to mention that he now has parents in two time and space, family, relatives and friends, and they are not the same family.

Tianjing replied that there is something more complicated. He is the same in all time and space worlds, but they live separately because they have not merged. Because of the coincidence, the he in these two time and space worlds merged to become him.

Wang Yin vomited three liters of blood, expressing that he was the ancestor of schizophrenia. The Bible answered that you think it is beautiful. In reality, everyone is the ancestor of schizophrenia.

So this city is still the same city, but the managers in the city are different. Chief Song and Mayor Wang, who were burned out by Qinglong Mountain becoming a demon in the series in their minds, have become two other people who don't know each other in this city's time and space. people.

The country in the general direction has not changed, Dragon Country is still the same Dragon Country, Yangyun City is still the same Yangyun City, but the streets have changed, the layout of high-rise buildings has changed, and the people you know around you have changed.

After coming out of Gu Yanger's world, half of Yangyun City has been harmed by him during this period of time. The golden light beam, red light beam, pink light beam, and green light beam finally increased by a hundred meters, and the spiritual world roared like heaven and earth, so the big dream The ancient books of the heavenly scriptures appeared.

He just said, such a great ability in weaving dreams, how could it be possible to appear on the head, it turns out that this thing has been stationed on him a long time ago, why it has stationed on him, he said that he is also very confused.

I can only guess that it has something to do with the monster series in my mind, or he is God's own son, after all, Tiandao's father has appeared in the series in my mind.

Dream Bible

Host: Wang Yin (The soul is bound by foreigners and cannot be seized. If you take it by force, you will destroy the soul. Therefore, when the host is weak, please protect yourself).

Realm: The world of mortals enters a dream (cultivation is complete and free,).

Skills: Great and Desolate Fighting Kung Fu, Yin and Yang Fighting Kung Fu, Green and Green Kung Fu, Big and Small Ruyi Jue (Thousands of Fighting and Thousand Hammers, Full of Boundaries and Self-Overflow).

Combat power: one turn in the world of mortals (one hit of 10,000 kilograms is one turn, and so on, nine turns to destroy stars, nine turns to one star life...the host's strength has not yet been reached, and it will not be opened later).

Divine Consciousness: Entering the first stage of dreaming (you can enter the dream soul of a one-star life, one-star life after destroying a thousand-kilometer star, two-star life after destroying a thousand-kilometer star, and so on. will not be opened later).

Dream Slave: Good 158, Evil 270 (The host helps the subject to break the dream world of his body, and the subject can practice on his own. From then on, you will be a good slave, and you will be an evil slave, like yin and yang, good and evil are round, and black and white are the foundation of the inner universe ).

Inner Astral: None.

Inner Universe: None.

Breaking the Universe: None.

The final warning: The Damengtianjing breaks the universe and stays freely, and all information hosts cannot be leaked. Leakage will lead to the destruction of the soul.

Is this the technique that enters his mind and actively binds the soul? It looks so familiar and strange. He must have practiced it in the monster series before.

And the practice method is to use hard work, Wang Yin was sweating and speechless, so he just said that he was a good person, how could he do those nonsense things that beat mandarin ducks.

It’s just that I can’t understand the latter, what is Meng Nu, what is the inner star world, the inner universe world, and the broken universe world? Why haven’t I heard of it.

And what the hell is the big and small Ruyi Jue, is it a skill that can make me transform into big and small, like the sky and the earth? Just as I was wondering, the exercise seemed to sense his doubts, and a related message was immediately injected into Wang Yin's consciousness, Wang Yin It really is.

It's just that it's not the law of heaven and earth, it's a skill that can actually adjust the size of the real body. After it is completed, it can break through the sky, and it can enter the microscopic civilization world.

In the Great Dream Scripture, every human being has an independent dream world, but it is shielded by the world's self-protection consciousness, and it is difficult for ordinary human beings to peek into the mysteries throughout their lives.

Even if a person with advanced cultivation knows this world, he will not be able to break through the barriers of the world, because it is his own world, attacking himself is like wielding a knife from the palace, it will only marinate himself.

The difference is that swiping a knife from the palace is becoming an eunuch, but no one protects oneself to break through the barriers, at least one will make oneself a fool, and at worst one will perish and never be reborn.

The Great Dream Scripture allows Wang Yin to help others break through the barriers of their own world and enter his own dream world.

As the name of the dream world implies, it is a real world in the name of the world. Everything in the world is real, but because it cannot break through the barriers, the creatures in this world cannot enter the real world.

In reality, creatures cannot directly enter the dream world, because the dream world is the master's own body and soul world, and the master cannot bring real objects into his own soul world, just like you cannot put things in your own flesh and blood.

Except for Wang Yin who can enter and leave the dream world at will with the physical body supported by the Great Dream Scripture, others can only enter the dream world with their own spiritual consciousness, and then have their own body simulation body to move in the dream world.

But once you break through the barriers of the dream world in your dreams, congratulations, your life will be broken from now on, and you will no longer be an ordinary human being who is slaughtered by others.

Because you have been able to upgrade and forge your own life source in the dream world, and evolve into a higher life,

And everything in the dream world, you can bring into the real world, and become your faithful help to reach the pinnacle of the world.

Everything in this world is dependent on you. In this world, you are the supreme ruler, the god of the life in the dream world. These life in the dream world are all shaped by your origin.

This is the reason why after Gu Yanger entered her dream world, all the creatures in her dream world revolved around her. She was happy that the darkness in the dream world became bright, and she was angry that the dream world collapsed like thunder.

As for how to forge and evolve yourself, it is very simple to destroy all the creatures in the dream world, smash all the lives in the dream world into primitive energy, and then you can return to the source and strengthen yourself.

It's not like killing monsters in one go, it's like killing monsters in practice. At first, you can only kill the weakest monsters, and gradually expand the results to purify your own life source.

Don't worry that you will be killed by monsters, you are an immortal existence in it, monsters will not actively attack you, even if you actively attack high-level monsters and let high-level monsters passively kill you, you will just exit the dream world and restart Into the resurrection, without beginning or end.

A ruthless person can destroy the entire dream world, purify his life source into physical ability, and become the unique pinnacle of the world.

You can also choose to destroy lives that are only useless to you, and leave only those that are useful to you to bring them out of the dream world and become your own private soldiers.

If Tianxin is pure and kind, and does not harm the life in it, just sink into it until the end of his life, and the dream world will be destroyed simultaneously with the doomsday.

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