The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 75 World Secrets

So the great good is actually the great evil. It seems that kindness can't bear to hurt the slightest life in it, but in fact, I have been weak and old since then. When the soul returns to the sky, the dream world collapses, and all the lives are buried together.

As for the Great Evil One, although it seems cruel to slaughter all the creatures in it, in fact, he only retrieves his own origin, allowing himself to stand at the peak of the world and grow old with the world. It is also a continuation of the dream world in disguise, but there are no more creatures in it.

The most suitable thing is to exterminate the vicious monsters that are useless to you, and keep the creatures that are useful to you. While growing yourself, let the life in them continue to multiply, and continue to grow old with you, with immeasurable merit and great freedom.

Mengnu is the collective name for all those who entered the dream world with the assistance of Wang Yin.

Because the dream world is the original source of every life, life will swear to protect its own source from being invaded, and then there will be taboo barriers in the dream world, making it difficult for life itself to break through the barriers, and it can only do nothing throughout its life.

If life can break through the barriers by itself, it will break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly. My fate is up to me.

The use of various skills in immortal cultivation and martial arts is to temper their own origin. Although they cannot enter the dream world, they can achieve the same goal of tempering their origin by tempering themselves.

If you can't break the barrier to enter your own source, you can also choose to open your soul and let other beings take your soul into the dream world, then your source will be deeply marked with the life that you have entered.

Like the soul contract, the master-servant contract is automatically completed, and the person who brings in is the master and the person who is brought in is the slave.

The safest thing is that other beings unilaterally enter the dream world and cannot accept slaves, because only the soul of the master of the dream world can be brought into slavery voluntarily, and can form a master-slave contract and always obey the master's orders, even evil slaves have no way of resisting.

After forming a master-slave relationship, those with a kind heart are good slaves, and those with a bad heart are evil slaves.

The world is divided into yin and yang. Good slaves follow the way of heaven, which represents yang energy, warm and sunny aura during the day, and evil slaves who rebel against the way of heaven, represent ugly, dark and filthy nights.

Everyone has an initial source world, build their own source of strength to reach the inner universe, and can simultaneously condense the world of dreams and stars, this is the inner star world.

After perfecting the five-star cycle of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, you can bring good slaves and evil slaves into the dream world and become the innate gods on the spot. They are in charge of the world.

The evolution of life in the inner universe produces great power. After breaking the control of the innate gods and dominating the dream world, if you can break out of the dream world and form a self-contained world, it will be regarded as the world of breaking the universe.

Breaking through the world is a state of great freedom. If you break out of the dream world with the power of the dream world in your body, you should be able to achieve great freedom. Simultaneously rely on the comprehension of the Dao of Great Power to achieve great freedom together, or directly advance to the realm of great freedom.

Because the evolution and cultivation of life in the dream world is the evolution and cultivation of oneself. In reality, the heavens, myriad worlds, and great universe are evolved from the dream world of a higher life.

When someone in our world breaks out its great freedom, it will also have great freedom. Our cultivation is the cultivation of this life.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Wang Yin knelt down when he heard this secret.

This is simple, it means that life has to shoot out of the heavens and worlds in order to see hundreds of millions of heavens and worlds. If the life in your body shoots out your own heavens and worlds, you can use a wave of traffic to play out the heavens and worlds you are in .

Does the life that sent itself out of the heavens and worlds enter another heavens and worlds?

This is an endless loop, there is still something I don't understand, looking up at the starry sky, this is the world inside someone else's body, there are still some innate gods in this world...

Could it be that these innate gods are the legendary Laozi, Shizun, Pangu and Nuwa gods? Who are the innate gods of the aliens?

It seems that this life has already condensed and completed the inner universe, and it is only short of being able to break through the boundary.

Now that I know the seniors who are stranded in the Great Dream Scripture, why don’t they let the information of the Heavenly Scripture be leaked? The Great Dream Scripture is a supreme boundary breaking fire.

And the origin of each life can only allow one dream world creature to reach the breaking realm at a time, and the chaos and heavenly way of the dream world will collapse at most, so there is only one Hongjun Hedao in the legend, and I have never heard of Pangu Hedao female snail road.

The reason for the world I live in is also the same. Once it is revealed that others know the direction of cultivation, in order to prevent the emergence of more than two people with the power to break the boundary, the chaos of this world is based on a self-protection mechanism. All life in this secret was annihilated, including himself.

No, he must be detached and at ease, he doesn't want to live in someone else's body.

It turns out that there are one hundred and fifty-eight good slaves and two hundred and seventy evil slaves. This is what Mengnu means. That is to say, I now have a total of four hundred and twenty-eight Mengnu, of which one hundred and fifty-eight are Good guys, two hundred and seventy are bad guys.

In this way, since he brought Gu Yanger into her dream world, he had produced his first dream slave, but he didn't know whether Gu Yanger was a good slave or an evil slave.

This is understandable. There are good people and there are bad people. There are all kinds of people. After experiencing the ups and downs of society, how can there be so many good people? What is more unexpected is the four hundred and twenty-eight that I brought into the dream world. People, there are more bad people than good people.

Maybe most of them are married adults, so they have their own desires and it's hard to find pure whiteness, just like Gu Yanger's dream world, even though she is still an unmarried girl, her thinking world has turned rose red, and it is no longer simple. of pure white.

It seems that he is a good slave and an evil slave. From the environment of Dream Soul Realm, he can see that he will start to practice hard tomorrow, and first increase his strength to a star.

A classic is a classic, and it is different from the system. The panel says that it will not be opened if the strength is not enough, but many contents in the information can be inferred.

This Meng Nu is a subordinate, and he is still a subordinate who can self-cultivate. He has entered the dream world of so many people before, and thought he could get a great chance, but in the end he got nothing, but now he has got hundreds of loyal Meng slaves.

Everyone's dream world is the transformation of their own chaotic origin, which is only useful to themselves. Outsiders entering will either be attacked or ignored, and at most they can bring out a monster with comparable strength to themselves.

But what's the use of bringing out a monster whose strength is comparable to his own? He can't control it, and he will die without energy absorption after he comes out. He doesn't raise monsters, so he has to be happy with the monster owner when he sends it back In the dream world, if the master is not happy, he will not be able to enter the dream world unless his soul is completely released.

No wonder Mengqiu can't be tamed, he is Zhang Xifeng's source of chaos, and he is only responsible to his master Zhang Xifeng.

Four hundred and twenty-eight people were experimented, and the soul would only let go of the dream world when the other person was very happy. To him, it was just tasteless, so Wang Yin gave up trying early on.

It is only now that I understand what is going on, but it is tasteless to myself, not to others. These people who have been brought into the dream world by themselves, they can release monsters from their own world every minute.

It feels worse, I didn't know that there were good slaves and evil slaves in it before, but I didn't realize it.

Now it seems that among the 270 villainous slaves, there will not be so many honest people, and there will be 100% people who will release monsters to make trouble.

Fortunately, they are all dream slaves of their own, and they are not a threat to themselves.

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