The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 76: The Magic Snake Changes

In Huatian Trading Corporation, the young and strong Chairman Yang leaned on the sofa in the lounge and listened carefully to the narration of his beloved wife.

"This is why you are irritable and irritable, and it is also the irresistible factor we encountered. Whenever I see you mentally exhausted, my heart hurts, but in order not to drag you down, I can only choose to cooperate and conceal it."

Mrs. Yang's beautiful eyes were rippling, she looked at her husband silently, this is her lover since college, she loves him very much, if the devil hadn't appeared out of nowhere, life would be so perfect, so she wished she could put that devil Cut to pieces.

It's just that the devil can easily lead her to jump up and down hundreds of stories of high-rise buildings, and show two fingers in front of her to pinch it casually, crushing the security room's hundred-refined steel bracelet.

She knew that when she met someone with supernatural understanding, her world view collapsed in twenty-eight years, and she knew that such a person was not something her small family could afford.

For the sake of her family and her beloved man, she couldn't resist, so she could only cater to the devil with a smile and compliment on the surface, letting the devil do whatever he wanted, and won several business cooperations with large companies in the city, so that her husband's business could be improved to a higher level.

She knows that she is very beautiful, and she was given the first school belle when she was in college. Countless men are fascinated by her. As long as she doesn't do anything against the devil's will, the devil will definitely not hurt her, and maybe she can use this to get greatness. benefit.

Sure enough, she made the right bet. The demon led her into a strange world full of all kinds of monsters.

The most important thing is that after the demon left, she found that her spiritual consciousness could also enter that world privately, and she could bring out some of the weak monsters. When she tried to crush some of the little monsters to death, her body would feel very comfortable, as if she had absorbed Like energy, the strength becomes stronger, and the skin becomes more delicate, smooth and beautiful.

Now she can easily jump up to the third floor with her own strength, walk through the indoor and outdoor bushes as fast as lightning, and easily penetrate the wall with a single slap of the palm.

The sequelae are that she feels that she can no longer get rid of that demon, and the thunderous voice keeps telling her that that demon is her god and her master, and she can only obey and not disobey, otherwise she will be struck by thunder from the sky.

Looking at the three-foot-long chubby insect monster with a fierce face and a pair of transparent wings, Yang Yifan asked.

"It's brought out of that world you speak of."

Mrs. Yang replied softly: "Yes".

Rubbing his forehead, Yang Yifan was very tired,

"That is to say, I was bullied and hurt by the demon you mentioned countless times in my dream, and this kind of thing happened many times in the real world, but he blocked my thoughts, so I can't recall it."

Mrs. Yang: "Yes, for a few days, that demon was at our house from morning to night, and I also learned from him that he could take you into the world that belongs to you through me, and learned how way to bring you in."

"But at that time, I wanted to improve my mental strength and try to go in by myself. I don't want you to have any risk of being controlled by him."

"If he enters your world, you will become a slave controlled by him, just like I am his slave now."

Mrs. Yang continued: "Now my spiritual power can take you in. As long as you let go of your mind and we cooperate tacitly, I will be sure to bring your consciousness into your world."

Yang Yifan held his wife's slender hand, and hugged her into his arms distressedly.

"For me and this family, you have worked hard."

He knew what kind of character his wife was, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a heroine in ancient times.

I also know how deep her love for me is. If it is irresistible, she would rather die than please the devil. She is a high-minded woman who will not be confused by power, yes, that's it.

The lover in her heart is always only herself, and the lover in her heart is always only her, and no one can replace her.

Slightly squinting his eyes with a hint of sharpness, he looked at the monster sliding like a fish swimming in the room. If his wife hadn't ordered him not to touch him, he might have jumped at him earlier.

Come up and tear him into pieces, said solemnly.

"Okay, just do as you said, he must have brought other people into that world too."

"Since the sky is about to change, we should make preparations early, so as not to be caught off guard by others."


In the bedroom of a three-story villa on the east side of Beishan Town, Hao Juanjuan and his wife looked at the snake-shaped monsters roaming around the room, and the terrifying reptiles full of fangs and sharp teeth, and they were satisfied from ear to ear.

"These are our resources, the resources of the two worlds, enough for our family to rise to the top of the world."

Man Hao Juanjuan: "Will Brother Wang care about us if we bring these things out?"

Hao Juanjuan rolled her eyes: "That bastard, as long as his needs are met, he can control what you do."

After many exchanges and contacts, Hao Juanjuan knew what kind of personality he was, but she didn't know how to get this strange ability, so she gave in.

In real life, this kind of man is a timid, wretched, sloppy dick, and Hao Juanjuan, the king of crocodile breeders, wouldn't even glance at him.

Yes, she Hao Juanjuan, one of the top ten promising young men in Yunnan Province, self-made at the age of eighteen, a billionaire crocodile farmer at the age of twenty-five, including the world's top 500 high-end brands of crocodile skins, have all bought from her.

The man she fell in love with was not a dragon and a phoenix among men. If there was no special reason, how could she fall in love with a sloppy man, but that man has this ability, and he is also a good and tall man among men.

Since he is not an ordinary man, let him do whatever he wants, man Hao Juanjuan.

"Then give it a try. After paying such a high price, labor and capital will be covered with green hair. If you don't try how to recover the loss."

Hao Juanjuan gave him a slap: "You are willing to be green and shiny, you are even more of a jerk than that guy, and in the dream, you have the nerve to offer to let you go free, and you must firmly support that bastard as a big brother. You are very suitable for that guy's appetite."

"It doesn't prevent you from forgetting the things in the dream. I think you are more addicted to dreaming than that guy."

The man Hao Juanjuan laughed. He is in the entertainment service industry. In his eyes, these are very common things. As long as he can develop his own business, there is nothing unacceptable.

Hao Juanjuan leaned on her man's chest, looked at the mountains outside the window, and said through gritted teeth.

"Then let's do it, first swallow the scumbags that always hinder us."

After the words fell, there was a tingling sound, and the monster in the house swam towards the opposite mountains...


Under the ginkgo tree in Zhenbei Village, several old ladies were whispering.

Old lady A: "Have you heard that there are terrible big snakes eating people in the back mountain. Don't go to the back mountain."

Old lady B: "I also heard from Wa's uncle that a family and several brothers raised all the crocodiles in the back mountain and all died. The scene was miserable. The monitor said it was not a big snake, but a monster like a big snake."

Old lady C: "Yes, yes, I also heard that the body is full of heads, which can crush people in one bite."

Old lady Ding: "Shhh... don't talk, be careful not to speak out..."

Old lady A: "Yeah, yeah, let's not talk about it, how could such a monster appear in this world... It's a crime."

This kind of discussion did not know when it started, spread all over the streets and alleys of Yangyun City, and even spread to distant places.

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