The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 77 Let You Kneel And Sing Conquer

Woowa...woowa...woo...woo...Finance Street, Yangyun City, a police car came out of the police station with a sharp and piercing sound of horns, and sped towards Beishan Town. and go.

"Comrade, has something happened again? I have seen you have been dispatched on a large scale several times these days."

A middle-aged man full of inquiring looks, asked the traffic uncle who maintained order at the intersection to inquire about the situation.

"Back and back, you should go to work, you should go home, don't ask questions."

Uncle Traffic is also very troubled. It is the third time this month that he has come out early in the morning to clear the traffic, just to allow the police vehicles to pass quickly.

There was a lot of trouble, the matter was big, and the colleagues were already battered.

Wang Yin stood by the side of the road and watched the convoy gradually go away, knowing what was going on, 100% it was the restless one of his 428 dream slaves who started to make trouble.

If the direction of Beishan Town is as expected, only Hao Juanjuan and his wife have the strength to make such a big commotion.

But he doesn't want to be restrained. Ever since he knew that this world, all the heavens and myriad worlds are in one living body, he has no emotional fluctuations in seeing anything. What is there to fluctuate? Even if the universe is completely destroyed, it is just a cell and organ to others Just damaged.

If people want to recover, they will recover, and if you don’t want to recover, it’s useless to worry about it.

The only thing he did was to warn all the women who had been pulled into the dream world by him not to reveal his secrets to the society without his permission, and those who did not listen would be punished and disappeared forever.

Those men who can be successfully pulled into the dream world by these women are actually all acquiesced by him,

Without his help from a distance, how could these women be able to lead their men with their weak spiritual consciousness.

Besides, the status of entering the dream world through Meng Nula is even more embarrassing than Meng Nu, equal to the slave of slaves, his one thought can be wiped out in the air, and the body and soul are completely destroyed.

So Mrs. Yang Yifan thought she didn't go through him, and chose to help her husband open the dream world by herself, which was simply stupid. He saw it in his eyes but didn't stop it.

Anyway, these women and men are capable, and he doesn't stop them from studying the dream world, at least it can increase his auxiliary strength.

No matter how much they study, they don't know the Great Dream Heavenly Scripture exercises, and they will always be their dream slaves.

Turning around and walking towards Financial Street, Wang Yin now lives in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Royal Hotel in Financial Street, the most luxurious landmark building in Yangyun City, a five-star hotel owned by Dayang Consortium, and the boss behind it is Wang Yin.

That’s right, Wang Yin, don’t ask why you still lived in rental housing before, but now you have established a consortium.

Because he has the golden finger of dreams, let alone just a consortium, he can control the world. The process is too simple to describe. I like it.

The so-called luminous glass of wine and wine is good for a gentle lady and a gentleman, but a man with golden fingers is a fool if he is low-key, so why live in a rented house?

Even a large villa with picturesque scenery is not a good place to go. It is the last word to use a luxurious five-star diamond hotel to serve yourself.

"Hey, isn't this classmate Wang, classmate Wang."

About to walk downstairs of the Royal Hotel, a high-pitched man's call sounded in the distance. Hearing the reputation, there were seven or eight men and women standing beside two BMW cars on the side of the road. A man in a suit and leather shoes was talking and laughing in the middle of the man. Charming young woman.

Seeing Wang Yin stop and look over, the man smiled and said, "Why, Poet Wang, I don't know my old classmate anymore."

The young woman next to her looked up at Wang Yin: "What did Liu Tao say, how could Poet Wang remember you with such big eyes."

At this time, several other people turned around at the same time when they heard the words, good guy, four men and four women, there are six high school classmates, only one other man and a woman do not know each other, presumably they are friends of Liu Tao.

"Wang Daxian is really you, oh, come and chat, I haven't made a fortune there for many years."

"Just to tell you, Mr. Liu organizes a class reunion the day after tomorrow. We are here to find a place in Financial Street today. Remember to come."

One of the female classmates shouted, her eyes were full of sarcasm, and she ordered Wang Yin casually in a tone like ordering a servant.

Wang Yin looked up to the sky and sighed, isn't this the high school study committee member Wu Xiaoli and the sports committee member Liu Tao in this time and space? One parent owns a big supermarket and the other is a bank executive.

The other few were the dog legs who had the best relationship with Liu Tao when they were studying, and the classmates and best friends who had the best relationship with Wu Xiaoli.

When he was young and impulsive, he had a crush on Wu Xiaoli. He wrote a few short poems to chase Wu Xiaoli through the dormitory window, but was framed by this woman to peep at her. Back then, Liu Tao was her servant, and he read a few small poems aloud in front of the class to make fun of Wang Yin. , I didn't expect that he didn't care about it, these guys still remember after so many years.

Such bloody things can be encountered by him, does it mean that every existence like him with a golden finger must have a scene of pretending to slap his face.

According to the normal procedure, the face-slapping process develops like this. This group of people met me and tried to invite me to the class reunion the day after tomorrow. I was forced to participate due to some reasons in the past. In turn, all kinds of belittling and mocking stepped on him to satisfy their psychology. When he was overjoyed, his subordinate of the Royal Hotel, the chairman, came out to serve him and accompany him to perform anti-pretence, and blinded the dog eyes of these puny classmates.

From then on, all the classmates knew that one of their old classmates was a world-class boss, and the male classmates flattered and flattered them every day, and the female classmates who thought they were more attractive took the initiative to post back. .

But why, he didn't do this, he changed his tricks.

With a smile all over his face, he replied enthusiastically: "It turned out to be Liu Tao, classmate Xiaoli, the old classmate was embarrassed to see you."

After seeing Wang Yin's reply, Liu Tao put on his face, turned his back to the sky, whispered to Wu Xiaoli and ignored Wang Yin.

Wang Yin complained in his heart, this man is so hard to beat, he will make you cry.

Liu Tao's dog leg: "It's just that Wang Daxian hasn't seen you for a long time, and he said that Brother Tao saw the wrong person. It turned out that Wang Daxian saw us. Tsk tsk, Daxian has been working there for several years."

When you meet, you ask what other people do. Either you have a brain or a person, and you are tsk tsk, why are you leaking from the corner of your mouth?

Another female classmate covered her mouth and laughed mockingly: "Brother Qun, don't ask what Wang Daxian is doing. He must be busy writing poems these years, and he is going to become a great poet."

Wu Xiaoli giggled and taunted: "I'm busy peeping at women, ha..."

Liu Tao and Wu Xiaoli really looked down on Wang Yin when they were in high school. This country bumpkin only had one piece of clothing all year round, and his shoes were still worn after being washed white. He was so poor that he still wanted to chase her Wu Xiaoli.

"Stop, stop, I know what you want to say, and I know what you want to do. Since I call you Daxian, I don't know the power of the Daxian and it is understandable for you and other troublesome people. The real Daxian has no time to accompany you to talk nonsense, so I I don’t even have the time to chat nonsense with you.”

Wang Yin twitched a nasty standard smirk, and continued: "I just want to invite this young master to a class reunion, and then pretend to belittle this young master. I like to directly attack you, so I don't have the time to deal with you."

Liu Tao and his party were inexplicable: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about, you have a sick mind."

As a result, in the next second, everyone's eyes were spinning, and after a blurred figure circled around them, his face immediately swelled up.

Wu Xiaoli and her best friend broke down and screamed: "What are you doing, why are you beating someone in broad daylight? You broke into someone."

"Qunzi Qunzi, you guys are going crazy, don't fight, don't fight..."

"Brother Tao, brother Tao, please call someone...quickly call the police."

Liu Tao knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "I, I...I can't move..."

An hour and a half later, Liu Tao and Wu Xiaoli cried: "I want to sue you, you are dead, I will put you in prison for the rest of your life, and I will kill you."

The dog legs were terrified, what did they do just now, they were so scared, so scared, so exciting.

That night, the Internet was full of noise. The boss of a certain company and his wife actually squatted in broad daylight, and even chased and slapped each other with several unknown men.

The other two friends of Liu Tao, a man and a woman silently watched the farce in front of them, and then raised their eyes to see Wang Yin who was bowed by the owner of the Royal Hotel and led a row of beauties into the hotel. Liu Tao completely blacked out the word and turned to leave.

From the reaction of the Royal Hotel, they knew that Liu Tao and his wife looked down on others and kicked the iron board.

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