The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 78 Nine Turns And One Star Life

Sitting cross-legged in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Royal Hotel, Wang Yin was excited to feel the vigorous energy in his body.

The heavenly scriptures show that the combat strength of the mortal world is at the peak of the eighth rank, and it is about to break through the nine ranks of the mortal world and enter the life of a star.

As for the state of the soul, it has already reached one star, otherwise how could it be possible to enter one star dream soul.

It's just that the combat power has not reached the ninth rank now, once the combat power reaches the red dust rank nine, and the body and soul reach one star of life simultaneously, Blue Star will have nothing to threaten his own existence.

According to the information disclosed by the Great Dream, there are star life around the blue star, and the entire blue star is a pasture of other star civilizations. The existence of human beings and all life on the blue star are all to provide energy for the star civilization that grazes the blue star. .

The reason why human life is short, the longest lifespan is only a hundred years, and most of them can only live for decades, and they will be born, old, sick and die soon is because the surrounding star civilizations always come to extract life energy.

Otherwise, based on the chaotic origin of the human dream world, if there is no external high-level life to harvest and absorb life energy, even ordinary people should have thousands of years of vitality in their lives. It is normal for those who are successful in cultivation to live for tens of thousands of years.

It just tends to the law of the balance of life in the heavens. All star civilizations cannot enter the living space of civilizations below the star level. Similarly, all galaxy civilization life cannot enter the star civilization life space. Life beyond the galaxy level is the inner universe level, and its own energy Only by entering the Inner Universe Realm can you roam the heavens and worlds without restriction.

In addition, there is only one kind of high-level life that is not restricted, that is, the high-level life that grew up from the low-level life space. If you control your own energy, you can go back to the low-level matrix space, because the matrix space will not hinder the return of the wanderer, but it can only return to the space. The maternal space in which I was born cannot enter the living space of other low-level beings.

In Wang Yin's Dream Soul Realm, all kinds of anger energy, yin and yang energy, and jealousy and desire energy fill the space. These days, in order to break through to the star as soon as possible, it can be said that they have worked overtime and worked tirelessly to harm countless leeks.

Now it is finally time to reach the ninth rank of the world of mortals, and immediately break through the life limit of the star. In the monster series in my mind, the monster that the scriptures say is his avatar has not broken through the star. Breaking through the star level so quickly, the human body is really king.

While thinking in his mind, he continuously compressed various energies into the gold, red, pink, and green beams of light, compressing and compressing again.

If it's not enough, he will go to fight again and then harvest the leeks, engraving a series of process actions into his bones.

Finally, there was only a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the gold, red, pink, and green four-color beams of light soared ten thousand meters, standing majestically in the dream and soul world like four giants supporting the sky and the earth.

At this moment, the world of mortals has achieved nine transformations, and he has officially entered a one-star super life, a mortal among immortals.

Wang Yin laughed wantonly, only to feel that the energy in the body is like thunder and the tidal cycle is endless. When he entered the dream world, a punch exploded and roared in space. A huge monster thousands of kilometers away heard the wind and exploded. The huge energy rolled back on his body, and his body was like eating ice cream. as comfortable.

Red dust nine-turn star life, combat power can destroy stars with a diameter of a thousand kilometers in one blow, compared to the same blow that can punch Blue Star into a hole with a diameter of a thousand kilometers, it is simply a human-shaped nuclear bomb that destroys cities and countries, who can stop Blue Star? rise.

This strength is indeed the strength of an immortal, destroying a thousand-kilometer star with one blow. Blue Star, a planet with a diameter of only more than 10,000 kilometers, how could it withstand a few blows from him with all its strength.

At the same time, because of his breakthrough, the black clouds over the blue star world oppressed the earth, and the energy of lightning and thunder exploded, and the vision of the end of the world made all human beings uneasy. Experts from all walks of life appeared to explain this global unification phenomenon. It was taken out by some people with ulterior motives to make waves.

Wang Yin looked at several areas of the Blue Star through the space barriers of the Dream Soul Realm. It is time to consider pulling out the nails of these star civilizations stationed in the Blue Star. There are a total of three targets within the Blue Star range whose strength reaches the seventh rank of the Red Dust. , respectively stationed in the sea, land and air.

The Red Dust Rank 8 did not find it, probably because the Blue Star's energy supply was not available and did not appear. What he didn't notice was that in the time and space before the Blue Star became a demon before he traveled, there was a Red Dust Rank 8 octopus silently lurking in the ocean, just because of that It is an alien octopus, which was discriminated against by the blue star time and space, and did not leave a shadow in other parallel time and space of the blue star.

So the film and television materials are just film and television materials, before they became his real memory, he couldn't remember these things.

In addition to these super life forms, there are more puppet beings on the blue star that are controlled by star civilizations and control the power of human destructive weapons. Perhaps human destructive weapons are produced under the control of these civilizations.

This is also the reason why Wang Yin didn't dare to change when he didn't reach the star life. It is easy to lose everything in one careless move. If the star civilization finds out, it will directly destroy the blue star and everyone will be finished.

As someone else's ranch, Blue Star used a few black bullets to clean it, which may be just a sterilizing and detoxifying work for the ranch.

In the space near the blue star, there are five beings per star on the moon star, and the three look similar to the blue star women, beautiful females with ethereal temperament.

Why do you say that a female is not a human being, because a person who is more than 100 meters tall is simply not a human being, how can a human being have such a height.

Wang Yin once sneaked into his dream to peep, and learned that this being called the True Spirit Race, is a race that lives in the true spirit space near the blue star.

The highest strength in the clan is the two-star patriarch, and most of the clan members are one-star.

The one-star fighters are the main force of the clan. They look the same as humans on the outside, but their internal genes are not the same as humans.

All the organs in this race have two sets, each time a female gives birth to twins, the heart has two spleens and two sets of stomach.

There are also two sets of organs in the male body. Envying this is double happiness. Fortunately, the external image is the same as that of a human. Otherwise, if there are two heads, it will be a monster.

The masters of the Moon Palace in the fairy tales could not just refer to these few true spirits.

Both Flame Star and Crystal Star have life fluctuations, and the fluctuation level is at least one star. There are two three-star beings in the Great Sun Star, but they are not true spirits. Clans, the Giant Clan, the Houtu Clan, the Golden Crow Clan in the Big Sun Star, and the disgusting Yin-Yang Clan.

The True Spirit tribe survives by absorbing life energy, the Giant tribe survives by looking for the gold essence of the earth, the Houtu tribe loves the planet core polluted by energy, and the Golden Crow tribe likes to absorb the energy of fire planets to survive.

However, it was useless to observe these alien races before. At that time, they were not strong enough to provoke them.

The moon and stars are too familiar, and all kinds of myths and legends are more familiar. After hearing the scriptures that the moon and stars have star life, he tried to connect to the dream of the Moon Palace Chang'e Jade Rabbit in the network picture, and actually entered one of the lives in the dream. His soul consciousness showed that The elders of life have exposed their true bodies and crossed the space between the blue star and the moon star, so they left various picture books of Chang'e's flight to the moon legends for the next generation, so that they can follow the traces and enter the dreamland.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, and move as soon as he speaks, infiltrating into the dreamland of the Moon Star True Spirit Race. After understanding the comparison of each other's strengths, Wang Yin is ready to take down the Moon Star in one fell swoop.

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