The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 79 Blue Star Uproar

In the Red Moon Grand Canyon, the largest canyon on the back of the moon, a majestic palace stands like a mountain.

The reason why the True Spirits used nearby materials is that the surface of the palace was made exactly the same as the crust of the moon. From a distance, there was no palace at all, but a high mountain surrounded by bare mountains.

No wonder there are so many super telescopes in Blue Star, but they didn't find this palace. The giant with a height of more than 100 meters lives in a palace. Even if the rooms on each floor are only 200 meters high, the three-storey building will be 60 meters tall. 100 meters high.

At this time, the five true spirits were lying on the square of the canyon that was shielded by the signal formation, chatting and farting. Because of the shielding of the formation, outsiders could see that the canyon was empty and empty, except for occasional small whirlwinds. .

There is no future life: "We have been working for thousands of years in this position. I don't know who will be sent by the clan to replace us."

I really don't pay attention: "Yes, in the age of the Dharma, I'm afraid that the younger generation in the clan will not grow up. We have to continue to guard for another thousand years. If that happens, I feel very tired."

It's really beautiful: "The energy harvested this time has been sent back to the clan. In the end of the Dharma Age, even the quality of the collected energy is very poor. Everyone has to tighten their pants and live with them."

It's so beautiful: "Is there any way, the people in the Dharma-ending Era are all the same, the idiots who gnaw the soil and those who eat fire, the thick soil collected, and the energy of fire energy are not rubbish that can't be swallowed."

Really sister: "Shut up, a creature is coming."


At ten o'clock in the evening, the sky was cloudless, and the moon was big and round.

The Astronomical Observation Laboratory of Canghai International University in Jinhai City: "Fuck, shit, come and see the wonders of the ages, the wonders of the ages, Star Wars..."

A classmate with glasses who was holding a super astronomical telescope and observing the starry sky suddenly blushed and yelled loudly like a chicken blood.

In the center of the laboratory, who was concentrating on interacting with students and explaining astronomical knowledge, the bald Professor Pan was so frightened that he stood up and looked at the students who shouted loudly like chicken blood.

"Student Liu Hao, please don't make any noise."

Liu Hao doesn't care about that now, his eyes are reluctant to leave the astronomical telescope for a second, his lips are trembling with excitement,

"Professor Pan, come and take a look. Is this true? I've never seen it before. Fuck, these people are exaggerating. Is this still human..."

Professor Pan was stunned when he heard the words, what exactly did Wu Hao see, what was so exaggerated.

Such a lack of image does not convey the meaning, so let’s go and have a look. Young people have never seen the market, so they need to be well educated.

More than 20 college students in the laboratory were attracted by the noise and turned around. I saw Professor Pan walking up to Liu Hao and stretching his head to look at the super astronomical telescope imported by the school in front of Liu Hao. It is said that this telescope can observe gold. Landslides on the river planet....

Seeing Professor Pan stretching his head over, Liu Hao was reluctant to leave the telescope, and continued to shout.

"Fuck, fuck, I've beaten two of them already."

Honestly make room for Professor Pan.

Professor Pan rolled his eyes, classmate, you are a college student after all, and you are always lying, making me really want to hit you.

In the next second, Professor Pan: "Fuck, what the hell is this, slap me twice, is the telescope broken?"

Half a minute later, Professor Pan finally stood up dripping with sweat, looked at the many students who were staring at him dumbfounded, and shouted loudly at one of the students without caring about his image.

"Huang Jinlai quickly went to the principal and told me what I said, the laboratory has made major astronomical discoveries and needs to be reported to the superior immediately."

After shouting, he continued to lean on the Super Astronomical Telescope: "It's just unbelievable, it's so big, how can there be such a big person."

This time it was Liu Hao's turn to be stunned, and turned his head: "I didn't expect Professor Pan... You can even say, you are a soft-tempered person."

Professor Pan slapped Wu Hao on the head.

"If you want to watch it quickly, you won't have a chance to watch it when the superior comes."

All the students in the lab buzzed and clamored: "Liu Hao, what did you discover? Is it so powerful? Get out of the way for us to see."

After a while, there was instant silence, and then: "Fuck, fuck, god, open your eyes, is this a fight between gods?"

The girl exclaimed coquettishly: "Ah, why are there so many people on Moonstar? My God, the height ratio is more than 100 meters. It's true or not."

"Is this a prank? Is it someone who deliberately released the film?"

"I'm afraid you're out of your mind. This is Blue Star's most famous super astronomical telescope. Besides, can your family go to Moon Star to fake it? Don't stop me, my classmates. These girls are so beautiful..."

"My God, who is this guy? Is he from our Blue Star?"

At the same time, similar clamor and shouts sounded all over the world, sweeping the world.

Niaoguo Fenggu: "Oh Maigao, what the hell is this? Are they from Longguo? How did they get there? My God, is this man God's father? Why is there such a big giant? Go and report to the boss... We The people here are too small compared to the Dragon Kingdom."

Sister Guo Kneeling Valley: "Mi suck, mi suck, tell the little king to come and have a look, this is a big man with eight characters, we must hurry up and gather all the beautiful and beautiful women in our country, and find this person to improve our short genes .”

Giant Bear Country: "Oh God, there are giants in this world. They are very dangerous enemies. Report them quickly and we must take precautions."

The monkey country, the frog country, the romantic country, the beauty country, the black country, there are incredible noises everywhere.

"What the hell is going on here? Are they really from the Dragon Kingdom? Are they so powerful that they are so blatant?"

"Yes, yes, it's no wonder that colorful auspicious clouds appeared in the sky some time ago. It must be the people of the Dragon Kingdom who are flying everywhere. I heard that they can fly thousands of miles away with a single sneeze. Their sticks are bigger than mountains."

"You country bumpkin, that's not a stick, it's the golden monkey's invincible gold stick, weighing hundreds of thousands of catties."

"No nonsense, it's not a golden stick, it's an invincible fine stick, specially designed to beat goblins."

Not only in reality, but also on the Internet, there are huge waves...

"Look, look, look, Baisou's original exclusive debut, the war between the moon and the stars, an eternal spectacle."

"Brother, you are out of date, this vibrato is already popular all over the world."

"Is this true upstairs? I can't believe it. There are actually people fighting on the moon and stars."

"You only know downstairs. Of course it's true. The son of my wife's best friend's boyfriend's father's classmate took it personally from an international super astronomical telescope. It's so powerful that it's almost inhuman."

"Upstairs upstairs, there is no need to talk about it, the latest reference data is out, Yue Xing and the others are all over 100 meters tall, they are not human at all."

"My God, are aliens so tall? I always thought that aliens were as big as us."

"Whoever said that aliens must be as big as us, they may be taller than those on the moon and stars, or they may not be visible under a microscope. The universe is so big that it is not life. It can be compared with our human body."

Wang Yin high school classmates: "Come out and see, is this Wang Yin?"

Liu Tao: "It's Wang Yin. I still remember him when he turned into ashes, but how could it be him? How could he go up to the moon and stars? Is he still human at a height of 100 meters? What kind of existence did I provoke?"

Liu Tao's dog leg: "You all know that Brother Wang is amazing. That day, Brother Wang was punishing you. In front of my idol, Brother Wang, Liu Tao, you should kneel down and sing Conquer. If you still want to kill us, dream about it."

Liu Tao knelt down and burst into tears: "Brothers are all brother's fault, brother and sister-in-law Tao invited you to dinner and apologized to you."

Wu Xiaoli: "Fuck you if you want to be beautiful. From now on, my mother will be Brother Wang's man. Bye bye."

Liu Tao is confused, are you my wife or the wife surnamed Wang? It’s embarrassing for the person who returns Brother Wang, you, even if he can’t offend Lao Wang next door, can’t he deal with you, a bitch?

Wu Xiaoli: "Honey, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't slap me in the face."

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