The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 80: Big And Small Decision

In the Red Moon Grand Canyon, smoke and dust billowed in the air.

I saw four giants with a height of more than 100 meters, who were fighting shirtless. The National People's Congress was as big as anything, and it felt like the earth would shake, the moon and stars would explode with a punch.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, both sides worked hard to control their strength, coupled with the formation protection set up by the ancestors of the True Spirit Race, this kept the moon and stars from being damaged by the battle.

Why did things turn out like this? Just three hours ago, when the younger sister had just finished speaking and kept silent, when the creatures came, Wang Yin was a thousand meters away from them.

The strength has evolved to a one-star life, and the physical body can break through the blue star's shackles and enter outer space. After Wang Yin exited the blue star's atmosphere, he used the big and small Ruyi Jue, and his arm turned into a thin thread to break through the speed of light, and went straight into the moon star's crust, like Spiderman Also, there is an outer space moon and star jumping, jumping to the surface of the moon and star.

Sure enough, when you haven’t evolved into galaxy life, the Ruyi Jue is really easy to use. You can swing from one planet to another like a swing. This picture has nothing to say. You can feel that you are Tarzan of the apes, swinging from one star to another. A star, the picture of climbing stars in the universe, the ape Tarzan can't feel this feeling.

He is all right, climbing planets and playing monster games, the style of painting is a bit strange,

After hearing the reminder from Zhenzhen’s sister, the two men of the True Spirit tribe who were in charge of defending the Moon Star Base were shocked. It had been thousands of years, and this was the first time that a foreign creature came directly to their base. In the past, most of the Yinyang tribe patronized them. True spirit space.

It’s really not an afterlife, I don’t pay attention to it, I forget how to use the weapon, the body rises into the air, and the mental power radar is fully activated, searching around.

There is really no next life: "Where is the master, please show up."

Really careless: "This is the Moon Star Base of the True Spirit Clan, friends, please retreat quickly."

When Wang Yin heard this, he realized that these giants could speak the language of the Dragon Kingdom. It would have been a waste of energy to detect the information of these giants.

It's really not the next life, I really don't pay attention to being fully alert, suddenly my eyes froze, and my eyes were empty and dull.

A small figure suddenly appeared behind their heads, the figure's arms instantly enlarged, holding a rubber ball in its hand to tie its mouth, humming the large monster hammer, and just like that, it hit the back of their heads with the hammer.

Before they could even react, they were smashed straight out of the air, and then... fainted, just like that.

I'm blind to your height of more than 100 meters, you haven't been beaten at all.

Wang Yin laughed heartily, I didn’t want to beat you up for a small sample, but it’s not fun to just trap you in a dream, it’s better to give you a real gun and a real hammer to give you a good time, it’s unlucky for you, but this dream is invincible when combined with a sneak attack .

The large dream ball in your hand was crying loudly, didn't you want my people, didn't you despise my people as a tasteless person, why are you still using my people to hit people.

The surface of the Moon Star is really beautiful, so beautiful, it's my sister, the three true spirit women are shocked, this is a super creature from there, one hammer can make it impossible for the next life, it's really not particular, and it doesn't even have the power to parry, Life and death are unknown.

It was very dangerous, the three of them quickly warned the real spirit space, and at the same time outflanked Wang Yin.

You must know that there is no afterlife, and you really don’t care about being in the top ten of the True Spirit Clan. Otherwise, you won’t be sent to the Moon Star Base, which is a source of food for the race, to be responsible for security protection, but it’s the top ten in the clan. The soldiers who fell down fell when they said they fell, and they didn't see how they fell.

It's really beautiful, it's so beautiful, it's really my sister. The three spirit women yelled and lined up in a triangular protective formation. Their whole bodies were so nervous that buckets of sweat were dripping on the ground. They turned around and searched for the enemy. They only knew the enemy It's in this direction, but the enemy's shadow cannot be seen.

"Where are you coming from? Don't hide and come out quickly. Are you going to be an enemy of our true spirit race?"

Wang Yin looked up at the figures of the three true Eldar women, the angle and position made him swallow, I'm right in front of you, why can't you see me?

Alas, even women of different races ignore men so much in this day and age.

Wang Yin shouted: "Hey Eldar women, keep your eyes open, Grandpa is right in front of you."

What is in front of us, the three women of the Spirit Tribe heard a small voice, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a person the size of a finger egg standing between two big heads waved at them.

What is this? Isn't this a human race from the lower realm? My god, the moon and stars came up and found them.

Humans from the lower realms came up to Yuexing several times before, but they didn't find them. How did this human race find it.

The most important thing is how he got here. Isn't he food? Every year, they need to provide the food of the source of life for their true spirits. If the food is so powerful and can easily come to them, how dare they harvest the source of life.

Immediately shouted coquettishly in unison: "Hey, that little human race, why don't you stay in Blue Star to cook food, what are you doing here on Moon Star, hurry up and go wherever you go."

The three of them were bluffing, but they panicked in their hearts. They searched the moon and stars with their spiritual senses and found no technological aircraft.

That is to say, this little human race climbed to the moon and stars by their own strength. This is the situation they are most afraid of, which means that this human race has evolved into a life like them.

Since the elimination of the strong human race thousands of years ago, the true spirit race has spared no effort to guide the human race to develop technology in order to prevent the human race from evolving into advanced life for hundreds of years. Because the controllable technology does not affect the harvesting of the source of life, the evolution and cultivation are uncontrollable. Once it evolves into a star If the super life cannot collect the source of life, and the two sides will immediately become sworn enemies.

Now a living human race, relying on its own strength, came before them, and easily defeated the real non-existent, so I really don't care about what to explain.

It shows that the human race has already stepped out of one star life, so are more human star life beings far away? By then, these human beings will know that they have been enslaved by their true spirit race for thousands of years, and they may tear up their true spirit space.

Wang Yin was so angry when she was called small by the three true spirit women, how can a man say small and laughed.

"Grandpa's place is small, don't you like big ones? Open your eyes wide, Grandpa will show you big ones."

After finishing speaking, he called out the big and small Ruyijue in the Great Dream Scripture.

"Big, big, big big... big."

In the blink of an eye, Wang Yin's body was growing against the wind, and his clothes were ripped apart with a bang. He had grown into a giant over 100 meters tall.

However, this giant was sweating profusely in embarrassment, and didn't consider the clothing issue. When he first came up, his arms were only thinner and longer, and his clothes didn't affect him.

Just looking at the stunned, three Eldar women, Wang Yin was full of spirits.

"Big or not, your grandfather can still be bigger, big, big, big, I'm big... Ye Shuang."

Amidst another series of thunder and explosions, Wang Yin's body continued to soar rapidly, and he was already a thousand meters high in a flash. Inexplicable.

Big and small Ruyijue, the original exercise of the Great Mengtianjing, is a top-notch exercise beyond the heavens and myriad realms. It is not a magic technique in cultivating immortals, and it does not display the energy of the Dharma Body when it is used.

It is the physical body that really grows and shrinks, and the most powerful thing is that it can be used on a local location alone. In theory, the local location can not only be shortened and shrunk infinitely, but also infinitely extended and elongated.

Come to the moon star, he cast it on his arm, making the arm infinitely slender and breaking through the speed of light, stretching out his palm to grab the moon star's crust, bouncing and contracting, and swinging over like a rope pulling.

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