The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 81 I Call Your Grandma

It's not an illusion, it's not a dharma, it's an infinitely large or infinitely small body, but when the strength is weak, you can't be infinitely large at will. If the physical body is too inflated to support it, it will explode like a balloon.

Now Wang Yin's one-star physical strength, the limit height can grow to 10,000 meters in height, and the diameter of the body with a radius of 1,000 meters.

It's really beautiful, it's so beautiful, my sister's eyes are full of shock, my God, what kind of life is this, the legendary top life is not so powerful.

The three stammered: "My lord... my lord, the five young girls are the staff of the True Spirit Tribe stationed at the Yuexing base. I didn't know your lord was here. Please forgive me for any offense."

Wang Yin's voice was like thunder: "Now that I know how powerful Grandpa is, I'm not convinced."

Three true spirit women: "I know, Grandpa, you are really amazing. No one can match this transformation."

"However, we are not convinced. Yuexing is an important office for the True Spirit Race, so please leave quickly, Grandpa."

Wang Yin is impatient Hey, I have a bad temper, the three thieves dare not be convinced, let's see how grandpa will deal with you, and vent my anger on the human race that I have been captive for thousands of years.

Seeing Wang Yin's face flushed with anger, the three true spirit women knelt down and shouted in fear: "Master Grandfather, calm down, the true spirit tribe never speaks nonsense, the three young girls are really unconvinced, grandpa, you should know the reason." .”

Wang Yin's cerebral hemorrhage climbed up, true spirits, true spirits, why are you such spirits, are you addicted to ridicule, how did he know the reason, and slapped down the big hand that covered the sky, like a Buddha catching a monkey grandson. The man grabbed hold of it tightly, and gave the three girls a brainstorm by bouncing his fingers.

"Grandpa doesn't know the reason, but the demon girl is not convinced, so please convince me quickly."

The three true spirits struggled desperately in the palm of the sky-supporting giant, staring angrily at the bullets in their heads.

"Resolutely refuse to accept, you demon reverse the order of the world's creatures, and bully the strong with the weak, aren't you afraid of the destruction of the sky?"

"Hey... sharp teeth, sharp mouth, everyone is bacteria in other people's stomachs, what kind of nonsense is talking about the order of life, and bullying you with the weak, grandpa just cares about your persuasion."

The three true spirit women didn't know the secrets of the heavens, and they thought Wang Yin was scolding them: "If you don't accept it, if you don't accept it, you are in someone else's stomach, and your whole family is in someone else's stomach."

"We true Spirit Race women don't tell lies, and if we don't agree, we won't accept it."

Oops, he just met a ox. Why is this true spirit woman so stubborn? Will you die if you say a word? Wang Yin ran out of patience and shrunk to more than 100 meters, which is more than a few women He stared at them with a high-level gaze.

"Don't accept it, I'll teach you how to obey."

The ball monster in his hand flashed and yelled, and greeted the three women with all his head and face.

"Dream ball sledgehammer, lightning attack."

Half a month later, the Red Moon Grand Canyon had a radius of 100 kilometers, and the mountains and rivers collapsed and the battlefield was full of smoke and dust. Wang Yin was sitting on a hill panting, looking at the helpless woman of the Spirit Tribe hundreds of meters away. This is simply three dead pigs who are not afraid Products that are scalded in boiling water, dumplings that are still hard when the duck is dead.

Is it possible to beat them to death? Anyway, it is the plot of the Moon Palace. He grew up listening to the legend of the Moon Palace fairy. Soon, after playing for so many days, I didn't even get my clothes dirty except that I was a little tired.

"Forget it, forget it, if you don't accept me, I will call you grandma."

The grandfather of the patriarch is on top, the boy really tried his best, but he has two sets of equipment, and the double combat power cannot be provoked.

However, a star life is a star life, and its energy grows very quickly after being squeezed with all its strength, absorbing the combat energy of these three is more than absorbing the energy of tens of thousands of ordinary people on the blue star for a year.

I didn't expect that the Great Desolation's Kung Fu, Yin Yang Hundred Battle Kung Fu is a kung fu that directly absorbs the chaotic origin of the dream world. I didn't find it when I was in Blue Star. It may be that the energy of ordinary people in Blue Star is too weak to sense it.

In the past half month, the energy of several true spirits has been squeezed by him, and it will take at least a hundred years of rest to recover.

Three true spirit women sat a few hundred meters away, three pairs of beautiful ethereal big eyes stared fiercely at Wang Yin, wishing they could eat him alive. This human man is too despicable and shameless. They always asked them if they were fairies of the Moon Palace, but luckily they answered yes wisely, otherwise they would probably have been killed.

Especially the strange ball in his hand, the scream was so disgusting, if it wasn't for the fact that this devil is so angry that he doesn't talk about martial arts, they would really have to obey him.

For the ancestors of the true spirit, your clansman did not embarrass the clan. With their strong will, they defeated the big demon from the human race.

By the way, aren't the human race energy leeks? Why are they so vicious, even more demonic than demons.

"Hey, what about the great human demon?"

The three True Eldar who recuperated and regained their energy, turned around and found that Wang Yin had disappeared, so... just left.

I thought I would be tossed about by this demon to torture the secrets of the True Spirit Clan, but I didn’t expect that he has already left, and the ancestors of the True Spirits, your children and grandchildren finally did not reveal the secrets of the clan.

When they breathed a sigh of relief, the three of them got up and helped up the really inexhaustible man who had been watching the battle for half a month. He really didn't care about the two true spirit men. The two men had already been implicated by the aftermath of the battle, and they were so angry that they vomited spiritual blood several times. In a daze, he has already vomited into a fool.

Blue Star Royal Hotel, Wang Yin entered the Dream Soul Realm, looked at the beam of light in his consciousness and laughed, not to mention that the quality of this wave of True Spirit Race is really good, he will soon be promoted to two stars, it seems that in the future The way to practice is to find advanced beings to harvest energy.

Human beings are still too weak. When human beings grow up, I am afraid that they will have broken through the heavens and worlds and will no longer be in the heavens.

Just as he fantasized about breaking through the heavens and worlds and running amok in the past, present, and future, a uniform slogan suddenly came from the street downstairs, his consciousness swept down, and he saw everyone who had been brought into the dream by him to develop the dream world Mengnu, Mengnu's Nunu as the core, tens of thousands of people lined up neatly, walking on the street mightily.

"On the top of the world, I am the only fairy in my dream. For thousands of years, I will rule the world. My lord is mighty... mighty..."

"Join Dream Fairy, you will become a real fairy, immortal, right in front of your eyes, my lord is mighty... mighty..."

"Mengxian Divine Kingdom has started to recruit people. The hero of the Moon Star Eternal War is our Mengxian Divine Lord. Friends from all over the world, classmates, do you still want to be silent like this forever? Don't you want to be a man like Mengxian Divine Lord? Join us, immortality will come soon."


Wang Yin spat out a mouthful of old blood, what did he see, where was he, and what was he doing.

Why hasn't Lan Xing changed so much in half a month? When did he become the God Master of Dream Fairy.

"Swiping the video, swiping the video, the latest high-definition details are fully displayed, the dream fairy god master fights the immortals through the ages, exclusive release, come and grab the traffic."

What the hell is this? Wang Yin's consciousness invaded the mind of the woman who was shouting and brushing traffic.

Now it's ugly, brother's image, why are you building so many super telescopes?

Is voyeurism fun, is gossip fun, and recording other people’s fighting videos to earn money from traffic, are you embarrassed?

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