The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 86: The Terran Enters Space

"The purpose of convening everyone today is to let everyone know the situation of the human race and their status in the alien race. Don't be treated as livestock by the alien race without knowing it."

"In addition, the True Spirit Race has been expelled, and the moon star has been vacant, and the human race can establish a base on the moon star."

"Don't worry about how to go to the moon in large numbers. Many of you have mastered your own kingdom of God and reached the fifth rank of the world of mortals. It will be very easy to become a star life in the future. You can use the combination of monsters and beasts in the kingdom of God to build a walking platform for ordinary people. path."

With a buzzing sound, with the Royal Hotel in Yangyun City, Yunnan Province as the center, bursts of buzzing and discussions sounded, and the news announced by Wang Yin swept Blue Star like a stormy sea.

"My God, we are all domestic animals."

"What's going on in this world is becoming more and more incomprehensible. It turns out that we are all captive livestock. Can we finally get out of Blue Star now?"

"Let me just say, our human race has such a developed brain, how could it be possible to develop such a little ability, and why life is always so short. It turns out that we were raised in captivity, and we would be killed if we became fat like pigs."

"So our frequent birth, old age, sickness and death, natural and man-made disasters, and plague viruses are all abnormal."

"It's so scary. I want to kill a chicken. I'm afraid that after my chicken realizes the breakthrough, it will be discovered that it was raised in captivity and beat me."

"Don't make any noise, I don't know what the God Lord said is the way to get out of Blue Star, I'm looking forward to it."

At the same time, there was a top-level meeting of Blue Star's top-level organizations from various countries, and everyone in the meeting listened to Wang Yin's announcement with serious faces.

Some puppets of the true spirit race and foreign races are hidden in it, trying their best to conceal the panic in their eyes.

They have been abandoned on Blue Star, unable to contact the True Spirit Race, and the right to destroy weapons in their hands has also been unknowingly replaced and deprived by awakened humans. When they reacted, everything could not be changed.

Of course, all of this was ordered by Wang Yin to the high-level officials of various countries. How could he allow these human puppets to hold weapons that could destroy Blue Star.

Now most of the puppets have been wiped out, and only some useful puppets that are less threatening and whose knowledge can be used can be used.

Wang Yin continued: "Today I will fly across the crystal star to destroy the monsters on the crystal star. This is a real monster. My elimination is also a real elimination. It is not the kind of battle you imagined, so please don't use super astronomy The binoculars spy on me."

"Hahaha, God Lord is so humorous."

All the people who watched the live broadcast on the Internet laughed heartily. They all knew what Wang Yin meant. After all, many people still have the collection version of Yuexing, and the high-definition version is even more difficult to find.

"As for you, you don't need to go up. The monsters above have at least one star life, and you can't touch it with your current strength."

"Today I'm just taking you to the moon and stars. This is the only time you will go your own way. Don't bother me to practice again."

After speaking, he waved his hand in the eyes of all the people, and all the charming Meng Nu and the big Han Nu Nu in black suits behind him were gathered into the Dream Soul Realm. This Dream Soul Realm was born with a unique innate spirit, and he used it very easily.

With both feet kicking off the roof of the hotel, it shot up into the sky like a shooting star, broke through the atmosphere of the blue star in an instant, and reached the starry sky in outer space.

Everyone on the blue star stared at this scene in astonishment. This was the first time for ordinary people to see a life of the same kind flying freely in broad daylight without any tools.

Although I knew that Wang Yin had been on the moon and star before, and I also watched Wang Yin's battle between the moon and the star, but I only saw it on the video, and I was already on the moon and star when I saw it.

It is different from the shock of witnessing a meteor breaking through the atmosphere and reaching outer space this time.

"Outside the nickname, the number one person in the Blue Star Eternity, the exclusive debut of Flying to the Moon Palace, everyone, come and catch the traffic."

"Fuck you, we've seen all the exclusive releases upstairs."

"My God, can we humans be this powerful? No, I want to join the Dream Fairy Kingdom immediately."

"I want to join too. I heard that the process of leading into the Kingdom of God is very enjoyable."

"Dream upstairs. No matter how enjoyable you are, you have to have a saint who is willing to guide you. As sloppy as you are, that saint is willing to guide you."

"The one on the second floor doesn't understand the situation. The handsome guy upstairs has two beautiful sisters. As long as his sister enters the kingdom of God and becomes a saint of the kingdom of God, she will have her best friend to help guide her."

"Didn't I hear that it was the goddess of the kingdom of God? Why did the saint of the kingdom of God appear again?"

"Your news is outdated. The goddess is the supreme existence of the kingdom of God. How can I have time to talk to you little people? The saint and son are the existences that we ordinary people can touch. As long as we ordinary people have qualified qualifications, join us!" After the Kingdom of God, you will be able to obtain the title of Saintess and Son."

"Fuck, is there such an inside story? The handsome guy on the first floor please take me."

"Handsome guy on the first floor of Yaoshou, my brother has eyes but no eyes, can I know your sister?"

"Hey handsome guy on the first floor, I take back what I said just now, my younger brother is not beautiful, can I introduce my cousin to you?"

"The handsome guy on the first floor, look at my little sister, she looks so shy, please recommend yourself as a pillow."

"What's so good about Xiao Guliang, the handsome guy on the first floor, the pinnacle of life is to come to Auntie to take you flying."

"I said you guys are endless, so you have to go outside, don't interfere with our observation of God Lord flying into the sky."

Arriving in the outer space of the earth, Wang Yin waved all the dream slaves in the dream soul world, and the slaves were released by him again.

They are all human elites, and many of them are the first time he guided them into the dream kingdom of God. Now their strength has been turned upside down, the lowest is the third rank of the world of mortals, and the highest has reached the sixth rank of the world of mortals.

Although the third rank of the world of mortals is not yet able to fly in the air, it is not a problem to raise Qi to fly in the air. The fifth rank of the world of mortals can already fly a hundred miles in the sky in the blue star.

There are more dream slaves on the blue star. Seeing Wang Yin shooting up like a meteor and breaking through the atmosphere, Nu Nu drives the three-color auspicious clouds, and the five-color auspicious clouds follow Wang Yin into the sky.

Above the largest colorful auspicious cloud, stands the highest level of Dragon Kingdom and Divine Kingdom.

This colorful auspicious cloud is one of the super existences on the blue star detected by Wang Yin when he broke through the star life, but now looking back, they are all little guys who have not entered the star.

The colorful auspicious cloud is a cloud beast raised by the true spirit clan. The highest strength is the seventh rank of the world of mortals.

It belongs to a split-breeding alien animal, born by splitting its own colorful cloud body. After birth, it has a color-changing strength.

Being found and subdued by the higher-ups of the Kingdom of God, it is better to take it home directly than to subdue it, because it is too well-behaved and docile, as simple as leading a sheep baby.

The True Spirits raised it freely on the blue star sky, and then installed countless monitoring equipment on it, floating in the blue star sky all year round to monitor the human beings on the ground. Human beings never imagined that the colorful auspicious clouds that are often seen in the sky are actually clouds that monitor themselves beast.

There are still a lot of powerful monsters on the land at the second rank of the Red Dust Realm, and the third rank of the Red Dust Realm. The tallest one is the swallowing snow python that lives in the highest Xuefeng mountain range in Blue Star. It has reached the seventh rank of the Red Dust Realm thousands of years ago. It usually hides in the snow No one can see the peak.

The fifth-rank elites in the world of mortals have already felt the energy fluctuations of the Sky-Swallowing Snow Python, but unlike the Cloud Beast, which has many descendants who can be sure of its docile temperament, the Human Race of the Sky-Swallowing Snow Python can't be sure of its temperament, so they dare not act rashly against it.

Later, Wang Yin made a careful inspection and found that the sky-swallowing snow python and the giant whale in the ocean were both native creatures on the Blue Planet, and they were not raised in captivity by other races, so they no longer paid attention to them, and left it to the race to solve by themselves.

This is also the reason why Wang Yin did not clear up these lives after returning to the blue star after the Moon and Star Wars.

As the descendants of Blue Star, as long as these monsters do not harm the human race, they can coexist together.

What's more, these monsters are very shrewd. As long as their strength reaches the world of mortals for more than one turn, they will be the best among them when they are old and mature, and will actively avoid human society and go deep into the deep mountains and old forests to practice latently. It is difficult for humans to find them.

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