The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 87: The Monster Race Is Coming

But that was the human beings before, and now the human beings have reached the fifth turn of the world of mortals, and it is not far from breaking through the star life. Slowly, these monsters will be found by humans and used in captivity.

According to the records of the Great Mengtianjing, after monsters evolve into star life forms, they can be 100% transformed into forms. In the monster series in my mind, many of them can be transformed into forms after eight ranks in the world of mortals.

It was the age of doom before, and the blue star's energy could not be supplied to them to practice, and they couldn't get out of the blue star, so it was difficult to evolve.

Now that humans can take them out of the blue star, the evolution rate may be faster than humans. After these elite monsters take shape, the development of human society will be more colorful.

Wang Yin was taken aback when he saw the colorful auspicious clouds that appeared in the atmosphere below. By the way, there was also a race of monsters.

How could the monster clan be absent from such a major step as stepping out of the blue star and entering the prehistoric universe?

In the future, if there is no limit to evolution, it will be the monster race, and the human race will travel through the heavens and the world, how can they do without a complementary race.

It would be good to have one more blue star aboriginal race, hand in hand with the human race in the heavens.

Thinking back in the prehistoric universe, when the human race's arrogance ran into the blue star demon clan when he was wandering through the heavens, the fellow villagers saw that their eyes were full of tears, otherwise they would be so lonely.

The ancient Xu Xian could drive snakes, and Ning Caichen could drive ghosts. Now that the human race has begun to set foot in the heavens, the world, the universe and the starry sky, optimizing genetics cannot just rely on driving people.

Aliens are unreliable, and the fellow-clan monsters are the best partners.

While thinking, the consciousness descended and instantly covered the highest snow peak of Blue Star, a straight snow peak not far from Ahaha Lala Peak and the depths of the ocean.

This straight snow peak has never been climbed by anyone. As long as someone climbs the mountain for nearly a thousand years, there will be an avalanche. I don't know the reason before, but now I know it is the sky-swallowing snow python.

After a while, I saw a huge snake head with a diameter of about 40 meters, round, beautiful, translucent, and white as jade drilled out of the snow on the top of the straight snow peak.

Amidst the earth-shattering, cool and melodious long chirping, the entire straight snow peak trembled, and a thousand-meter-long figure hovered around the peak and soared into the sky, like a white lightning rushing straight into the sky.

At the same time, in the depths of Blue Star's largest ocean, in a dark and deep canyon, a swollen figure jumped out of the water with a bang, and after setting off hundreds of feet of turbulent waves, it swam its head and tail and swam towards the sky.

It's true that this whale and kun are just for swimming, there's no way it's a fish and it hasn't changed into a bird, and it's not a kunpeng that can only swim.

But fortunately, it is a big monster of the seventh turn in the world of mortals, and it is no problem to float in the air. Just looking at this whale, Wang Yin is very curious whether it is the monster in the series of monsters in his mind. The ancestor of Whale Kun who marched in protest.

Looking at the huge Whale Kun and the Sky-Swallowing Snow Python, this is no longer a monster, but a monster that has changed its shape. In fact, as long as all monsters enter the world of mortals for a turn, they are not monsters after they produce a monster soul. Monsters are just monsters. The name of a low-level beast that is still evolving.

Those who didn't produce demon souls were wild beasts, and those who couldn't reach the world of mortals, even if they were called monsters, they were flattering them.

Both the Sky-swallowing Snow Python and Whale Kun have not yet shed their animal bodies and turned into human forms. Of course, they can also evolve into big monsters directly with their bodies without changing their forms.

It's just that being born in the blue star world, where all things in the world are led by the human race, it is even more unique to cultivate in human form.

In layman's terms, this is the world. The human race is an excellent cell in line with the law of heaven, and other lives are poor-quality cells. It is easier for the monster race to transform into a good cell to grow itself.

Therefore, only the human race has the dream world of the kingdom of God, and other beings do not have the dream world of the kingdom of God. This is the reason why the true spirit race and many other races love to exist in human form.

Although these alien races don't know the dream world of the Kingdom of God, they can truly experience the various evolutionary conveniences after transforming into a human form. The true spirit race even raised human races in captivity to harvest life energy.

In front of the huge whale swimming, an international cruise ship with hundreds of thousands of tons was riding the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound from the distant skyline. come.

A moment later, the tide surged under the cruise ship, and the power jolt brought about made the crowd on the cruise ship reel, and the sound of shock resounded throughout.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "Look, look, what is that, oh, is that a killer whale?"

"Wow, Mommy, come out and see, there is a killer whale flying by in the sky."

Resting in the room, searching for international tourists who live broadcasted human beings entering outer space from around the world. After feeling the turbulence of the cruise ship and hearing the noise outside, I came out to see the sky. It is really a killer whale. How can a killer whale fly into the sky? It is unbelievable and incredible .

Many women's eyes are full of small stars, and their voices are delicate: "It's so big and so kawaii. Is this Brother Orca? Brother Orca can fly, so amazing and amazing."

Some more professional scientists also said: "This is not a killer whale. Although it looks like a killer whale, its body is thicker, rounder and fatter, and its development is bigger than that of ordinary killer whales."

Whale Kun, who swam above the cruise ship, heard the words, and replied in a rumbling voice.

"You are the killer whale, and your whole family is a killer whale."

"This uncle is Jingkun, does Jingkun know, uncle has the blood of Kunpeng, he is the tyrant of whales, do you understand, a bunch of bumpkins."

There was silence on the cruise ship, and everyone was shocked when they heard that the killer whale could talk, and this f*ck could talk, and then suddenly the crowd boiled.

Kawaii voice: "Dad, Dad, come and see, I saw a monster, wow, it's scary that the monster can talk."

Jiao Didi's voice: "This is not my father. Brother Killer Whale has said that it is a fine father. Oh, hello, fine father. How did you grow up so big?"

In the terrified and shocking eyes of everyone, Jing Kun was triumphant, shaking his head, breaking through the atmosphere and swimming towards Wang Yin.

If a group of bumpkins hadn't been descended by the gods today, how could you see the invincible and heroic appearance of my uncle.

At this time, a discordant voice sounded: "This killer whale is obviously swimming, but it is also swimming stupidly and slowly. How can you say it is flying?"

Whale Kun's body lagged behind and he swam faster. When these little reptiles found out that I was swimming, I quickly flashed that I couldn't afford to lose the face of the whale.

Outside the atmosphere above Yangyun City, Yunnan Province, a group of elites from all over Bluestar stood respectfully around Wang Yin, as silent as the stars surrounding the moon.

Although I don't know what the Divine Master is waiting for, as long as it is the Divine Master's will, she (he) must follow it unconditionally. There is no doubt that this law goes deep into the soul.

Ethereal and melodious, the earth-shattering hissing sound of tearing the sky suddenly came, and a figure like a frightened bird, graceful like a dragon, suddenly appeared from the clouds below, and the figure came to Wang Yin diagonally opposite Wang Yin like lightning, coiled into a ball, leaning like a building The huge snake head was as crystal as jade, and the emerald green transparent snake eyes mixed with dark red carefully looked at Wang Yin.

A startling soft and sweet voice sounded: "Human, are you calling my slave?"

At the same time, a thunderous voice sounded in the distance: "Shangxian Shangxian, Kunkun is here, your little Kunkun is here, I am not Xuxukun."

Nearly 300 meters in length, the big round fish with the shape of a killer whale swam from the sea of ​​clouds nodding and bowing, sticking out its fat and foolish tongue like a cute pug, circling around Wang Yin like a pug, panting to please Wang Yin.

Wang Yin hehe, this is the difference between those who were beaten and those who were not. This big fat fish was too lazy. It built a cave in the deep sea and fell asleep. It took a while to get up.

You said that you are a killer whale, and you are not afraid to suffocate you when you sleep under such a deep ocean.

Just seeing the shocking waves on the scene, I don't know why I thought it was a monster. Then I thought it was a cheap killer whale, oh no, it was a whale.

You can see how high and cold the Tuntian Snow Python is, and the voice is so soft and soft.

Jing Kun: "You are the fat fish, and your whole family is a big fat fish."

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