The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 90 Chasing Down The Yin-Yang Clan


The ground on the crystal star was scorched black, corpses and broken bones could be seen everywhere, landslides and ground cracks everywhere in sight, and the sky was filled with dark clouds of war that lingered for a long time.

In the middle of a basin surrounded by mountains with a radius of thousands of miles, Wang Yin swung a dream ball and smashed a Longyang clansman, and exhaled, finally cleaning up these guys on the surface.

The dream ball in his hand is not the first dream ball brought out, but a more advanced two-star life dream ball. This level of dream ball Zhang Xifeng is not strong enough to bring out her own world, and Wang Yin prefers to use this meat Hammer, just bring out one and use it.

Thanks to this reason, Zhang Qifeng is the only dream slave who has been patronized the most by Wang Yin. As a result, she only wants to run her own business and has no intention of practicing.

Looking up at Jingxing, there are traces of battle everywhere. It is unexpectedly difficult to kill the Longyang clan this time. It was estimated that the strength of the Longyang clan is the highest among them, but Samsung Life. I did not expect this alien race to hide deeply. It is the base camp of this race.

There are countless Longyang clansmen above, three-star clansmen can be seen everywhere, and four-star clans command more than a dozen.

The most terrible thing is that the five-star ancestors all have one. Although they have only reached the five-star level, they are already the real overlord of the galaxy in the scope of the solar system.

To know the strength of five-star life, one blow with all your strength can destroy a planet with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers, and a blue star is only more than 10,000 kilometers in diameter. Think about the scene of destroying a thousand blue stars with one blow. The biggest boss.

Not only the big solar system, but even the nearby galaxies don't have such a big boss.

The reason for this situation is that Wang Yin lacked knowledge and underestimation. When he learned about this race from the True Spirits, he always thought that Jingxing was just an ordinary planet like Blue Star, and the Dragon Yang clan on it had the most strength of three-star beings.

In addition, it was extremely easy for Yuexing to fight against the True Spirit Clan, so he didn't take the Longyang Clan to heart.

As a result, he killed Jingxing and found out the abnormality. After knowing it, he went to the Dream Scripture to check the information, only to find that he had made a big mistake.

It is extremely easy to fight against the True Spirits, but the three women of the True Spirits are not combat-type clansmen, and they did not really fight to the death during the battle. He focused on harvesting energy and actually had little destructive power.

Two real combat fighters really don't have an afterlife, and they really don't pay attention to being knocked down by him in a dream when they just entered the field. They all have to be hammered.

But the Longyang tribe is different. The behavior habits of this tribe are too disgusting. Wang Yin is unwilling to fight by sneaking into his dream to avoid detecting his disgusting memory. He chooses to directly kill it with a dream ball hammer. iron plate.

Through the Great Dream Scripture, I learned that Jingxing is not an ordinary planet, but the dojo of the ancient mighty Master Taibai. Master Taibai is an ancient power and a top galaxy-level powerhouse who can enter the inner universe only one step away.

It is a powerful existence that can destroy the Milky Way with a single blow, so this crystal star is also called Taibai Crystal Star.

Such a dojo planet of Master Taibai, the entire crystal star has been blessed by the array arranged by Master Taibai, and Master Taibai is a genuine power of the inner universe, a top-level existence that has condensed the universe in his body.

Therefore, the crystal star seems to be an ordinary planet, and the actual planet law strength is comparable to that of a super galaxy. Even the top galaxy powerhouse can't destroy its space barrier, let alone destroy the planet.

The five-star life fighting on the crystal star is like two martial arts masters fighting on the blue star. Picking up a stone can smash your head and blood, so that you can't feel the aura of a star powerhouse, but more Without the power to destroy the world, it is even more impossible to destroy the crystal star with one blow.

The ancestor of Longyang was not originally an intelligent race, but a fat and mud-eating worm on the crystal star. Like the earthworms living in the blue star soil, they depended on the crystal star soil for food. Because they were fat and cute, they were kept in captivity by the boring Master Taibai.

It's just that since Master Taibai disappeared in the last era, the crystal star array has been unmanned, and has lost the function of sanitation, anti-virus and sterilization. Therefore, the Longyang people have been genetically evolved from generation to generation.

For a long time, it has eaten the soil of the law of crystal stars, and has no natural enemies to compete with and gradually evolved, and finally developed into a big Japanese overlord.

So on the day Wang Yin led the human race to set foot on the moon star, he broke into the crystal star aggressively and knelt down. He was beaten by a four-star Longyang clan leader and fled.

If it wasn't for his weird way of escaping, he would go directly to the Blue Star through Mengnu Dream Realm on the Blue Star. With the speed of the four-star leader of the Longyang Clan, he would have to burp right away.

Fortunately, Jingxing has a formation set up by the great power of the inner universe. If Master Taibai is not in the situation of unmanned control of the formation, beings above two stars cannot enter and exit freely, and only beings below two stars can enter and exit.

Perhaps in the eyes of Master Taibai, beings below two stars are just kittens and puppies at home, and there is no need to restrict them.

This is also the fundamental reason why other civilizations of the big Japanese system do not understand the Longyang clan on Jingxing, because the Longyang clan above two stars are all staying in Jingxing honestly.

Wang Yin was able to enter because there were true spirit women captured by the Longyang tribe, who entered through the dreams of the true spirit women. Although the true spirits do not have a dream world, they can follow the dream to enter their souls, and then attach Get out like your body.

Because the three-star tribe was restricted by the formation and couldn't get out of the crystal star, the Longyang tribe who went to the space of the true spirit tribe to capture the female tribe of the true spirit tribe had the highest strength of two stars, which made Wang Yin misjudge the strength standard of the Longyang tribe.

Also because of the restriction by the Taibai formation of the crystal star, the ancestors of Longyang could not get out of the crystal star, so other races of the Great Japanese family could survive peacefully and were not killed and plundered by the Longyang clan.

At this time, dozens of dream slaves on the crystal star are cleaning the battlefield. The entire inner world of the crystal star is extremely huge, which is tens of thousands of times larger than what humans have observed. .

The sky was turbulent, and Wang Yin swept across the sky with a hurricane that swept across the world, and landed on top of dozens of dream slaves of the Kingdom of God.

Meng Nu, who was cleaning the battlefield, felt the fluctuations above his head, looked up and shouted in unison.

"I have seen the God Lord, the God Lord Wan'an ruled the heavens."

Wang Yin waved his hand and asked casually, "How is everything cleaned? Is there anything left?"

"Return to God Lord, all the spirits and souls of all the extinct Longyang clans are destroyed, and the flesh is refined with the real fire of the big sun and will never turn over."

"Rescue 150,000 females from other races, tens of thousands from the human race, and 13,000 females from the true spirit race who were kidnapped by the Longyang clan."

"How could there be a human race?"

Wang Yin frowned. Although the data didn't seem to be much, many alien races and true spirit races were super life forms, and one of them could count as many ordinary beings.

At the foot of the hill behind him, a 100-meter tall true spirit woman immediately stood up and answered.

"My lord, the human race was taken captive during the war between the Yin-Yang tribe and our tribe three hundred years ago. Most of them are females and a few males. Because of their short life spans, the males are kept in captivity to reproduce with the females, and they are enslaved by the Yin-Yang tribe to give birth."

This damn perverted race, Wang Yin knew that the Yin-Yang clan she was talking about was the Longyang clan, so she no longer asked for details.

If this race hadn't been so disgusting, he wouldn't have had nothing to do to kill them, but even if he didn't kill Blue Star, he would have met sooner or later.

Continue to instruct all the dream slaves of the kingdom of God: "This planet has a large formation set up by the power of the inner universe. The power can be destroyed by no life in this universe. It can be used as the base camp of the human race and the life training base below two stars. You will soon The magic star path extends over."

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