The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 91 Hammer Exploding Crystal Star Monster

"You don't need to understand what the existence of inner space power is, just think of it as the level of Taoist ancestors in the mythical world."

"All the Longyang tribes were wiped out without leaving any survivors, and the other captive alien races were left in place for human trials, as combat training objects for low-level human races."

"Now the ancestor Longyang is left to guard the core of the planet. It is still the old way. I will suppress it head-on, and you will hold it back. As long as the other party moves away a step, you will kill the young egg follicle guarded by the other party."

"Except for the male slave fighters, all the goddesses and female slave fighters of the kingdom of God come with me, and I will first recover my consumption."

"Follow God's will."

In the crowd, two-thirds of the goddesses of the kingdom of God, the female slave warriors followed Wang Yin, and the other star male slave fighters continued to clean the battlefield. They all knew that Wang Yin brought these goddesses of the kingdom of God, the female slave warriors What to do, the god master's cultivation method is inseparable from women, and everyone knows it.

Don't look at them as star slave fighters, but each of them has their own woman in charge, so how dare they take away other goddesses and female slave fighters like the God Lord at will.

Wang Yin flew to the mountains thousands of miles away with dozens of celestial maidens and female slave warriors whose combat power reached the stars.

In addition to these goddesses and star-rated female slave warriors, there are also dozens of beautiful and graceful figures in the mountains, beautiful women in the form of swallowing snow pythons, white ladies from different spaces, dragon mothers, clam queens, and Medusa. The queen and other monster races and beauties from other worlds come here.

Seeing Wang Yin, the Tuntian Snow Python asked in a tender and waxy voice: "Humans, what are you calling us here for? We have to clean up other planets in the big Japanese system."

Wang Yin smiled evilly: "There is no rush to clean up the other planets in the big Japanese system. At present, the God will restore the wear and tear first, and killing the ancestors of Longyang is the big deal."


In the center of the crystal star, countless tunnels are criss-crossed underground. In a huge space with a radius of 10,000 meters, oval white eggs more than one meter high are piled up in rows.

An old monster twenty feet tall, with a huge and disgusting long nose on the top of his head, wearing rouge and powder, wearing a floral skirt, and protruding buttocks, roaring angrily.

"Human race... When the descendants of the ancestors are born, the ancestors will be the first to destroy you, and capture all your females to breed sons for our race, ah ah...why can't I go out of this planet? I'm so mad at me."

Behind the monster was a row of pregnant, 100-meter-tall, naked Eldar women, looking at the crazy old monster gloatingly. This old monster race had finally received its karma.

Their True Spirit Race is a star-level civilized race after all. The race conforms to the way of heaven and is born viviparously. They were captured by this monster and transformed into spawning machines. This kind of race that violates the way of heaven should be struck by lightning.

Fortunately, these monsters finally got their karma these days. There was constant shouting and killing outside, and the underground monsters disappeared one by one. In the end, even this old monster was forced to go out to fight.

As a result, as soon as the old monster left, a team of humans came in to destroy the old monster's offspring, and rescued many captured sisters.

After several losses, the old monster didn't dare to move any more, and was determined to guard all the little monsters that hadn't been born in this underground space.

It seems that those human races have no way to kill this old monster. This old monster is too powerful, and it is already difficult to destroy the five-star life power.

"Ah... I, I, I... I'm going to give birth."

Looking at the old monster with vicious eyes, expecting God to destroy him, a cry of pain sounded, and I saw one of them was a 120-meter-tall real spirit woman with a round bead, smooth skin, and a big belly The woman was sweating profusely.

The woman's eyes were full of despair and shame. She never thought that one day she would lay hundreds of eggs, and she wished she could die immediately.

Their true spirits are all viviparous races. Although they have two sets of organs, they still have one set of organs and one child. Each birth can only have two children at most, and they are all healthy babies with all four limbs.

They have never been humiliated by laying eggs like this. All the true spirit women viciously cursed the monster race in front of them and went to hell collectively.

At this time, there was only a sound of explosion in the space, and a big hole was opened in the underground sky, and a shadow similar to their True Spirit Race descended from the sky. Amidst the rumbling and crackling sound, the ancestor of the monster was sent flying a thousand meters away.

Looking closely, isn't this the human race who suddenly appeared from their side some time ago and destroyed countless monster eggs?

The human race has been raised by their true spirit race for thousands of years, and they can recognize the human race when they turn into ashes, but when did the human race become so powerful? Doesn't it mean that it is the age of the end of the law, and the power of the human race has all disappeared?

Wang Yin landed in the underground space and looked up. Rows of slender jade legs supporting the sky were facing her. She wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and smiled awkwardly. She quickly cast Ruyi Jue to become a giant over 100 meters tall.

On the other side, Patriarch Longyang, who was thrown thousands of meters away by the critical attack, got up with a disheveled face, and saw the appearance of this human race that had wiped out his entire clan again, with a sinister gleam in his eyes and spurted out a mouthful of blood, wanting to Use secret techniques to open the space channel to escape.

Through the critical attack of the human race just now, he knew that he was no longer the opponent of this human race, and he would only fall here if he didn't escape quickly.

Seeing that the old Longyang monster was about to run away, Wang Yin would agree and yell, "Run here if you don't repair it, and the dream ball sledgehammer will strike with lightning."

A hammer hit the opened space channel, although this channel can only be opened inside the crystal star, the old monster can't escape the crystal star anyway, but it is difficult to search for such a big crystal star where he finds a place to hide it.

Amidst the humming and humming of the latest four-star dream ball, there was a deafening explosion, and Patriarch Longyang was knocked out from the space passage by a hammer.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the old monster took out a nine-ringed ghost-headed sword from the mustard space, the blade was full of blood, and several sinister and dirty ghost eyes flowed back and forth on the knife, crying and howling, and swung the knife at Wang Yin.

"Little thief of the human race, my Longyang clan has no grievances with you, why do you want to kill our clan?"

Wang Yin: "Shameless old thief, you are such a scourge of innocent women and men, such a sissy who sells chrysanthemums is old and uneducated, you are the shame of all men and women in the world, and you will be enraged by both men and gods."

A row of true spirit women next to them complained excitedly, sadly and indignantly.

"Just... kill it, kill this perverted old monster, this race shouldn't exist in the world."

"Humans, you killed this old monster. All of our true spirit women recognize you as the master and serve you. If these monsters are normal males, they would rob our sisters to give birth normally, even if they are angry with our sisters, they would recognize you, but these monsters It’s just that being perverted is against the law of heaven, it’s obvious that males prefer to be females, and reproduce by transforming females of other civilizations to lay eggs, which disgusts us sisters.”

"Let our sisters lay eggs, you go to hell, I wish you never to be born again."

Wang Yin was sweating profusely listening to these accusations, although you True Eldar don't lay eggs, your newborn baby is as big as a human house, so it's also a monster, okay?

Seeing that the communication was ineffective, the ancestor Longyang slashed at Wang Yin from the air.

"Longyang world, suck the soul and swallow the soul, the human race will die."

The howling of ghosts and wolves resounded throughout the space, and a sharp saber energy tore through time and space, and came to kill Wang Yin's soul.

Wang Yin turned around like lightning, and the latest movement technique from the Great Mengtianjing was like a dream, and teleported behind Longyang Patriarch in an elusive trace.

"Dreamball sledgehammer strikes with lightning, look at the hammer."

Very simply, he smashed Patriarch Longyang's head with a hammer.

Because Wang Yin's speed was unpredictable, Longyang Patriarch could only tilt his head quickly in a panic, avoiding the risk of being headshot by the dream ball.

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