The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 92: The Emergence Of Powers From Other Worlds

"Why...why do you only use this trick for a sneak attack, so that you can meet the ancestors in a fair and honest manner."

"If you are old and don't practice, I will still call you to death with this trick. Whoever has time to see life and death with you, let's see the hammer."

Still, the move was like a dream, and with the teleportation, it came behind Longyang Patriarch, and the dream ball whizzed and hit the old monster's head.

Patriarch Longyang was affected by half of his body this time, and he couldn't dodge any longer. The dream ball hit his head firmly, and the head burst with a bang, and Yuanshen was about to dodge away in panic.

At this moment, Wang Yin let go of Mengqiu's long and thin mouth, and Mengqiu opened its wide mouth in joy, Longyang Patriarch Yuanshen wailed, and was swallowed by Mengqiu in one gulp.


After a full burp, Mengqiu's big eyes showed a contented smile, following this demon was not bad, as he could eat a lot of delicious food that his master didn't have.

This is why Wang Yin prefers to carry the dream ball.

This guy is not only as easy to use as a brick, but can actually devour the soul. The soul of the ancestor of Longyang was swallowed by it, and he was just a soul flying away, never to be reborn.

On the crystal star sky, when the soul of the ancestor Longyang disappeared, a trace of fluctuation appeared from nothingness, sweeping across the world of crystal star in a hurry.

Countless dark rays of light flew towards the sky above Wang Yin, and palms that obscured the sky and sun appeared in the starry sky.

Even Sun Houzi's one-hundred-eight-thousand-mile somersault cloud can't turn out this palm.

At the same time, a huge female voice spread across Venus: "It's good, it's good, my Buddha is merciful."

With the chanting, the entire crystal star began to shake. This is the thought of a strong person in the inner universe. Even if it is just an avatar projection, the coercion is not something a planet can bear.

"Excellent, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva."

"It's good, the depleted uranium bombs are clean in the Lingtai, and the merits are immeasurable to collect the essence."

With the sound of the scriptures, the gun barrels seemed to wake up from the endless hell, revealing the ferocious muzzle of the guns. Countless huge mechanical Bodhisattva guards and gear dragons seemed to be activated in eternity, and they opened their eyes one after another.

Then they collectively turned to the base of the Crystal Star, facing Wang Yin who broke through the ground with the Eldar woman.

At the next moment, the mechanical guards lined up neatly, sitting cross-legged like pink demon nuns, bowing to Wang Yin, who soared into the sky. The mechanical and electronic sounds pierced through the crystal star world, and broke through the speed of light to convey to the blue star.

At this moment, all the beings of the big Japanese family trembled in the mighty power of the inner universe.

"Excellent, Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva!"

"Excellent, many grandchildren of Egg Buddha in the future!"

Wang Yin jumped in shock at the big scene, did she grow old after beating the young one, or did the mother laugh.

"This is really fun and interesting."

As the best in shameless and shameless, when encountering such a fun scene, of course he will not let it go easily.

Silently check the information of the Great Dream Scripture in your heart, if you can get it done, you will have no return today, if you can't get it done, run away immediately.

Because as far as he knows, there is no inner space power in the reality of this blue star time and space, only the small world attached to the blue star has the inner space power conceived by human beings, of course different ideas have different descriptions of the inner space power.

In the small world affiliated to Blue Star, the top group of inner universe representatives include Dao ancestors, great emperors, first ancestors, heavenly dao, and creators.

There are more times, as long as you reach the Daluo Jinxian, you will be above the half-step Taoist.

If it is the inner universe that comes out of the small world attached to Blue Star, he really doesn't pay attention to it. He has entered many of those small worlds, and the Creator has to tremble in front of him.

You are fictionalized by the Blue Star humans, and I am a real strong Blue Star human being. I found the person who invented you and dragged him into a dream to rewrite it. I wrote you so that you would be completely forgotten, leaving your world without a trace. Relying on space, just ask if you are afraid, that is very scary.

Thinking of bad water in his mind, he clasped his hands solemnly and asked.

"Bodhisattva Mahasattva, there may be disasters and dangers that come to the world, and the world is bound to be infinitely difficult, and you need the mercy of my Buddha."

"There are."

Wen must have a huge steel Bodhisattva face, and then appeared in front of Wang Yin's eyes. His body was made of black steel, with willow eyebrows, fine nose, red lips and red lips.

There is also a pink mechanical guard with palms together, standing in front of the huge Bodhisattva and bowing down.

"My Buddha is merciful. All living beings in this world fall into infinite difficulties, suffer infinite disasters and bear infinite suffering. Bodhisattva Mahasattva, you should save them."

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful, I should save him!"

After hearing this, Wang Yin smiled and said: "It's so good, it's so good, it's like my Buddha's will, so the Bodhisattva will save him."

Immediately, he stepped into the range of the endless gun muzzle, and he wanted to see how these weird steel nuns could save him.

A huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the endless Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva poured towards Wang Yin in the beam of light.

He saw that endless tide-like steel-pink bhikkhunis rushing towards him amidst the grand and ethereal Buddha sounds and the ground-swelling golden lotus world.

Then they fell like raindrops, into this crystal star world, onto a huge steel altar, into the Mechanical Sanctuary.

Their flesh and blood, watering the steel altar, nourishing the mechanical sanctuary, turned into soul-shattering clean depleted uranium bombs, vowing to bring Wang Yin into the country of pink steel monks.

In a trance, a gap was torn between the sky and the earth, and the indomitable steel monk Hong Fanni appeared in the crystal star sky with a height of hundreds of millions of meters.

Two iron and jade legs broke through the crust of Venus, standing in the starry sky of the universe, the huge turret on the chest moved straight, shooting out endless Buddhist craters full of fragrance.

He is so majestic, so sacred and so majestic, merciful than enchanting, chilling in the red tent.

So much so that Wang Yin saw him at the first glance, and knew that he was the world of many grandsons mentioned in the Bible, the great spirit of the ten thousand pits, and the incarnation of the merciful Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva.

But why don't you stay in your own world and run to the real space for what? When the old man Taibai was playing in the heavens, didn't he tell you that the strength of the real world and the subordinate world are not equal? ​​The old man Taibai is trying to trick you.

With the appearance of the indomitable steel bhikkhu and demon nuns, countless huge mechanical bodhisattva guards and pink demon nuns immediately knelt down, piously worshiping and praising the great savior of their world, the truth of the universe.

"Praise Gatling Bodhisattva, who has practiced deep Prajna Bobomi for a long time, holding six pipes, turning into the supreme holy pit, one pipe and one pit, the six-pit mantra, the curse of no pit, and the curse said: Om Mani Padme Hum The heart of the pit is like the sea, Purdue sentient beings, playing in the whirling world, dissipating the fire of the five gatherings, leaving the samsara of the essence, enjoying the disaster of the eight bliss, without crying and extinguishing the path, going to the bliss of my Buddha, six pits and one breath 63,000 turns , Purdue yin and yang never rests! Great, Gatling Bodhisattva; good, Gatling Bodhisattva."

This is the Gospel of Steel Bhikkhuni Mechanical, a great tribute to sentient beings, this is a tribute to Wang Yin.

The pure and incomparably holy light emerged from the altar and fell on Wang Yin, repairing the damaged parts of Wang Yin's body, bathing Wang Yin's whole body in a source of happiness, and his body and soul yearning for the steel pink Buddha kingdom.

All the depleted uranium bombs shot at Wang Yin's quiet and inaction turned into nine-colored golden lotus blossoms, emitting endless golden light, and the fairy flowers in the inside were filled with pink powder.

From now on, Wang Yin will become a mechanical monk, will prostrate at the feet of the steel bhikkhuni, and become a mechanical missionary of the Iron Buddha Kingdom.

The brilliance of Buddhism will extend from his body and turn into an invincible body of steel, which makes him unable to help but praise loudly.

"Excellent, Great Merciful Dakeng Gatling Bodhisattva, praise, many grandsons of Egg Buddha in the future."

At this moment, the infinite true blood avatar suddenly appeared, surrounded the endless Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva, and embraced countless huge mechanical guards, the pink demon.

The indomitable steel bhikkhu Hong Fanni, her heart twitched suddenly. His transformation has never had an object like him. Countless believers are avatars.

No, this is not a believer, but a real avatar exactly the same as the target of transformation, an external incarnation of the monster in front of him.

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