The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 93 Wow, Gatling's Degree

Like the dark side of a monster, he felt powerful and terrifying, indescribable evil pheromones in these endless real bodies.

"Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva, can you deal with him?"

The indomitable steel monk, Hong Fanni, suddenly regretted coming to this world, because what came now was only His avatar of the era, a projection of the real Nankeng Gatling Bodhisattva.

Master Taibai is just his ordinary friend, and there is no need to lose an era of practice for Taibai. As for the bugs left behind by Taibai, it has nothing to do with him if the Guyang monster is destroyed.

But in the next second, Steel Bhikkhu Hong Fanni knew that he shouldn't have such a thought, because his mood was broken, and countless phantoms of heavenly demons appeared in a flash.

In an instant, the person on the opposite side turned into an upright body like him, and Gatling pointed at him with the same thick barrel.

"Worse, I'm in danger today."

Seeing the ferocious gun barrel Gatling pointing towards him, the steel monk Hong Fanni panicked. His ability is mainly based on speed, and his combat effectiveness is actually a mess.

His cannon barrel is just a simulated phantom deterrent, and now the opponent really returns bullets, what should we do.

What's more, wanting to transform Wang Yin is just his consistent style, and his Buddhist kingdom needs countless believers to maintain its strength.

Wang Yin's big and small Ruyi Jue is also indomitable, and he can't control so much with the thick barrel Gatling that can be transformed into a big and small Ruyi Jue.

He has figured out the other party's background, it's just a powerful projection from another world in the subsidiary blue star world, the guy who can't even enter his own subsidiary world with his real body, who gave her the courage to come to the real main world with just the avatar.

Unless the Taibai old fox wanted to trick her when he knew her, and didn't show her the disparity in power between the main world and the subsidiary world, maybe this silly white sweet pink demon girl thought her own world was the main world.

While Steel Bhikkhu Hong Fanni panicked, Wang Yin's spirit invaded her conscious world and imprisoned the Iron Bhikkhu Hong Fan Ni, the clone of the Era.

Although it is the alien clone projected into this era from the previous era, but in her small world, this era is the real body.

Wield the large and small Ruyi gun barrel Gatling, and attack the depths of the Iron Bhikkhu Pink Nifo Kingdom while turning. Every time the gun barrel Gatling turns, there will be brilliant and brilliant texts emerging from it.

"Nan, Hang, Ah, Mi, Tuo, Buddha."

The world brightened up under the attack of Gun Barrel Gatling.

One after another, full of life breath, extremely compassionate, pure and inaction fine bullets, whirling and whistling, attacked at high speed into the depths of the indomitable steel bhikkhu pink nifo kingdom.

At the same time, the two giant hands turned into sky-shaking giant palms, grabbing towards the huge turret of the steel bhikkhuni.

"The Buddha said, if I don't enter the huge pit, whoever enters the huge pit."

"What is the taste of Bodhi? When you smell it, it will come naturally. I am willing to go with you and refine your altar."

"Gatling Bodhisattva Mahasattva in the giant pit, you can take advantage of you to save me from disasters like this."

In the sky full of Buddha's light, in the rain of bullets pouring down from the endless barrel Gatling, the indomitable steel bhikkhunis were routed into an army.

The huge mechanical bodhisattva guard under his command, the pink demon nun, was as limp as mud, allowing the real blood avatar around him to shoot infinite pure and inaction fine uranium bullets, and captured the pink real body in the iron Buddha kingdom.

Wang Yin's counterattack is so simple, straightforward and direct.

On this day, on the entire big solar system planet, countless star beings on the blue star on the moon, and fans of super astronomical telescopes, all observed a grand celestial phenomenon.

Even ordinary blue star people can vaguely see the shadows of the two giants fighting in outer space.

Bursts of ethereal chanting resounded through the universe, passed through the starry sky and entered the ears, and tore off the barriers of the attached blue stars to enter countless small worlds. For the first time, the blue starry sky was revealed in front of countless small worlds.

In the starry sky, a pink bhikkhuni made of steel, and a human man were each holding a steel gun barrel Gatling, fighting fiercely with each other shirtless.

In the small world attached to Blue Star, countless astronomers or void enthusiasts saw such a shocking scene through the super astronomical radio telescope developed by themselves.

"What the hell is that!"

A group of scientists looked at the picture in disbelief, watching countless steel nuns fighting with shirtless men, and watching huge shirtless men holding Gatling gun barrels and shooting endless clean and useless refined uranium bullets.

"Is this a battle of gods? Is there really a god in this world?"

"Are those immortals? Is there a fairy world above us?"

At the same time, the painful wailing that blasted through the void came.


The Buddha's light filled the sky and then occupied the entire void of the universe. On the electronic screens in front of all the scientists, there was only a piece of white snow, and the electronic components of countless radio telescopes were all burned out.

A few moments later, the few radio telescopes that were still working returned images. The starlight in outer space was as clean as new. The deep space of the universe was as black as ink, and the bright nebula kept flickering.

The blood in many people's bodies surged inexplicably, and the hundred-year-old man's white hair suddenly turned black.

Crashing, white light rain fell in the small world, mixed with traces of red light blood.

This is the powerful blood of the inner universe in the small world attached to the blue star, which spreads all over the big Japanese system to break the space barriers of the small world attached to it, and scatter the blue star and other worlds. Is this the rain with the blood of the gods? Is it the power of the two giants who are indomitable? Is it the source?

"Look at the ground."

As the rain mixed with traces of blood fell to the ground, someone in the studio of the few radio telescopes that could still be used exclaimed and pointed to a corner of the electronic screen.

Then everyone saw the most incredible scene in their lives.

On some already barren and barren land, full of vitality and greenery burst out of the ground, struggling tenaciously to cover what the visual field can see.

All kinds of lively and happy insects burst out of the ground, and instantly evolved into various human animals running on the ground.

"Is he the goddess of life?"

"No, it's the God and Goddess of Life."

On the streets of a different world affiliated to Blue Star, a woman was doused by blood and rain from the sky, and suddenly screamed in panic.

"Oh my God, I'm pregnant, why am I pregnant?"

"Oh, I feel that my palace cold is getting better. I'm going to be pregnant. Am I going to be a mother?"

Countless ordinary people from other worlds rushed to the streets to bathe wantonly in the nectar that fell from the sky.

"This is the rain from the sky, the rain from the sky, it is a gift from God. My withered and aging body is becoming more and more energetic."

On Jingxing, Wang Yin's battle with the Iron Bhikkhu and Yaoni is over.

"Good, good, Nanyouhaokeng Gatling Bodhisattva."

"Great, great, strong and independent Gatling Bodhisattva."

"Buddhism is merciful, throwing all sentient beings down."

The indomitable steel bhikkhu Yaoni held Wang Yin's arm: "You are my Buddha and happy Tathagata, and the more you are, the bigger you are, the more beautiful you are."

"Your Buddha Kingdom is in charge of Gatling alone, and it is big, beautiful and beautiful."

"I will serve you as the Lord, looking for the lost lamb who missed the world of mortals."

The steel bhikkhuni opened his Buddhist kingdom and opened the Gospel of steel machinery. He knew his mission. He used to save others for himself, but now he saves people for his master.

He also understands that the master's will is his iron will, and his great spirit of the pits needs more believers of the opposite sex to become believers who serve the master.

The merciful and compassionate Bodhisattva only cares about Gatling Bodhisattva, and more pink believers are needed to come and recite the true essence.

Numerous life-filled, compassionate and inaction bombs surrounded him, and he felt that he was already in the center of the Buddha Kingdom, sitting on the throne of the gods.

He must return to the last era with the will of the master, so that the real body can break through the heavens and come to the master.

Wang Yin looked at the pious steel bhikkhuni and laughed, wanting to save him, wondering if he is already a five-star life.

In the small world where the affiliated blue star exists, ordinary people in the real world exist at the level of celestial beings.

Wang Yin is already a five-star life in the real world, and to the subsidiary blue star small world, it is an existence beyond the level of chaos and heaven.

How can the steel bhikkhuni save him, not to mention that he still has the dream bug of the Great Dream Scripture, it depends on who saves whom.

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