The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 94: Leaving Blue Star

"Crack, crack, crack."

"It's wonderful, it's wonderful. I haven't seen such a wonderful battle in tens of thousands of years. You are very good."

Wang Yin, who conquered the steel pink, was full of ambition, and there was sudden applause in his ears, and at the same time, there was a silent but ubiquitous, indescribable murmur.

The voice seemed to come from the soul and from heaven and earth, which made his hair stand on end and his heart was extremely relaxed.


Wang Yin turned pale with shock. Is this a wave of ups and downs and a splash? Gatling Bodhisattva came out after cleaning up the old Longyang monster, and an indescribable existence came out after cleaning up Gatling Bodhisattva.

The feeling given to him by this existence and the feeling Gatling Bodhisattva gave him is directly the feeling of facing the ants with claws and fierce ligers. Only by threatening the crisis with a little bit, can we inquire about the Great Dream Scripture in such a leisurely way, and successfully fight back.

But the appearance of this indescribable voice directly made him feel like he was facing a hungry liger that opened its bloody mouth and was about to devour him fiercely.

Facing the kind of top food chain king, the cold and fear from the bottom of his heart unconsciously surged out from the depths of his soul, and was pressed back by a kind of superficial harmony and gentleness.

It's as if a terrifying predator has crushed you under its claws and gently licked your skin to comfort you not to be afraid. The awkward chill made his inner alarm ring loudly, and he must leave as soon as possible.

"Are you scared? You should. After all, you have never come into contact with my existence."

On the surface of the crystal star’s crust, 300 meters in front of Wang Yin’s body, the brilliance flickered, and a hall made of countless white boulders quietly appeared in front of his eyes, as if it existed here hundreds of millions of years ago, but you walked back and forth in front of it Running but not seeing the same.

It appeared without a trace of fireworks, but it was so shocking and numb.

On the top of the main hall, a man in red ancient costume stood quietly, his eyes as dark as a deep pool without the slightest fluctuation of emotion just quietly looked at Wang Yin, his lips did not move but an indescribable voice sounded.

"I'll give you two choices, one is to get out of the big Japanese department, and the other is to crush your soul."

"Warning warning, an irresistible unknown threat has appeared, please leave this place quickly."

When the inexplicable voice of the red-clothed man at the top of the giant stone hall sounded, Wang Yin's mind and soul of the Great Dream Scripture synchronously issued a stern warning, telling Wang Yin to leave the crystal star quickly.

This is an unprecedented thing. I saw the warning of the scriptures once in the monster series in my mind, but it was the same feeling as watching a movie, and I didn't feel the touch of the strict reminders of the scriptures like now.

"Taibai is you, haven't you disappeared already?"

The huge steel pink nun slung over Wang Yin's arm was so surprised to see the red-clothed man at the top of the hall that he lost his noble and majestic temperament, and asked involuntarily.

The man in red was as dark as a pool, his eyes did not fluctuate, as if he was not surprised by the inquiry from his old friend, he replied calmly.

"Useless things are not good for everyone, if they come from there, go back there."

After saying that, he opened his mouth and exhaled, and it turned into a hurricane that destroyed the world. Amidst the screams of the steel pink girls around Wang Yin, he was blown away by the hurricane and disappeared without a trace.

"Senior calm down, junior leave immediately."

Wang Yin was also struck by this existence called Taibai suddenly, and he was so frightened that he screamed to death. The feeling of this hurricane was not the kind of hurricane they could bring about at all, it was a feeling that a little bit of soul would be shattered and dissipated .

After rushing out and promising to leave immediately, he turned around and entered the dream world of the Blue Star Royal Hotel, who was in charge of serving him, escaped out of the dream world panting, fell on the big bed in the room and patted his chest.

He thought it was over, but in fact it was not over, the indescribable voice followed him like a gangrene, chasing him to the Royal Hotel.

"Boy, it seems that you were born on the same blue star, and I will give you one day to leave the big Japanese system, or I will teach you to lose your mind and soul. Thank you for giving me such a big surprise for the blue star humans. I will accept it with a smile, and get out of here." .”

Wang Yin burst into tears, Nima, you are a senior expert from the last era, you came out to snatch my achievements, how shameless you are.

After the Almighty Gatling Bodhisattva from the other world and the Iron Pink Bhikkhuni asked in surprise, he knew who the red-clothed man standing at the top of the hall built of pure white boulders was. It turned out to be Master Taibai from the last era. Master Taibai has already left, and the Great Dream Scripture will not lie to him.

Then this is either Master Taibai's avatar, or the dove occupying the magpie's nest, occupying other great powers of Master Taibai's dojo, no matter what kind it is, he is not able to deal with it now.

Forget it, let's leave as soon as possible, he can really feel that what this existence said, he will really do what he says, and if he doesn't leave, he will really be wiped out.

This is a feeling that ordinary people feel from the depths of their souls, facing the hungry ligers at the top of the food chain.

There was once a beautiful day in front of him, he didn't cherish it well, and he regretted it when he lost it.

The most painful thing in the world is this. If Damengtianjing is willing to give him a chance to do it again, he will tell himself what he is now.

You remember, the water in this world is very deep, don't be so turbulent, if you have to add a time limit to this order, he hopes it will never be.

At this time, the Great Mengtianjing finally sent a message after realizing that the man in red on the white boulder piled up on the main hall was indeed the ancient mighty Master Taibai, but it was just the clone of Master Taibai left in Jingxing. The main body is the inner space formation on the crystal star, and it is the spirit of the formation set by Master Taibai.

Fuck, it turns out that Master Taibai directly refined this inner space formation into a clone, no wonder even the scriptures didn't notice this clone, because the other party is directly a large formation, and when it doesn't appear, you will only treat the other party as a powerful formation Law.

Wang Yin was resentful, the arrogance of a big formation meant that Master Taibai's main body should still exist, if there is no support from the main body's soul energy, the avatar consciousness will automatically dissipate over time.

For example, the countless true blood avatars evolved from his True Blood Indestructible Scripture, if his main body cannot be reunited after being destroyed, the other avatars will gradually collapse.

Fortunately, the power of his true blood avatars is that if the main body is accidentally destroyed, each avatar will return to the original body.


Wangjia Village is a place where the emperor is far away from the birds. Due to the difficult living conditions, Wang Yin's family moved to the city to work. After years of hard work, Wang Yin finally settled down in the city.

The village is full of people and traffic, and a 200-meter-high statue of Wang Yin stands on the top of the mountain, accepting the worship of life from all over the world.

Since Wang Yin arrived at Samsung Life, he no longer concealed his birth information. Anyway, with the strength of Samsung Life, no one in Blue Star can interfere with his freedom, but now it seems that he is still not cautious enough.

Looking at his parents in this time and space, there is a feeling of strangeness and closeness. The Dream of Heaven says that he traveled from the blue star time and space with a demon body and merged with him in this time and space. The parents of this time and space are his parents, and the parents of that time and space Or his parents.

What's more, the parents in several time and space are his parents, but he has not yet integrated the self in those time and space, so the self in those time and space is still living independently.

These relationships messed up his thoughts, and he asked if someone in those time and space would grow stronger in the future, what would happen if he merged with him, would he still be him?

He was tired of hearing about Seven Star Life again, and every time he asked how to integrate the memory of the monster series in his mind, he asked for Seven Star Life.

Wang Yin: "Father and mother, so this time my son is in trouble and ready to run away, so I won't be able to take care of you two in the future."

"Since you don't want to cultivate the Dream Realm Divine Kingdom, my son has two cultivation methods for cultivating immortals, which can reach the level of the sage's harmony. Do you know the sage's harmony?

It is the same level as the Tathagata Buddha on TV, the most powerful level. "

"I hope that one day my son will come back. You and this world are still alive. Don't worry, my son will definitely come back."

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