The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 95 Dome Planet

In the starry sky, Wang Yin performed Ruyi Jue, big and small, holding the planets along the way with his arms and swinging fancy-style on the road. Looking back, the big Japanese system has been left far behind.

He was ruthless in his heart that one day he would come back, and he would never forget the feeling of being forced to leave. In the final analysis, he was not strong enough, so Taibai's avatar picked the blue star peach.

But even without the Taibai clone, he will leave Blue Star sooner or later. His Great Dream Scripture absorbs energy by influencing the emotions of the dream world. If his current strength does not leave Blue Star, Blue Star will have no energy to supply him.

All alien spaces attached to Blue Star, True Spirit Space, and all human beings and other monster races of Blue Star, all the chaotic emotional energy that can be absorbed by Blue Star has been harvested by him.

A New Era reporter once asked him when he visited the Real Spirit Space, but he couldn't know unless he told the reporter.

I can only guess if there are other races in the true spirit space besides the true spirit race that the god master can't do anything about, so the god master only exposes the true spirit race and avoids talking about other alien races.

I heard that the Houtu tribe is a mountain of meat that is fatter than pigs that have been raised for hundreds of years. Their noses and eyes are too fat to see, and their blood is so thick that they are all human beings' favorite sparring partners.

The reporter had never heard the news that the God Lord subdued the Houtu tribe, and was very curious about how the God Lord dealt with the Houtu tribe, so that these flesh mountains and blood seas were willing to make furnaces and cooperate with the training of the human race.

As for the Golden Crow, there are only three of them in the whole big sun family, and they have been living on Nirvana until now, and now they are jointly protected by all human countries, and they have become the star treasure of the entire blue star time and space, a national treasure that is even more national treasure than a national treasure , it will not be a disaster.

Three months later, Wang Yin traveled at the speed of light all the way, and there were very few planets with advanced life forms, and he also encountered a few planets with civilizations, but the life forms on them were only ordinary life forms that had not reached the star level, which did not help him much.

At the same time, it was also discovered that the True Spirit Race was a real pit, harvesting the source of life for the blue star humans in captivity. They actually blocked the window for the blue star humans to observe life in the starry sky while guiding the blue star humans to develop technology.

After he entered the starry sky this time, civilizations appeared on several planets he encountered. The blue star humans in the past did not observe any of them. All the observed planets were barren, such as Jingxing with so many stars. Longyang Race, Blue Star humans have not seen a single one.

However, the crystal star is covered by the inner universe array, and even star civilizations such as the True Spirit Race have not found life of more than three stars, and it is normal that the Blue Star humans cannot observe it.

When he set out, he was ejected from the direction of the blue star Yunyang City, and entered the cosmic starry sky with no up, down, left, or right sides, and he no longer knew where he was.

Using the method of breaking through the dream world to travel is not very practical in the real heavens and worlds, mainly because he has no knowledge of the heavens and worlds, and he has no idea of ​​life impressions. It is only one sentence to inquire about the Great Dream Scripture.

Sorry, this book is only for practicing exercises, not an encyclopedia of life.

Wang Yin is very speechless, you all know that there are true spirits in the space near the blue star, you know that there are other worlds attached to it, you know that the steel bhikkhuni, and now you tell me that you don't know what life in the heavens and worlds is like, you are playing brother.

This is a scumbag that deliberately hides information, so I have no choice but to find it step by step.

On this day, a huge green planet appeared far in front of him. In his perception, life was majestic and filled with countless stars. Wang Yin was overjoyed that the green color is good, the green color is wonderful, and every day when it is green, life croaks.

It quickly fell on the planet, and after a few laps around the planet to detect the situation, the planet is like a giant egg covered with fluff and moss, which is hundreds of times larger than the blue star.

Why say it is like an egg, because this planet is endless without mountains, rivers, lakes, rivers, and seas. It is as smooth as an egg that has been peeled off its shell, and it is still a big, round, oval egg.

It's just that the surface of the planet is a thick layer of atmosphere, and many places are covered with clouds and mist. These clouds and mist roll around to moisten the earth with a sense of life, but it doesn't rain, it's all mist.

Two big sun-like planets in the starry sky, surrounding the dome planet, shed warm sunlight, rotating regularly to present day and night.

The earth is full of vitality, but this greenness is not plants and trees, but a layer of fluffy green velvet that can barely be seen with the naked eye, and it is greener than moss.

If the whole planet is not full of this kind of green fluffy tiny plants, rub a small piece of soil and put it aside alone, I am afraid that this layer of green will not be seen directly.

Such a huge planet, from a long distance, can feel the vitality of life on it, and there are even countless star life, but how come there is not a single life.

Confused, Wang Yin poured out his spiritual consciousness to observe carefully, just like cultivating immortals, this spiritual consciousness is very useful.

A humming sound covered the earth, and it was full of vitality in an instant, and the picture of the magnificent mountains and rivers emerged in front of my eyes.

It turns out that this planet is not without life, but because life is too vigorous, not without mountains, rivers and lakes, but mountains, rivers and lakes, all of which are tiny and miniature mountains, rivers and lakes.

Not bad, it is tiny and miniature. The mountains, rivers and lakes are so small that you can only see it with a magnifying glass.

And the life living in such mountains, rivers and lakes can be imagined to be so tiny that it is no wonder that it cannot be seen by the naked eye.

But Wang Yin smiled wickedly, this is not a problem for him, don't think that he will let you go if you are hiding in mustard seeds.

Exercising the size wishful decision, I am small and small, the real starry sky suddenly expands infinitely and gradually becomes farther and farther, the ground rises rapidly for a while, and Wang Yin falls on a steep and straight mountain in the blink of an eye.

In front of you is a sunny and beautiful river and mountain. The towering giant trees at the foot of the mountain densely cover the sky, and a series of crystal clear rivers meander in it. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants that have never been seen or heard before, and rare birds and animals run freely on the grass.

What an ethereal paradise, these towering giant trees are probably the layer of green velvet on the surface of the planet that he just saw.

If the human race had such a place, they might not want to step out of the starry sky, but this place is not available to the human race, and the human race does not yet have the ability to enter the microscopic world.

This is a different world. In this world, the human race is equivalent to a star-breaking giant who can live on the surface of the planet. It is impossible to enter the microcosm of the planet.

The life in this world is ten million times smaller than that of ants. The ants seem to have seen ants just now. What kind of ants are they? When they recalled scanning the world with their spiritual consciousness, they felt like there were ants everywhere.

You can tell what it is just by looking at it, the body soars into the air, and flies down the mountain like lightning.

Fortunately, flying is not restricted, but it seems to be flying very fast, but it is actually much slower than the real body. This is due to the proportion of the body. The real human race flies a distance of 100 meters, which is equivalent to flying hundreds of millions of kilometers in this microcosm.

When he leaped to a forest of towering giant trees, there were bursts of mental fluctuations in the jungle below him, and the sound of fighting could be heard endlessly, hey, this is the shout of intelligent life.

Hearing the sound, Wang Yin spun around in the air, and flew towards the place where the fighting sound came from, hiding and flickering like the old Montenegro monster in the movie, with an extremely mysterious figure.

There is no way to come to another world for the first time. If you don’t know the situation, it’s better to be careful. Although you can restore your human body and run away, if you run away when you encounter everything, life will be meaningless.

When he arrived, he ducked into the dense leaves at the top of an unknown towering tree, and looked down through the gaps in the leaves.

I saw a team of about a hundred ant-shaped creatures besieging and killing a monster with a height of more than ten meters and wriggling white flesh.

The height of tens of meters is the size of the blue star converted according to the current height ratio. If the real size of the blue star is used, the monster is not even a micro-millimeter.

This team of ants is not the same as the Blue Star Ants. There are two cute tentacles on the head. The head is round but the skin is white and tender. It is not the original hard shell packaging of the Blue Star Ants.

Instead, he is wearing a set of smooth and soft cloth-like clothing, and the two forefoot rings that look like hands but have no fingers hold sharp weapons, and the four hind legs are standing up, fighting the enemy bravely.

It looks like the centaur in the comics, except that the centaur has four horse legs, and this ant has six, white and slender legs.

Knowing how to use weapons, have their own clothing, and communicate with spirit fluctuations, isn't this wisdom?

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