The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 96: Ant God Empire

In the Ant God Continent, one of the most prosperous cities in the Flying Ant City, Wang Yin turned into an ant god clan, sitting cross-legged on the top floor of the Red Flower Inn, choking speechlessly.

The Red Flower Inn is a towering giant tree that blooms red flowers all year round. Like the Blue Star Five-Star Diamond Hotel, it is one of the most upscale Nine Flower Inns in Feiyi City. The ant king suites cost up to 5,000 yuan per person. Night.

What is this salty crystal? It is the Giant Egg Planet, a high-grade crystal containing salt in the Ant God Continent. The Giant Egg Star is Wang Yin’s name, and the life on this planet actually calls it Ant God Star.

The current location of Wang Yin is the Flying Ant City on the Ant God Continent in the Ant God Planet.

Ant God Star has no ocean and no sea salt, and salt is an urgent need for life, so the underground salt crystal has become the hard currency of the Ant God Empire.

Wang Yin only has Blue Star's latest unified currency star coin, and no salt crystals, but for Wang Yin, this kind of crystals, after he casts the Ruyi Jue and solidifies them into drill bits, he will have as many as he can after he drills into the ground.

Therefore, wealth is meaningless to Wang Yin. He walked out of the blue star not only because he was forced by the Taibai avatar, but also to break through the inner universe in order to explore all the heavens and worlds and find all the resources.

It's only now that the blue star is out, and I'm stumped. The information about the Ant God Continent and the Ant God Clan was learned from the consciousness of a team of hunter ants that I met in the Flying Ant Forest a few days ago.

Flying Ant Forest is the largest foggy forest next to Flying Ant City, and Flying Ant City is one of the most prosperous cities among the 3,808,000 cities in the Ant God Empire.

This dome planet is the world of the ant gods, and the ant gods evolved from ants similar to blue stars on the dome planet.

Wang Yin learned from Flying Ant City's high-level ant clan soul that the highest ant queen of the ant god clan is at least a top life that has reached the eight-star peak, and is about to break through the nine-star life and enter the galaxy level.

The Flying Ant City is under the jurisdiction of the Flying Ant King under the Queen Ant's command. In addition to the Flying Ant King, there are also several kings such as the Fire Ant King, the Ground Ant King, the Big Touch King, the Female Ant King, and the Soldier Ant King.

For the Ant God Clan, the Ant God Clan is an incomparably huge, boundless continent that the low-level Ant Clan can never reach the end of in their lifetime.

For Wang Yin, understanding these is just to get familiar with the basic situation, the most important thing is how to practice.

This is a headache. It's been a week since he's been in the Ant God World, and he's still having a hard time dealing with this race.

The evolutionary image of this race has indeed begun to be perfect, the head is already very human-like, the difference is that the hair is replaced by two tentacles, except for the two tentacles, it is a bald head.

The facial features are also red lips and white teeth, and the female's fragrant wasp waist and jade legs are also wearing all kinds of beautiful clothes, showing off their beauty.

It’s just that the wasp’s waist is the two-section waist of ants on Blue Star, and the head is three-section, and there are six jade legs. It walks on six legs and crawls, and the key part of the tail is covered by a dress.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Ant gods to find a human-like race. Wang Yin searched all over the high-level ant god consciousness, but he couldn't find a race with the same aesthetics as the human race.

According to the standards of the heavens and the world, the evolution of the Ant-Protoss has actually been perfect, and they are the advanced civilized life Ant-Man.

Moreover, the civilization on this Ant God planet is still super developed, and there are countless subsidiary worlds just like the Blue Star. These subsidiary worlds are also cultures created by various races of the Ant God Clan, entertainment fictional worlds.

However, the alien races in the alien world attached to Ant God are still seriously inconsistent with the aesthetics of the human race.

Inquire about the Great Dream Scripture, this time the Zhajing responded, and gave three solutions.

1. Extract foreign hormones and integrate them into their own genes to create a civilization and aesthetics that are synchronized with those of other races.

Two, go back home, return to the blue star and no longer evolve, follow the natural birth, old age, sickness and death, the host is already a six-star life and can live for 100,000 years, but the death of the host is real death, the kind that can never turn over and cannot be reincarnated.

The nonsense is that you were forced by the Taibai avatar, you can't stay in the blue star, you can't turn over and you can't reincarnate, you go to die.

Third, continue to go deep into the universe and integrate into races that do not have human cultural aesthetics, because human cultural aesthetics only exist in the big Japanese family.

Fourth, a warm reminder that the next high-level civilization is still a few years away from the Ant God World, and it will take a year for the host to rush forward with its current strength. It is a civilized world similar to the octopus tentacles.

If that's the case, Yaoshou should hang around in the Ant God World first. He hates tentacles the most, and he can't help but think of the monster named Zhang Miaomiao in the monster series, which makes him feel very decadent and inexplicable.

He said, Blue Star has many movies and novels, when describing aliens, they are all humanoid, how could they all be humanoid, as if aliens are all illegitimate children of the human race, and the human race is still hiding in the ravine of the big Japanese system What are you doing in the ditch?

Now I can only choose one, and it is impossible to go back, and I will never go back in this life.

We are all cells in the body of another organism. As long as cultural differences and aesthetic issues are resolved, evolution is nothing to be afraid of.

By the way, I heard that the daughter of the Flying Ant City Master is competing to recruit relatives today, so I went to observe it.

After making up his mind, Wang Yin felt very relaxed. He came to this world of ants and hadn't taken a closer look. He went out and walked around first. In fact, the world of ants is exaggerated, and the blue star ants here are all giants.

Ant God Street, the busiest and noisy pedestrian street in Flying Ant City, every city in the Ant God Empire has such a most central and bustling street, expressing respect for the highest ant queen and ant god.

The highest ant queen is the god of the Ant God Empire. According to folklore, it is the existence of the pinnacle of eight-star life. The clouds and mist rolling under the sky of the dome planet are the ant queens running to support the life, water and energy of the entire planet. It is said that her height is billions of feet , living in Ant God Valley all the year round.

Walking on Antshen Street, ants come and go, ants come and go, all kinds of cries and wheels are rolling, and there are various luxury shops, bag shops and snack bars on the street.

"Lingfeng eggs, Lingfeng eggs, fresh and delicious Lingfeng eggs"

A seductive and pleasant voice came from his consciousness, Wang Yin looked up, and there was a Xiaojiabiyu-shaped ant-god girl standing on the side of the street, with two pink antennae swinging in the wind, greeting the coming and going ant colony, and selling flying ant specialties Pan-fried Lingfeng eggs.

Wang Yin was very interested after hearing this. He knew that the eggs of a rare spirit bird in the misty forest were sweet, delicious and juicy after frying.

The big and small Ruyijue simulated tentacles swayed slightly, sending out mental fluctuations and said to the Ant God girl.

"Sister, bring me a pack of Lingfeng eggs."

The ant god girl smiled shyly: "Okay, brother soldier ant, wait a moment."

As for how he knew it was a shy smile, by querying and searching the memories of this tribe, he must know everything about the ant-protoss' antennae language, body language, and spiritual simulation, but he is used to expressing it in human expressions.

He imitates the image of a high-level soldier ant, who is respected by ordinary civilian ants in the ant god clan.

But the shy smile of the Ant God girl always made Wang Yin feel so awkward, if he can't do it, he can die, if he continues like this, his three views will be abolished.

He quickly extracted a trace of gene hormone from the young male ants passing by, and integrated it into his own pheromone pool under the method provided by the Great Dream Scripture.

Oh, that's the feeling, the world is so fresh and beautiful, the sky is so blue, so blue, and I look at the Ant God girl again.

Obediently, the beautiful mushroom cool, the watery eyes are clear and bright, the sexy tentacles on the head are so tempting to touch, and the six slender and tender legs are so beautiful.

Swallowing, Wang Yin took the Lingfeng egg and took a step forward: "Beauty, can I add your pheromone friend."

The Ant God girl blushed shyly with her small face and tentacles, looking at the energetic upper-rank soldier ant in front of her, her heart was pounding.

"Okay, Brother Soldier Ant, this is my pheromone, why don't you add it, my name is Ant Fairy."

After speaking, she spat out a trace of fragrant and transparent saliva, which was rich in her spiritual pheromones. Wang Yin also spit out a trace of her simulated friend pheromones from the corner of her mouth, sticking it lightly with the tentacles on the top of her head, reaching the corner of the ant protoss girl's mouth, exchanging an ant. God girl friend pheromone.

This pheromone is like adding a chat friend to the human race. As long as the two parties voluntarily exchange, they can contact each other to chat through the consciousness space, and can also observe the information dynamics in the public world.

Therefore, this is a highly developed civilized society of the ant clan, where all industries are flourishing and each performs its duties.

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