The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 97 Ant Fairy

While exchanging friend pheromones, Wang Yin replied: "Alright Xianer, you can call me Brother Yin."

"Brother Hard, what a strange name."

Wang Yin swallowed, this ant-god girl can actually drive, but he likes it.

"It's all right, as long as you say it smoothly, do you know how to go to the city lord's mansion for the martial arts competition to recruit relatives? Is it in Wanhua Square?"

A look of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the Ant Goddess girl. Is the soldier ant brother going to a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, but her pure thinking still made her point the way for Wang Yin.

"Brother Hard, after you turn left at the intersection from here, follow the street to the end, and you will see the recruiting square."

"Okay, thank you, sister Xian'er."

Looking at the shy and pretty girl in front of her, Wang Yin waved her tentacles to say goodbye.

"Sister Xian'er, why don't we go play together, I heard it's very lively."

"Thank you Brother Hard. I still have to help my father keep the stall. I can't get away. Next time I have a chance to go out with my brother."

Wang Yin was not disappointed either: "Okay, I'll stay at the Red Flower Inn, Sister Xian'er is free to come and play with me."

Xian'er was overjoyed, is this majestic and handsome senior soldier ant brother sending an invitation to her? She is actually staying at the Nine-Flower Red Flower Inn. She is just a commoner ant's daughter, should she agree to the invitation of Hard Brother? It was true that the answer was not slow, and he smiled happily.

"Okay, okay, we can talk about the tough brother in the pheromone, but my father won't let me go out alone, maybe I won't be able to find my brother to play with."

Wang Yin turned around and waved his hands in a cool manner: "It's okay, it's the same when my brother comes to see you, bye."

"Well, goodbye brother."

After leaving the Ant Fairy's stall, Wang Yin walked slowly towards the city lord's mansion, and strolled around the Martial Arts Competition Square. A couple of strong and strong Ant God clansmen hurried past.

Even other alien races on the mainland participated in it, the Bee Clan, the Blood Fly Clan, and the Caiyun Clan in the misty forest could all see it.

"Let's go, let's go, the city lord Qianjin Yingying competed in martial arts today to recruit relatives, and I couldn't get in line if I went too late."

"Yingyingying, she is one of the top ten beautiful ants in Feiyi Continent. If you can form a partner with her, it will be worth dying in this life."

"Just think about it, how could we civilian ants have a chance, I heard that even Prince Caiyun has come."

"Not only Prince Caiyun, but also the second largest family in the Ant God Continent, the sons of the Black Tail Family of the Bee Clan are all here."

"Aren't you worried about Tianna City Lord's Mansion? I heard that the male stinger of the bee family is very poisonous, and her family will die if they form a partner with them."

"That's right, if the Black-tailed Family takes the top spot, Miss Yingying will suffer."

"This is a rumor. If this is true, what should I do with the bee family females? I have seen many bee family females live well."

"You don't understand this, the females of the bee tribe have unique skills, which are not comparable to the females of other tribes."

"I think you are just worrying about nothing. His Black Tail Family is nothing. Our Ant God Clan has many young masters, so we will lose to it."

"Even Prince Caiyun, the bee clan can't pass the test. The Caiyun clan is the race that has the best relationship with the queen ant."

Listening to all kinds of discussions in his ears, Wang Yin smiled, it seems that every intelligent race is the same, they all respect strength, and if you want to find a good spouse, you must have strength.

Before he knew it, he walked to the end of the street. On a huge square with a radius of one kilometer, there was a magnificent building of a style that Wang Yin had never seen before.

Ants came and went on the building, and countless high-level soldiers and ants were on guard. A large platform was erected near the square, and several elderly ant-protoss sat on it and whispered to each other, chatting happily.

The audience was already packed with countless Ant Gods, the young geniuses and heroes, waiting with their heads held high and their chests high for the start of the competition.

Finally, a middle-aged beautiful woman came to the front of the stage to announce the host of the Ant God Clan.

"Yingying's martial arts competition has begun to recruit relatives. Now the rules of the martial arts competition are announced. Those who are over a hundred years old and whose strength is below one star cannot participate, and those who have a partner cannot participate."

"The competition is not in order of ranking. The latecomers challenge the predecessors, winning nine rounds in a row to enter the next ring."

"Now I invite Miss Ant Yingying to speak."

The crisp and pleasant wind chimes sounded from the backstage, and the enchanting and charming girl in a red dress walked slowly to the front of the stage with the support of many servants, her tentacles made a beautiful and moving sound.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the Little Girls Competition and Blind Date Conference. My partner can only be the most heroic young Ant Jie. Which Ant are you? I will wait for you on stage, come on."

The fiery atmosphere in the audience suddenly boiled up, and screams were heard endlessly. Wang Yin stood not far away to observe the scene, frowning.

The strength of this Ant Protoss is really not to be underestimated, even an ordinary host is a three-star life.

Ant Yingying's strength has been observed to be five stars, and the city lord's mansion behind the city faintly reveals a strong aura, at least four seven-star powers.

This is also the reason why Wang Yin didn't dare to make any changes. He is a genius with six-star strength, and his skills are not focused on fighting, so he can only wait for the opportunity to strike.

I tried the way of dreaming before, but the two tentacles of this race are uniquely endowed, they can't dream at all, and can only invade their consciousness to read memories.

If it weren't for the heaven-defying skills of Xiao Ruyi Jue, he wouldn't have dared to sneak in. Sure enough, only human beings love to dream.

The problem before him now is, for a race that cannot dream, how can he harvest their energy? It is impossible to use the dream method to anger their emotions.

According to the scriptures, his prehistoric fighting skills and yin and yang fighting skills are integrated into the body's blood instincts. Breathing can increase strength, but the speed is slow. He can't accept the bloody way of devouring aliens.

As a civilized life, the practice of swallowing other civilized life alive is not only very bad and cruel, but also primitive and ignorant.

After watching a few battles, Wang Yin turned and left. The way of fighting is not his favorite way. These challenges and those who are challenged are bound by rules. It is boring not to fight bloody.

Go back and think about how to practice, otherwise you will have to wait until you reach the Poyu Realm if you go on like this.

Sure enough, Blue Star is his blessed land. The living beings in the subordinate world of the Human Race and the True Spirit Race will dream, and it is easy and smooth sailing to fall into the dream.

When night comes, the towering giant tree of the Red Flower Inn is filled with the sound of crickets and insects, Wang Yin leaves the room, performs a dreamlike body technique, flickers to the window of Ant Fairy's room, taps on the window and pushes open a hole to slip through went in.

Ant Fairy had already been waiting in front of the window, and she was surprised and frightened when she saw Wang Yin coming in, and said excitedly.

"Brother Hard, you are really here."

"That's right, my brother promised Xian'er that he would come to play with Xian'er, so he will come."

"I hate it, Xian'er thought you wanted to take Xian'er out for fun."

Wang Yin said seriously: "It's such a fairy, my brother is studying a cultivation technique, which requires the activation of emotions such as pain or anger, my brother asked you to help my brother find a few friends to try, I won't let you suffer in vain , will reward your little friend."

Ant Xian'er was obedient: "Brother, what are you talking about, Xian'er's friends are all good friends, so I can't let my brother do experiments."

Looking at the innocent ant girl in front of her, Wang Yin couldn't bear it, so she decided not to experiment with her, but to find someone again, just as if she had come to Guidi for the first time to make a good relationship.

Regretfully smiled: "Is that so, if Xian'er doesn't want to, forget it, then brother find someone else to experiment with."

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