The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 98: The Nine-Eyed Demon Spider

The sky was in the sky on both days, and when the warm wind was pleasant, the Red Ant Villa was completely silent.

Usually at this time, the villa must be in full swing and full of vigor, and the servants went to and from the artificial ant fields to work in and out of the mountains, and they were extremely busy.

But today the villa is completely silent, only the occasional barking of dogs and cicadas can be heard.

In a green space in the villa, all the male Ant God clansmen, old and frail female clansmen, and young clansmen crowded into a pile and were tightly bound here.

This is the stronghold of a business family, which belongs to the headquarters of the Red Ant Trading Company in Flying Ant City.

The owner of the village, Yi Tianxing, has a low cultivation level of only three stars, but he is smooth, flexible and good at communication. Over hundreds of years, he has built a business empire belonging to his family in Feiyi City and surrounding towns.

He also married many wives and concubines, and had countless children. Among them, more than a dozen wives and concubines and their children were talented and powerful, already at the five-star level.

But last night, misfortune fell from the sky. A six-star top soldier ant strongman fell from the sky. In less than a quarter of an hour, he suppressed the whole village with force, imprisoned all male members, old, weak, sick and disabled in the open area of ​​the villa, and cut off all outsiders. Linked pheromones.

All the females in the villa, including Yi Tianxing's wives and concubines, daughter-in-law, and attractive women were all taken to the opposite hall by the descendant six-star soldier Ant Powerhouse.

Yi Tianxing knew very well in his heart that with the dozens of five-star masters in the villa and the guards of the villa, he wanted to suppress the entire villa for a quarter of an hour. Only a six-star peak life could do it. Facing a powerhouse like the six-star peak, his only extravagant request was It is to save the lives of the people in the villa.

Blood dripping with anger in my heart, why did the imperial soldier ants come to attack his villa? Aren't the soldier ants the most loyal to the empire?

In the main hall, the most talented eldest wife of the villa, the third wife, the nineteenth wife and more than a dozen of the most powerful wives, daughters-in-law and daughters were tied up in several rows and hung on the roof beams of the hall.

A six-star peak tyrannical soldier ant was beating everyone in the hall one by one with a thorn in his hand, laughing recklessly and insolently.

The one who did this was naturally Wang Yin. Since he integrated into the Ant God race's gene, his aesthetics and thoughts and behaviors have been completely transformed into the Ant God race thinking.

This Ant God female is not only white and tender and beautiful, but also secretes a strong pheromone body odor, which makes all the Ant God males take great care of their females.

After learning about these characteristics of the Ant God Clan from Ant Fairy, he adopted a strong versus weak method in the past six months, targeting big families in the remote areas around Flying Ant City, taking advantage of the male Ant God's loyal love for the females, and tried his best to deal with these ants. protoss.

While provoking the Ant God female to gain energy, she suppressed and harvested the Ant God male's heart fire energy, and her strength has been raised to the peak of the six stars.

At the same time, Wang Yin complained endlessly, this dream is good or bad, saying that breathing can evolve, if this is the case, why force him to evolve quickly.

He finds a place to hide for tens of millions of years, and he will be able to become the great power of the inner universe. After becoming the great power of the inner universe, if he continues to live for tens of millions of years, he may be able to break through the universe and transcend.

Is there any need to be a villain in such a hurry now? It feels like a demon who tortures all living beings in exchange for progress and evolution.

But as soon as he has this idea, the Bible will come out and warn him to stop evolution. After death, he will never turn over and cannot be reincarnated, and there will be no other life to have another chance.

This is over, why can other beings reach the stars to be reborn and reborn, but he can't, discriminate against him or something, so what is the point of his true blood is not destroyed.

Every time the complaints are sent here, the scriptures are silent, just telling him that the scriptures of true blood are not indestructible, he also has the ability to separate the soul and reincarnate, but he must quickly break through the inner universe to achieve transcendence, otherwise he will be with everyone The sky will be destroyed, and if you ask me again, you will not be able to answer.

There is an inside story, there must be an inside story, he can feel the urgency and helplessness of Tian Jing, although Tian Jing did not say the root cause in the end, but he used the description that if he does not escape quickly, he will be destroyed with the heavens.

Reminiscent of the slag scriptures that came to him inexplicably, and the fact that Tiandao's father in the time and space of the demon body appeared to help him cross, he already vaguely knew that he was different from others.

Ordinary people, who would have Tiandao's father come to flatter the situation, and why did the Bible say that if he doesn't escape quickly, he and the heavens will be destroyed.

He couldn't ask any more, he was afraid that after his current strength knew the final secret, he would not be able to bear that kind of future.

Perhaps it was because of his lack of strength that Tianjing didn't tell him the final secret. The only solution was to work hard to evolve, and when he reached his strength, he would know everything.

It's just that the closer he gets to the peak of the six-star, the more difficult it is for him to break through the seven-star, like a natural chasm that cannot be crossed.

This is a change in quality, which means that the life energy below five stars has gradually lost its effect on him. That's why he was willing to take the risk of being discovered last night and chose the Ant Skyline family closest to Flying Ant City to attack.

There are more than a dozen five-star clan members in this family, and there are countless other four-star and three-star lives. It is hoped that they can harvest enough energy to advance to seven-star at one time.

Only those who enter the Seven Stars are the real star powers. They are the existences that all life below the Six Stars can’t destroy with their own lives. To give a simple example, all the civilizations in the Blue Star Universe are life civilizations below the Six Stars, and there is only one Seven Stars. Life, this seven-star life can destroy all civilizations below six stars, regardless of the number.

If it is a civilization that takes the technological route, unless there is a seven-star technological ability in the civilization, it can only fight against the seven-star life after entering the seven-star civilization.

Because people below the seven stars are still human beings, those who reach the seven stars are gods, and those who do not enter the seven stars are all ants.

Thousands of women in the villa in the main hall mistakenly said that the female ants have all passed out. Many clones of Wang Yin retracted the simulated tail needles. This is the evolutionary ability of the Ant god star bee clan that he discovered. The bee clan tail needles can be used to quickly extract the life source of prey Finally, refine it into your own strength.

Otherwise, it would be too slow to obtain the life energy of this non-dreaming race by beating, intimidating, bewitching, and ripening.

The eldest lady, Yi Jiaying, lay limp on the ground, glaring at the strong man in front of her with complicated emotions. This is a strong man she admires, but he is too unruly and ungrateful.

Wang Yin didn't bother to worry about Ant Jiaying's thoughts, anyway, he was not a real Ant God Clan, so he didn't have to abide by the Ant God Clan's rules that soldiers and ants should not harm their own people.

Consciousness entered the Dream Soul Realm to observe the changes, and found that after harvesting so much energy, it still failed to shake the four light spheres, and felt inexplicably anxious.

Could it be possible that he really wanted to hunt the seven-star power, so that he would not know how he would die.

After tidying up his image, he turned around and waved his sleeves, making Yi Tianxing and his sons and other Ant God clansmen who had vomited blood and fainted many times, contribute another wave of anger and heart attack energy, and then continue to faint.

Seeing Wang Yin leaving in the air, Yi Jiaying stood up reluctantly. What kind of strong man is this? I have never heard of this person among the soldiers of the empire. His strength is almost comparable to that of the Flying Ant King.

She knew in her heart that such a strong person would not come here just for cruelty. Fortunately, no one lost their lives.

Next to waking up everyone in the hall, Yi Jiaying solemnly ordered: "Don't disclose what happened during this period, so as not to affect the family business. All sisters and children, we are going to Diyi City to recuperate for a few days. After the rest of the villa wakes up and the situation stabilizes, come back,"

"If there is an official inquiry that cannot be avoided, just say that there is a great power to fight near the villa, and the owner will arrange everything."

What they didn't know was that not long after they left with Wang Yin, bloodthirsty and vicious nine-eyed demon spiders crept out of the forest behind the villa.

While releasing the poisonous mist covering the villa, the magic spider crawled towards Yi Tianxing and other clansmen who were stunned by the poisonous mist.

Yi Tianxing's final thought when he fainted again was that they were so unlucky. No wonder no one noticed anything strange about the villa for so long. It turned out that the door was blocked by the Nine-eyed Demon Spider. Now they are really dead.

In an unknowingly deep space under the Flying Ant City, there is a ten-meter-tall, beautiful woman's head, nine spider legs with sickle-like sharp barbs, mucus dripping from a bulging abdomen, and a huge demon spider laughs uncontrollably.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's been three thousand years, three thousand years, and I finally saw the shadow of the human race. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that there would be a human race in this damned place. You should stay and stay with the queen forever."

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