The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 99 Blood Fly Chase

In the early morning, a sharp siren sounded on the main street of Feiyi City. A number of heavily armed police officers from the Feiyi City Security Bureau, driving the Caiyun guard car provided by the Caiyun Clan, roared past the street.

Flying Ant's current affairs broadcast reports that the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider appeared outside the city, and the Red Ant Villa has become a ghostly creature.

For a while, the residents around Flying Ant City panicked, or closed their homes, or moved their families out of the city.

Nine-eyed Demon Spider... The most terrifying and evil monster on Ant God Star, it only feeds on the brains of intelligent races such as the Ant God Clan and Bee Clan on the Ant God Continent.

Once slaughtered the world's creatures and wailed, in the end, the Queen Ant made the bait herself, joined forces with the Queen Bee, Emperor Caiyun and other eight-star powers of various races to encircle the terrifying old monster of the Nine-eyed Demon Spider, the peak of the eight-star Nine-eyed Ancestor Spider, to the town. Killing Ant God Valley.

The remaining spiders and grandchildren were wiped out worldwide, and using the flesh and blood of all the wiped-out Nine-eyed Demon Spiders as a basis, and the essence and blood of the Nine-eyed ancestors as a guide, set up the Nine-Day Soul-Exterminating Blood Demon Array to kill all the Nine-eyed Demon Spiders hidden in the ground. Beholder spider spirit.

I thought that this monster had been wiped out, but I didn't expect that the monster would suddenly ignite, making Flying Ant City feel like an enemy.

The city lord's mansion issued an order to clear it up, and at the same time hung out rewards for reporting. Anyone who reported the clues of the magic spider to assist in the extermination, regardless of their race, could get the resources of the ant god clan to cultivate them for a hundred years, regardless of the level. Report to the gods of the ant gods, and the ant queen fulfills the reward.

Even if you only provide clues without assisting in the extermination, as long as you confirm that the clues are true, you can still get this reward.

This is really at odds with the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider. Under such a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. All the masters of the Ant God Star, who heard the news, all came here, hoping to become the one who can win the Ant God Race. Resources, cultivate lucky ones for a hundred years, and when they soar into the sky, even seven-star powers can directly enter eight-star.

In the Red Ant Villa, two bloodfly clan seven-star powerhouses, one female and one male, stand in the air.

The male Blood Fly Da Neng is ugly in appearance, with a big Fly head on his head, a thick Fly body, strong and powerful limbs, exuding tyrannical bursting waves all over his body.

However, compared to the other female Seven Star Bloodfly Tribe Almighty beside her, her strength fluctuates a bit. The female Bloodfly Almighty stands in the air, wearing colorful clouds and gauze, with two pairs of shiny wings, and a wasp waist and fat buttocks.

Beauty is the talent of all intelligent females, and the Queen of Bloodflies is no exception. She did not choose to evolve only with her original body, but to change her genes to evolve anthropomorphically, because this method is recognized as the most beautiful evolution method among the heavens and all races .

So the Bloodfly Queen has a graceful and luxurious demeanor, beautiful eyes as charming as water, and a plump bun. If Wang Yin sees it, he will definitely give a big mouthful. He is blind, how can he say that Ant God Star has no human aesthetics.

It's a pity that he hasn't really seen the human race, there is no more real human form like the monster race, and the lower body still uses the fly body to evolve.

However, among the monster race, there are also strange flowers that only have a half-body shape. This is really no wonder, because species are inherently different, and aesthetic preferences are naturally different.

This is the king and queen of the Blood Fly Clan, the male Qixing mighty Blood Sky, and the queen of the Seven Stars peak Blood Furong.

Half a year ago, Xue Tiangao, the heir of the two, took part in the Flying Ant City Lord's Qianjin Martial Arts Competition and won the first prize. The Blood Fly clan was overjoyed.

The Bloodfly Clan is weak and has been oppressed by the Bee Clan all the year round. Only the highest king and queen of the Clan are seven-star beings. Now there is a genius heir in the Clan, who breaks through the four-star strength in less than a hundred years. The big backer of Cheng Qianjin, of course, must be firmly grasped.

Knowing the reward order issued by the city lord's mansion, the two of them naturally feel itchy in the city. If they can find the nine-eyed demon spider and help to exterminate it, and get the century-old support from the ant god clan, one of the couple will be able to enter the eight-star overlord , even if it is not as good as the queen bee who has already become the emperor, at least he can get rid of the situation of being overwhelmingly suppressed by the queen bee.

Xue Cangqiong observed the scene carefully, and asked Xue Furong: "Madam, it seems that there are not only demon spiders fluctuating at the scene, what do you think?"

Xue Furong glanced at Xue Cangqiong: "Needless to say, I've smelled such a strong message of the Ant God Hormone from a long way away. If I find out the remaining women in this villa, I'll know what's going on."

One day later, when Yi Jiaying was a witness, blood in the sky and blood lotus was on the line, and Yi Xian'er was in a panic, all the police officers from the Feiyi City Security Bureau were dispatched, and the police bells went straight to the Red Flower Inn, completely surrounding the Red Flower Inn. .

It's just that when all the guards from the Security Bureau rushed to the top floor of the Red Flower Inn, Wang Yin was gone and disappeared.

Xue Cangqiong touched the spider silk left in the room: "Run away, this traitor from the Ant-Protoss is slipping very fast."

Yi Xian'er: "You talk nonsense, Brother Hard is not a villain, let alone a traitor."

Xue Furong chuckled: "The little girl is quite infatuated. Do you know what your hard brother has done? He attacked and injured countless Ant God clansmen in half a year, and bloodily killed all the male clan members of the Red Ant Villa. Do you still like such a man?" .”

Ant Fairy: "No... no, Brother Hard won't kill people, you wronged him."

Xue Cangqiong stood on the top of the building, looking around.

"Could it be that you have the final say, and you'll know when you catch him."

"Order to go down and let all the police officers search carefully, he can't run very far."

Xue Furong sniffed, carefully smelling the smell in the indoor space.

"It's a bit difficult. At least one seven-star spider king assisted him in escaping. The air was full of spiders to cover up his escape clues. The corrosive smell left behind by the seven-star spiders couldn't even track my body's supernatural powers into time and space. It's too destructive. gone."

Blood Sky: "Then report back to the City Lord's Mansion, let the Flying Ant City Lord report to the Ant God Valley, and send the eight-star power to come and search for it."

At this time, an arrogant and domineering voice came from downstairs in the Red Flower Inn.

"Two wastes, dignified seven-star powers, can't catch a six-star criminal."


Xue Tianqiu and Xue Furong were furious and looked down.

I saw a male of the bee family who was eight feet tall, walked with crab steps, and had a pretentious posture. Under the protection of several guards, he climbed up to the top floor of the Red Flower Inn.

Blood Sky and Blood Furong frowned, this is the second-generation ancestor of the bee clan's black-tailed family, the second-generation dandy, Hei Bulun.

"Bold, the Blood Fly Lord is here, please don't be presumptuous for idlers."

A policeman from the on-site security bureau stepped out and issued a serious warning to Hei Bulun.

"Ahahaha, it turns out to be the king and queen of the bloodfly tribe. I know who it is, the boy bee tribe Hei Bulun, I have seen the king and queen."

He said that he had seen the claws before, but he raised his hand casually, without the slightest respect, instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Xue Furong.

"Presumably this is Queen Furong, can you leave a pheromone exchange for the kid."

Xue Cangqiong stepped out furiously: "Boldly, bully my king, die."

The blood claw grew hundreds of feet with the violent drinking, and slapped Hei Bulun with a slap. Even a son of the bee clan Heiwei family dared to provoke the couple face to face. How could Immortal gain a foothold.

With the power of destroying the sky and the earth, the blood claws crushed hundreds of feet of space and slapped Hei Bulun. The destructive energy machine covered the past and the future, locking all the upper and lower time and space, making Hei Bulun inescapable and inescapable.

This is the strength of the seven-star power, which can lock and obliterate the past and future of low-level life, all time and space soul information, as long as the low-level life is destroyed by the seven-star power, there is no chance of resurrection even if your background is as high as the sky.

Seeing the bloody sky, the blood palm was about to slap Hei Bulun to death, a cold light flashed suddenly from the guards around Hei Bulun, and he saw Yi Bing's black sharp venomous thorn, struck by lightning at the blood palm, and the blood palm was killed dissolved in the invisible.

At the same time, a black-clothed guard stood up, clasped his hands to Blood Sky Sky, and said, "The son of Unruly is young and ignorant, why should Sky King have the same knowledge as the younger generation."

Blood Sky looked at the two seven-star peak guards beside Hei Bulun, his face turned black and then white, and when he looked back, his face was also ashen. .

But the guardians of the sons of a black-tailed family of the bee clan are all seven-star peaks.

"Okay, okay, okay... What a black-tailed family, I, Blood Sky, will remember."

Xue Furong cast a look at Xue Tianqiong, for the sake of the survival of the group, she temporarily endured this tone.

"let's go."

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