The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 100: Nine-Eyed Spider Queen

In an unknown space, Wang Yin was imprisoned on a huge spider web by a large font.

The spider web was smooth and silvery white, sticky and firm, no matter how Wang Yin struggled, it was difficult to break free.

In the center of the spider web, there is an upper body that is exactly the same as that of a human, and the lower body is a fat spider abdomen, with a beautiful head of a human woman, and a ten-meter-high female spider monster squirming with black silk. Nine dark bloodthirsty belly eyes stared at Wang Yin quietly.

A huge black as ink male spider was moving violently on its back. In an instant, the human-headed female spider monster turned around suddenly, and her mouth opened wide, revealing four sharp fangs that grew rapidly. Devouring the male spider's chest was as black as ink, a seductive voice came from Wang Yin's consciousness.

"Human, is it disgusting to see me?"

"I am the source of the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider. If I don't eat it, I will be eaten by it. It is the nature of all monsters to swallow high-level blood to grow."

Wang Yin was secretly startled. The man-spider monster opposite was talking to him. How did it know that he was a human being? He had experienced too many things. His ability to accept was very strong, his expression was calm, and he would never lose his composure for any abnormal situation.

What's more, he was caught in this cave and trapped in this huge spider web. He was already mentally prepared. Not everything could snatch a six-star peak life.

As if knowing what Wang Yin was thinking, the man-spider monster who had sucked the blood of the male spider turned around to face Wang Yin, with black hair floating backwards, his face was picturesque, and a few traces of black blood dripped from his red sandalwood lips, showing the strangeness Different kind of beauty.

"Aren't you surprised to see me? Is my upper body exactly the same as yours?"

"Yes, but how do you know I'm human."

Wang Yin answered honestly, he did notice the human spider monster at first glance, the face and upper body of this monster was exactly the same as that of a human race.

It is different from the evolution of the ant gods, the perfect white and tender, although the six limbs of the ant god women are white and tender, the body is delicate and fragrant, and the head is also beautiful and beautiful, but if Wang Yin removes the influence of the ant gods genes, it will be purely from a human point of view If you look at it, it is not the same as human beings at all.

Their six limbs are white and pointed feet, and their waists are the two-section waist of ants on the earth. The facial features of their heads are perfect and beautiful in the eyes of the ant gods, but in the eyes of the human race, the combination of eyes, ears, nose, and tongue is weird, not to mention the pair of antennae on the head.

Even if it can stand upright, the two forelimbs can replace human hands, and the back limbs are also weird.

This human spider is directly the beautiful facial features of a human woman, with almond eyes and peach cheeks entwined with black silk, if it weren't for the fat spider body in the lower part, nine spider legs as tall as saws, and nine sinister bloodthirsty belly eyes, and the abdomen always hangs out. The spider silk, replaced by the lower body of the human race, is directly human.

Sure enough, Zhajing lied to him again, wouldn’t this have human-like life? Although it’s a spider, it’s better than the ant-protoss who are pure and have no human appearance. , and there will be no weird aesthetics.

"Don't be surprised, not all nine-eyed spiders look like this, I'm just an exception."

The soft and sweet voice of the glamorous man spider, coupled with the terrifying and numbing lower half of the spider's body, gave Wang Yin a pleasant and frightening feeling.

"Because I am human just like you."

Wang Yin was really taken aback this time, there is such a thing, so hurry up to inquire.

"Senior, did you say that you are also a human being? Impossible, then how did you come here?"

Beauty Spider: "I came from time travel, from Blue Star in 2002. That year, there was an epidemic in Blue Star that swept across the entire human race. I was unfortunately infected. Coupled with the failure of my relationship, my heart was ashamed and I sought relief. As a result, Transmigrated to this spider."

Wang Yin was sweating, it turned out to be like this, wait for the blue star plague in 2002, could it be that mess.

Cautiously asked: "Senior was in 2002, what country were you in at that time?"

Beautiful Man Spider: "It was the year 2002. At that time, my country was Huaguo. Haven't you heard of it? From the looks of your words and demeanor, your accent is very similar to modern people. It is a thick Nanyun accent."

Wang Yin spread his hands: "I have never heard of it. I am indeed a Blue Star human race, but my country is called Longguo. In 2002, there was indeed a random epidemic. My place is Yunnan Province, not what you said. Nanyun Province."

The glamorous spider was dumbfounded after hearing this, and Wang Yin was also stunned with one voice.

"They're all blue stars, but they're not on the same blue star."

"Yes, we are all Blue Stars, but we are not in the same time and space."

Wang Yin laughed: "Yes, so the senior is a fellow, haha, but the time and space of the senior is actually called the Hua Kingdom, and the two time and space I know are located in the Dragon Kingdom."

The glamorous spider didn't understand these things either, so it replied in a daze, "Really, why is it different."

Wang Yin is also depressed, yes, why is it different: "I don't know, maybe there are too many names in time and space, but senior, how do you know that I am a Blue Star human? When did you find out?"

Beautiful Man Spider: "When you harmed the Red Ant Villa, I possessed a child for food. I passed by the sky above the villa and saw you tossing the gang of ant gods. As a former human being, your human habits are natural. You can see through it at a glance."

Speaking of the perfect Charming Spider, she looked at Wang Yin with ambiguous eyes, and laughed teasingly.

"What are you still yelling about old trees with roots, sweeping away thousands of troops, except for the Blue Star humans, no one in this place knows these words."

Wang Yin slapped his forehead: "Ahaha...Senior laughed, isn't that boring, shouting that the atmosphere is good."

Wiping the sweat on the tentacles, I feel a lot of embarrassment, my brother has come to the alien world, can't escape the fate of being peeped by human beings?

Quickly change the subject: "Senior, how can you be sure that I will admit it? Tell me your origin when you come up. If I don't admit it, or if I am really not a human race, you are not afraid that I will reveal your secret."

Beautiful Man Spider: "You will admit it, I understand better than you the loneliness of a human reborn in a foreign race."

"Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, I will imprison you by my side forever. If you are not human, let the children eat you."

Wang Yin rolled his eyes, well, his attitude is quite straightforward, so when facing this alien monster, it's better to be less scheming.

Curiously asked: "Senior, what happened to the rebirth of the Nine-eyed Demon Spider, and what happened to the male spider that just devoured it."

Beautiful Man Spider: "Are you curious, I know you will be curious."

"That's my oldest group of children. I was just rewarding it for robbing you back. Don't get me wrong that it didn't do it. It is the strongest among my children. I possessed it and grabbed you. I really do I am imprisoned in this underground cavity, and I cannot leave for the time being."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "Do you think it is cruel for me to eat my own kind, but this is the nature of this race. Since I am reborn in this race, I can only survive by following my nature."

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