The Heavens Come

Chapter 683: This is just a warm-up exercise (below)

Xiaolong led someone out of the room and appeared in a strange building corridor.

It is weird because there is a dark and horrifying atmosphere here, and the walls, beams and other places here also give a very unreal feeling, with a kind of fuzzy atmosphere like a mosaic. This is because of Chang Ting's Pixel war capabilities.

In order to resist other survivors, Chang Ting exerted his ability to pixelate this office building into a fortress, just like the pixel winter city in the song of ice and fire, where everyone can sleep in a similar background space Room, and then consciously control their own pixel avatars to participate in the battle. Although the pixel human ability and the body are not as good, it is important to use special props, such as looking for various mushrooms to return blood to blue.

Even Chang Ting can give these pixels unique game skills in some way.

The ability of pixel warfare, although it is only epic, can be used well, the effect is simply against the sky.

Today, this building used as a base has been transformed into a fortress by Chang Ting again, and has made higher progress during the battle with Ice and Fire. In simple terms, it has improved from the original Super Mario image quality to Level of Resident Evil 1-The first generation of Resident Evil was placed in the rough and rough picture nowadays, but it was also a groundbreaking picture quality at that time, although it has limited strength with mosaics.

Now, Chang Ting is to make this building a zombie building in a biochemical crisis.

When Xiaolong led someone through a hallway outside the office, he suddenly banged, the old door of the office suddenly broke, and a zombie rushed out of it. Zhang Zhan was going to catch Xiaolong. It's not pixelated, but it still looks very vague and cheap, similar to the zombies with a thick block in Resident Evil 1.

Xiaolong flickered to hide.

In the mouth of the zombie, he shouted and waved his hands to drill his body out of the broken door. He suddenly froze in motion: "Oh? Dragon, Mr. Long Yu !?"

"..." Xiaolong was speechless, walked straight to him without a word, and said to Chang Ting behind him, "Notice everyone, we are ready to attack, and we don't need to be alert again."

Various zombies are lurking in various places in this building, all of them are pixel people controlled by the consciousness of members of Hell Dragon Soul.

Chang Ting's pixel person is not necessarily pixelated. Now he can create a game character similar to Resident Evil 1 Zombie. It is not impossible to reach the anthropomorphic level of the top 3A masterpiece in the real world in the future ...

Xiaolong led the crowd to this building quickly. After leaving the lobby of the building, Xiaolong stopped and saw the people in front of him.

This is an unsophisticated Asian man with glasses. He is wearing a black jacket with his hands in his pockets. It looks very ordinary. You can see this person appearing, such as Ao Jiao, Ao Xing, Mi Ya, etc. However, an expression of vigilance and worry immediately appeared.

"Big Dipper!" Ao Jiao shouted the name of the glasses man.

This person is the Big Dipper. After the Iron Throne was destroyed, the ghost moon shrine lost its bondage. Some people were conquered by the ghost island Rimi and turned into the Phoenix Shrine. However, most of the rest were controlled by the Big Dipper, and a new Susa was formed. Man, he has not made many shots in the real world. Only a few times have shown great power. Hokuto is not a member of the Ghost Moon Club, but the true God of Susano is parasitic in his body.

Only one person appeared here, no other companions.

"Mr. Longyou, leave first, and give it to us here." The old man drew a sword to Xiaolong Road.

Xiaolong shook his head, waved his hands, one red and one blue sword appeared in his hands. It was the Sword of Immortality and the Sword of Immortal Sword. He had long hair flying and showed his cold nature: "He came to me specifically, You can't deal with it. "

Beidoucheng smiled on his face, and then closed his hands in his pockets. Dorattle, a sound of clothing tearing sounded, his jacket suddenly burst, and a strange weft stretched out on his back. Organs.

This Big Dipper has the ability of parasitic beasts. The arm can be turned into a sharp bone knife under the action of parasitic beasts and crack the mouth of horror, but in recent times he has shown more horrible abilities-at this moment he later There are a total of eight organs growing on the back. Flesh-colored scales quickly appear on these organs. Eyes appear on the top, and they become large mouths with teeth.


The Big Dipper can show the power of the Yaki serpent. Through the ability of parasitic beasts, it can show the form of the Yaki serpent.

The heads of the eight serpents were terrifying, shouting and shouting, exposing their slender red tongues, as if living creatures.

"The legendary Hachigi snake was chopped off by the Satsuno man ..." Xiao Long whispered to himself, pushing the strength of the two fierce swords in his hands, turning his head to the others, "I want to fight him with all my strength. Leave here and rush to the Eastern District. "

"We left a few people to support you, others to support Ye Ting." Ao Xing said immediately.

"Support?" Xiaolong smiled and turned to look at his silly son, haven't you found it yet? This level of battle has long been ineffective for your strength.

Rushing to Ye Chui's side was just a little safer.

He didn't say much, and looked back at the Big Dipper, his body flashed with electricity, his sword energy sharpened for a few minutes, and his body turned into a shadow and rushed past. Previously, he had been sleeping, unable to return to the Lord of the Rings, and let his spirit body His body was being consumed all the time, and before Ye Chui returned, he did not dare to engage in full-scale battles, so as not to consume too much.

But now that Ye Chui has returned, he will have no worries.

Suzu Zhinan ... or Su Zhanmingzun, RB is revered as the ancestor of the god, Xiaolong once heard his rumors in heaven, as a survivor of the legendary era, he has become a true legend, and The Celestial Peoples had many disputes, created the ghost moon society in one hand, and then disappeared.

He didn't die, and found some way to fall asleep, until now he wakes up in the God King game.

With this existence, Xiaolong already wanted to fight him seriously.

The eight monster snakes behind the Big Dipper kept screaming, and quickly attacked, reaching the extreme, and couldn't even capture the shadows. The air kept blowing out a lot of flames and electric light. There were wild winds blowing around, and the earth was constantly Shock, for a while, like the barbecue ground of the fiery sun, and freeze everything for a while, like ice, the space began to break, and darkness spewed from the cracks ...

Each of the snake heads of the Eight-Big Snake has a unique ability: flame, thunder, ice, earth, wind, rain, space, darkness!

After leaving far enough, Ao Xing, Ao Jiao, and others turned to look at the direction of the base building. There are constantly changing visions, and electric light is constantly flashing. Even if they stand so far, they can still feel how the battle there is. fierce.

"Is this Mr. Long's real strength?" Ding Shi led Mary's hand and whispered in shock.

They are very powerful people. According to the original classification of the survivor world, most of them have reached the epic level, but after all, the epic level is the epic level, there is no legendary power and items in the hands, then it will always be the epic level!

Ao Jiao suddenly received a reminder signal from the unique connector, and quickly connected, and found that the other side was Tessa.

Tessa is now a member of Hell Dragon Soul, but although she is close to Ao Jiao and Ao Xing because of Ye Ting, she still prefers to be with Irene and Remi, and she is not with them at this time. One piece, but hiding with Elin in a magical escape zone created by magic during this time. Knowing Ye Chui's return, Tessa immediately contacted Ao Jiao.

Ao Jiao and she told Tessa that Ye Chui was fighting.


Countless Smiths have fallen to the ground, densely packed.

Ye Ting stood among them with his arms moved, glanced around with an expression of intent, and said to one of the groans, "Is there any more?"

That Smith: "..."

Seeing this Smith's reaction, Ye shook his head and looked up into the distance.

A group of people are quickly approaching here.

There were two sets of them. One of them wore uniform black uniforms and arranged in a neat square. The one who walked in the front was Hex, wearing a dark green uniform. This member of the future club was used to this dress. He has the special ability of "Warlord Will", which can increase morale, control others, and create his own army.

A thin, weird-looking bald man followed Hex, wearing a unique black robe. He was Dark Jedi (Sith), Snooker.

Another group of people looked relatively scattered. Five people were walking in front of them. These five people were vampires and formed the blood council. After the iron throne was destroyed, the magic party was reorganized into the gods dusk, expelled and hunted down. Their original leader Queen, Tessa ~ ~ The warm-up exercise is over. "Ye Ting smiled and looked at these people, and walked with his arms moving." The drama started. "

Hex stood upright, with one hand behind his back, and the other hand stretched out and pointed forward. Those members of the Dark Order standing behind him were commanded and immediately fluttered into war and began to launch towards Ye Ting Offensive, they have all kinds of abilities, and these abilities have been strengthened to a certain extent under the will of the warlock warlords, and they have become more powerful.

But before they rushed to Ye Ting, a white light suddenly fell from the sky and fell among them. The white light was dazzling, with various colors flowing in it. It was the Rainbow Bridge in the Marvel universe.

With the white light, a tomahawk was flung out and swept around, many members of the dark order were blown to the ground, and finally the tomahawk flew back, the white light dissipated, and a powerful arm took the tomahawk in his hand .

Tomahawk is the Storm Tomahawk in the Marvel Movie Universe.

She was tall and majestic, wearing a battle armor, Tessa, holding a tomahawk and turning her head to look at Ye Ting. Erin stood beside her, her petite body hanging almost on her shoulders, at this time on the ground Standing up, Okina waved and waved his hand: "I come here to support you on behalf of the weird town."

"These are given to me." Tessa said nothing, pointed at the five vampires of the Blood Council with a tomahawk, and walked over.

Ye Ting looked at Irene with amusement: "How about you, should you also pick an opponent?"

"Hey, feel free to leave it alone, leave me alone." Aileen said with a smile. Ma Liu used Phantom Shift to the door of the dilapidated factory. Xiaomei was standing in the direction of the door, holding a broom in her hand and looking at Ground Smith ... Irene yelled from a distance, "Come on! Come on!"

Ye Ting: "..."

It really is the representative of the weird town ...

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