The Heavens Come

Chapter 684: Leeks are growing well and the harvest looks great!

With a body of more than two meters, wearing a glittering battle armor and holding a storm prisoner of war, Tessa, carrying a thunderbolt, rushed into the members of the Gods Twilight Organization. The leader of the Gods Twilight on the surface is the blood council. With a tomahawk, they took the initiative to challenge these five powerful vampires.

The Blood Council is a group of five people who each inherited part of the power of the vampire ancestors, namely, Bloodthirsty Claw, Gluttony Mouth, Immortal Body, Soul of Dedication, and Eye of Charm.

They themselves have only the rank of Duke-level vampires, but the ancestor strength gave them the right to walk under the sun, without the weaknesses of ordinary vampires.

The five cooperated very well and immediately fought with Tessa.

"These five guys don't look like ordinary vampires, and the blood magic they use is beyond the scope of ordinary vampire magic." Ye Ting looked at their battle.

The Book of the Blood God allows him to enter the Blood God form and control the blood magic, so Ye Ting is no stranger to blood magic.

[Blood magic in the game of God itself is the magic that Nicholas was cursed by the gods into a vampire, learned from blood, and created. Nicholas is the originator of vampires and the originator of blood magic. These five guys The blood magic used is the true look of blood magic. The blood magic of other vampires has been sealed and weakened to a certain extent. 】

The little fox explained that as the **** of the **** king game, she could see a lot of secret information.

In the past month, the Blood Council has summoned Earl Nicholas. At that time, the little fox knew what his existence was through the authority of the ambassador, and he also knew many secrets about the vampire family.

"Is that so?" Ye Ting nodded slightly, then said with interest, "I haven't seen you for a month, has Tessa become so powerful?"

He was still a little worried about whether Tessa could deal with the Blood Council, but soon discovered that during the time he left, Tessa made rapid progress, and the battle against the Blood Council did not fall behind.

[For ordinary survivors, Tessa should be considered an open player. 】

The little fox lowered his will.

Tessa hasn't been a long time as a survivor. It takes more than half a year to complete the game. For other survivors, it takes such a little time, but just emerging from the rookie and weak chicken realm, Tessa has grown into a first-class master.

It's an important reason to be a teammate with Ye Ting, who never makes sense, and another important reason is her strong talent.

As early as a few years ago, she got a part of Odin's divine power. This part of the divine power might have killed her, but she survived it, but her soft sister's shape became a muscle hair sister, which may be powerful. The price.

After she became a survivor, she went through battles and quickly tapped out her divine power.

When he got the Storm Tomahawk, this epic powerful weapon immediately raised his Odin power to the extreme. In the past month, he has been fighting again and again, and the potential has been continuously tapped. She has become a veritable Valkyrie in the Marvel movie deity.

[Another survivor who has a good relationship with you, Onishima Satomi, she has grown very rapidly this month. 】

The little fox said again.

Tessa and Ghost Island Rimi, the two who first met Ye Tzu and became companions of the survivor battle royale game, more or less because of Ye Thui, have been tempered and surpassed by ordinary survivors. Experience, and Tessa's Odin divine power and the beautiful black phoenix on Ghost Island are faintly connected with the Lord of the Fallen God-the future Ye Xing is inextricably linked.

Their strength is due to fate.

The controller of fate is Ye Ting ...

"It seems that Tessa has no problem cooperating with these five people." Ye Ting made a judgment. Of course, if the five members of the Blood Council were forced to rush, they could jointly summon the vampire ancestor, Nicholas. This is definitely not the case. Tessa can deal with it, that will be Ye Tzu's opponent.

During Ye Ting's observation of Tessa, Hucks constantly controlled his men to attack Ye Ting here. Those members who belong to the gods at dusk could not interfere in the blood council and Tessa's battle. near.

Ye Cui was pleased to discover that these people had gathered various items in their hands and began to manipulate various abilities.

These items and abilities all come from shared openings.

In the month of Ye Xing's disappearance, because the soul gem remained in the real world and was controlled by Ye Xing's body, Ye Xing also gave the control authority of the soul gem to the little fox, so the shared opening was not because of Ye The vertical disappeared and stopped. On the contrary, the unique service of sharing and opening in one month is still popular in the world of survivors.

Almost everyone uses shared open hanging.

"Eh?" Ye Ting casually slaps the two unlucky guys who first attacked in front of him to the ground. When he looks around, he suddenly notices something unexpected. "Many of the abilities and items they use seem to Not the soul gem originally recorded ... "

Spend gold coins and points to rent items and abilities from soul gems. Ye Ting as a middleman earns the difference, while soul gems can be exchanged for rented items and abilities, all from the nameless and survivors killed by Ye Ting. The items and abilities are all set by Ye Xing, so they are very familiar, but now there are many new options.

[I forgot to tell you, this is a new feature I discovered through soul gems! 】

The little fox quickly explained to Ye Ting.

After Ye Ting disappeared in the oasis world, the soul gem was still driven by his body. The little fox, as the deities and the ring spirit of Ye Ting, could control this legendary item to a certain extent. She maintained the shared open service during this time. , Also found a new use of soul gems.

The survivors who use the sharing open can not only spend coins and points to rent various items and abilities, but also rent their own items and abilities on the soul gem!

Of course, as a vicious middleman, the little fox will charge a generous price difference instead of Ye Xing.

This also more than doubles the options for sharing the list of rentable listings on the list, and there are many unfamiliar items and capabilities.

"I'm going, why haven't I thought about it before." After hearing the explanation from the little fox, Ye Ting was surprised that renting and borrowing was the most perfect shared open service, and there were still great business opportunities in it. He was ignored by him before.

The soul gem is really a treasure.

At the beginning, I wanted to get it through sacrifice. If I did n’t sacrifice, I would spend three million points to redeem it. There is a reason why it is so high. If it is used well, it is simply a machine for making money!

[The reason why those guys in the survivors dare to betray you, in addition to the old antiques such as Susano and Nicolas, secretly fools them. They think that their biggest support is that this sharing is open, and this month you disappeared, everyone can Accumulated a lot of gold coins, consume these coins to save money, they will have a powerful force in a short time. 】

The little fox lowered his consciousness.

During the month of Ye Xing's disappearance, the sharing service has been turned on, but everyone is more restrained in using this service. After all, although it is easy to use, the charges are really too pit, and in the oasis world, they usually kill and kill. If you can't use it, try not to use it. The main goal of everyone is to accumulate gold coins.

For more than a month, the gold coins earned for Ye Chui were shared, but only two or three hundred thousand.

Now Ye Xing is back, these guys are attacking in groups, and they save more than a month to save money and use the gold coins they have accumulated, which is what they want to use at this moment!

At this moment, they are all gold players!

"Hmm ..." Ye Ting kept shooting out the survivors close to her, and she became very excited.

Leeks are growing well and the harvest looks great!

Each of these people is very smart, but even if they are smart, they would never think that Ye Chui has long been out of the ordinary gold and open level, and began to participate in the game operation business.

This was regarded as a shared opening of the hole cards. The operator behind it was Ye Ting ~ ~ When Ye Ting happily cut the leek, the leader of the Dark Order, Hex and the Sith Warrior. Knock, without rushing, stood quietly, watching calmly and coldly Ye Xing constantly knocking down their men.

Hucks' expression was cold, but the hands behind his back began to clenched, and whispered to Snooker, "Can you? Many of our people have been defeated ..."

Snooker squinted his eyes, tilted his head slightly, and looked like he was comprehending something, saying: "It's almost, it's almost ..."

[Ye Xie, cut leeks and let Xiaomei and Meow me do it. You better get rid of the two guys, Hex and Klaus. I feel a bit wrong. The snooker seems to have What hidden hole cards, even Susano and Nicholas, attach great importance to. 】

The little fox detective heard the conversation between the two and quickly reminded Ye Ting.

After the survivor's world was split and reorganized, the Dark Order, Susano, The Gods Dusk, and the Hacker Legion were the most powerful. They were also determined to kill Ye Xing.

Among them, Susano's man is seated by the old antique Susano's man. The gods rely on Nicholas, the vampire ancestor at dusk. As for the hacker army, although hundreds of Smiths have only warmed up Ye Ye, even Ye Ye even He killed a hundred Smiths, and this still has no effect on Smith. Soon he will be able to recreate another hundred Smiths, which is very difficult.

The Dark Order can be compared with them because Snooker, the Dark Jedi Master, has no legendary power, but has a stronger force than the future leader Yoda.

[I look at Snooker through the perspective of God, and all I see is nothing but darkness ... This guy doesn't seem to be human. 】

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