The Heavens Come

Chapter 688: Origins of the Vampire Patriarchs and the Blood Race

Nicholas controls the items known as the Vampire Bible. The Book of the Blood God was originally an item from the remnants of this Bible. In theory, the Bible in the hand of Nicholas belongs to the superior item of the Book of Blood God. No matter how strong Ye Xing is, he can easily plunder and control the Book of Blood God.

But the facts violated Nicholas ’predictions. He did feel some control of the Book of the Blood God, but that did not allow him to completely own the Book of the Blood God, and there was no leaf drop against the blood of the vampire. This vampire-specific item has even more control.

Just now Croatia suddenly emerged from the Book of the Blood God, kicked him and snatched the Book of the Blood God ... this made him even more shocked. He had long noticed the existence of Claudia, but when When holding the Book of the Blood God, she should have been deterred by the "instrumental spirit" transformed by this vampire, and she would become her dependents, completely out of Ye Xing's control.

But why can she betray her decisively and **** the Book of Blood God?

He is the ancestor of the vampire. As long as all the vampires feel the ancestor of his ancestor, he will involuntarily submit to him!

"Small thing, how dare you go against my will ..." Nicholas stretched out his thin palms and stroked his face gently, staring at Claudia hiding behind Ye Xing crying, "I , The ancestor of vampires, the origin of all vampires, creator, how dare you! "

"Oh!" Claudia grabbed Ye Tzu's clothes, and only reached out to Nicholas, "I don't have such an ugly ancestor!"

"Ugly ..." Nicholas froze.

How dare you say your ancestor!

Ye Ting reached out and gently rubbed Claudia's head. In fact, the ancestor of Nicholas was really powerful for vampires, allowing all vampires to surrender involuntarily, but Claudia was a bit special. This mentally retarded loli has always been difficult to use, and she has always been holding the mission of assisting Ye Tzu to conquer the world, and Tie Tie's expectations have succeeded as Queen after Ye Ting's death.

In short, deterrence is usually useless for head iron and mental retardation!

And Claudia has both ...

More importantly, Ye Ting's control of the Book of the Blood God is also far beyond Nicholas' imagination.

This legendary item is no longer the original vampire exclusive item.

The Book of the Blood God originally had the greatest usefulness for creating the Blood God, but when Ye Ting got it, he never used it correctly, because Ye Ting had no interest in the blood of the vampire, and he did not want to be a bloodthirsty blood god, so he From the beginning, I just regarded the Book of Blood God as a prop for adding blood and life, using it to store blood energy, allowing myself to quickly return to blood.

In God's game, items can be promoted through plot points, or by absorbing and defeating stronger items. This promotion is not planned, it is full of randomness, and it will happen according to the owner ’s wishes. As a result, Ye Ting has never regarded the Book of Blood God as a vampire-only item, and it has already rid itself of the original vampire-only attribute after promotion.

At the same time, the Book of Blood God had just been seized by Nicholas, and it was actually Ye Ting's intentional intention-just after Claudia returned the Book of Blood God to Ye Ting, this huge book with a red cover had already been Suspended mid-air, it spreads out automatically, the pages of the book are red and constantly flowing, faintly exerting a stronger suction force, as if to completely swallow Nicholas.

When Nicholas snatched the Book of Blood God, the Book of Blood God also wrote down the breath of Nicholas under the control of Ye Ting!

"Useless, the Book of the Blood God is just a scrap page of the Vampire Bible. Even if it is promoted, it will still be suppressed by the true Blood Bible!" When he realized Ye Ting's plan, Nicholas grunted and stretched out. The palm of his hand, above his palm, also appeared a book with a red cover.

Compared to the Book of the Blood God, this booklet is slightly smaller, looks very simple, the pages are yellow, and the top is densely covered with handwriting. There are faint traces of blood stains. Its cover is leather and can be seen. It was supposed to be black, but the entire book was immersed in blood to make it look like it is now.

"Is this the Vampire Bible?" Ye Ting said, looking at the weird book.

"Its name is Book of Nord." Nicholas explained his hoarse voice. "The Book of Blood God in your hand is just a page of it ..." He lowered his head and looked at Nord's. The book and pages turned automatically. At this moment, he suddenly became a preacher, and said in his mouth.

"At first, the ancestors destroyed the world."

Along with this sentence, the ground under Ye Ting's feet suddenly started to shake, and a huge crack appeared. Ye Ting jumped up and thought about it, and saw that the crack quickly swallowed many nearby trees and the leftovers from the recent battle. wreckage.

He frowned and looked at Nicholas, only one word caused such a great power, the book of Nord was really dangerous, and the book of blood **** in his hand also began to flip, blood could flow, a layer of blood Quickly centered on him and spread out in all directions, a vine plant grew from the ground, with the help of horrible flowers covered with teeth.

Utilizing Claudia's newly acquired abilities, Ye Ting turned this place into a deadly forest.

Countless scarlet vines and scary flowers appeared next to Nicholas and attacked him.

Then Nicholas read the second verse.

"The ancestor said: Don't light, the light disappears."

Darkness shrouded in darkness.

This darkness completely enveloped Ye Ting and Nicholas, and the area in the outsider's field of view became dark, and no light could shine in, and no light could leave there, like a black hole in the sky, or even In their sensations, it seemed as if it had suddenly disappeared and no longer existed.

It seems like a dark field.

Ye Ting lost her vision, her perception was greatly affected, and the forest area condensed by the Book of Blood God could not capture Nicholas at all.

"Is there a connection between the book of Nord and the Bible?" Ye Ting glanced around the darkness, but asked curiously.

The two verses read by Nicholas are very similar to the Bible. Ye Chui is not religious, but these two sentences are still very familiar, and have been seen many times in various film and television dramas and novels.

That is the description of God's creation in the Bible.

"For thousands of years of the game of God, Huaxia's heaven has not always been the most powerful organization. There have been many organizations in the history of survivors that can compete with it, and many have already appeared. Turn into a legendary powerhouse ... including Jesus, who created Christianity. "

Nicholas's voice flickered up and down around Ye Xing.

Jesus is a powerful survivor.

Christianity was originally an organization he created.

-This did not surprise Ye Chui, who had seen similar information on the forums for a long time.

It is said that **** became stronger after becoming a survivor. In some way, he created a unique and powerful legendary item, which is the Bible.

In the era of legend, God ’s game was based on myths and legends. **** established the church and spread beliefs. Through the spread of the church, he turned his existence into a legend. The legends he created also became the template of God ’s games. He obtained this legendary item Bible through the Battle Royale game, and he himself also acquired some legendary characteristics.

In the era of legend, this is a way to strengthen yourself and create legendary items.

Christianity at that time was very powerful. Each of the thirteen disciples was a legendary survivor, but unfortunately a traitor appeared. After a series of changes, **** fell, and Christianity suffered a great deal. Several disciples died.

After a short period of survival of the fittest, this survivor organization no longer exists ... but the belief system they established has survived and has become a church in the real world today.

Shakyamuni was also a survivor, and the encounter was similar to **** ...

"Jesus was betrayed and fallen behind by Judah. ​​His disciples tried to resurrect him. The Bible records that **** was set to die on the cross and resurrected after three days ... These are stories made by his disciples ~ ~ But in the game of God, if the story becomes a legend, it can be fulfilled.

Jesus could have been resurrected.

But the final ritual went wrong, and another survivor intervened. "

Nicholas's hoarse voice kept telling, as if he suddenly became agitated a lot.

"Judas ... the traitor, he disrupted the ritual at an important moment, when **** was half-resurrected, and the Bible he owned was followed by the resurrection ... but Judah suddenly attacked half-resurrected Jesus, and Jesus, who had not yet fully formed, was transformed. The Bible was stained with blood, and Judas drank Jesus' blood and gained control of the blood-stained Bible ... "

"Jesus' blood gave him great power, but at the same time he brought his bloodthirsty curse."

"The power of the Bible is also polluted ... becoming darker and more evil."

"This is the origin of the vampire ancestors and the blood tribe."

Speaking of the last word, Nicholas' voice had a bit of unstoppable excitement.

Ye Chui couldn't help but made a surprised "snoring" sound, so that Nicholas and Judah, two people who were originally unrelated in history, are actually one person, and he is still alive now, and now he is turning Stuck in the dark realm!

"What I have done has made all the survivors very shameless. Heavenly court, Olympus, the kingdom of Asgard, Mount Sumi, these organizations named after the gods have almost killed me, even passed The legendary way gave Judas a vicious curse, which forced me to change the name constantly, Cain, Nord, Lilith, Nicholas ... "Nicholas continued.

This explains why he hated the gods and named his new organization Dusk of the Gods.

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