The Heavens Come

Chapter 689: Who said we are 2 people together ... we are 3 people

In the real world, there are many sayings about the origin of vampires. Cain, Lilith, and Nicholas are the ancestors of vampires in some legends.

In fact, these legendary characters are all different identities of the same person.

At that time, Judas was disgusted by the gods, and he fled, constantly changing his identity.

There is also an identity name called Nord. At that time, he might have accidentally exposed the power of the Bible infected by the blood of Jesus, so the contaminated Bible was changed to the name of the Book of Nord.

It just leaves Ye Ting wondering ... Lilith?

Did Nicholas ever have a feminine status ... is he still a lady-boy?

"But now the gods are destroyed and I survive."

Nicholas's erratic voice suddenly rang in Ye Ling's left ear, while in the dark his figure appeared on Ye Ling's right side, revealing the only four tusks in the exit.


Ye Cui suddenly made a strange noise, turned his head and punched out, impartial, just hit Nikola's face.

Flicked Nikola's body out with one punch!

"You ... you can't detect mine!" Nicholas's shocked voice came from all directions.

This dark area can haunt other people's senses and confuse others' feelings, and he can move quickly in this area.

Even if Ye Chui has any legendary items that can strengthen the senses, he should be affected to a certain extent. He made his voice sound on the left side of Ye Chui and attacked the right side by himself.

While talking, stepping, footsteps suddenly sounded from behind Ye Xing.

At the same time, Nikola was spreading a pair of bat wings, laying down from the sky, grasping his hands toward the leaf.


Ye Ting turned cleverly, a volley side kick, struck Nikola's face with precision, and knocked Nikola's body out again.


Nicholas was completely angry, and his body suddenly trembled. When he saw Ye Ting smiling at him, Ye Ting's eyes in the dark seemed to be able to see Nicholas' figure accurately.

"You aren't confused by darkness at all !?" Nicholas shocked.

Ye Ting smiled slightly and didn't explain anything.

In fact, he was really confused by the dark realm of Nicholas, his vision was lost, and he couldn't accurately capture Nicholas's figure, but ... he also has a god's vision!

Nicholas used the book of Nord to open the dark realm, and there was no way to directly shield the senses of the gods. As the customer service and manager of the God King game, although the little fox could not see everything in the dark realm without any impact, It can be specifically felt that Nicholas's figure is still no problem. Ye Ting and the little fox share the senses, and there is no difficulty in precision strike!

"The ancestor said: don't have the sky, the water starts to drop ..."

Nicholas' hoarse chanting sounded again.

With his voice, Ye Xing suddenly felt that the air had become much damper. Rain began to fall sporadically. Ye Xing instinctively put on a layer of spell protection. He could feel that the falling rain had terrible corrosion. Power, there were snoring sounds in the air, and his protective cover was rapidly melting and disappearing!

The Book of Nord is a sudden Bible. In the Bible God used seven days to create the world, the first day to create the light, and the second day to create the sky ... The book of Nord is a contaminated Bible, which gives the Bible its original possession. The power of God became darker and more horrible, and even the text of the Book of Nord was completely contrary to the Bible.

Don't light, and the dark realm comes.

Don't want the sky, so the cloud of the sky turns into corroded rainwater.

The Genesis in the Bible is distorted as the century of destruction in the Book of Nord!

Can't keep his scriptures fulfilled!

Ye Ting immediately made a decision. In the dark world, a golden light suddenly lit up. He forcibly torn the dark closed world, and opened an opening in this dark forbidden area.

"This is divine power!" Nicholas stopped chanting, and said with a slight surprise, "The blood you have really is not the blood of the magic spell, but the blood of the protoss ... the blood of the Chinese **** that is similar to the king of God!"

The ability of Ye Ting to show to most people has always been the ability of magic wizards. The blood of magic spells has been silent for a long time before him. Thanks to the influence of European and American magic culture in the real world, magicians are now more mainstream. There are very few games involving the blood of mana in the Battle Royale. Occasionally, they are the works of the 1980s and 1990s. Even if the survivors can exchange for the blood of mana, most of them will give up.

However, with the growth of leaf droops, the arteries 'bloodlines have become popular to some extent, and many foreigners have become keen to exchange the arteries' bloodlines.

However, for those survivor veterans, many people have long suspected that the blood of Ye Ting can never be the blood of mana. Now Nicholas has been confirmed.

It is the supreme blood of the Protoss in the Eastern magic system, and it is also the blood of the main **** of China in the possession of the King of God!

As the dark realm was ripped apart by Ye Xing's divine magic, Ye Xing's figure appeared outside the darkness.

The darkness faded quickly, and Nicholas held Noord's book in his hand and stared indifferently at Ye Ting.

At the same time, another figure suddenly emerged from the air. His body had a kind of translucent medium, like a ghost. It was the snooker that was previously destroyed by the leaf, but still not dead. He turned into The Sith evil spirit, at this moment re-condensed the form, and he seemed to be stronger than when he possessed the flesh.

Ye Ting turned his head and glanced at him, feeling an impenetrable force, just like an infusion tube connected to his evil spirit body, constantly delivering power to him. The other side of those infusion tubes was connected by Xiaomei , Irene and some of the survivors that Dabao knocked down.

"That's it." Ye Chui suddenly understood something, and said to Snooker, "Members of the Dark Order, are your batteries?"

"The essence of the Force is a tiny micro-organism called fibroids, and the Sith Samurai can control them to a certain degree ..." Snooker responded with a erratic voice to Ye Tingdao, "All members of the Dark Order have inoculated me. The fibrillars they possess will continue to multiply. When they die or are seriously injured, the negative emotions of anger, madness and despair will fully stimulate them and become the most powerful force of the force! "

[His understanding of the origin of the Force really has reached a very deep realm. In Star Wars' prequel movies, it seems that there is an explanation about Emperor Palpatine's manipulation of the Force to directly create life and create Anakin Skywalker. A hidden bridge was born!

Although the setting of the Force in the game of God may be different from that in the movie ~ ~, Snooker's understanding of the origin of the Force has reached at least the level of the first villain Palpatine in the movie! 】

The members of the Dark Order did not have any possibility of harming Ye Xing, but Snooker and Hex had previously driven them to attack Ye Xing, just to let them be killed by Ye Xing and let the fibroids in the body experience negative emotions. Activated and then absorbed by snooker.

In this way, Snooker briefly gained the same strength as Nicholas.

"So my opponents are the two of you, are you?" Ye Ting asked, and now Nicholas and Sith Innoco Snooker are standing on both sides of Ye Ting, and they obviously have done a good job against Ye Ting. Preparation.

"No." Nikola's withered palm gently stroked the cover of Nord's book and said with a smile, "Who told you we were together."


In another place in the real world.

Xiaolong's body has become a translucent medium because of his exhausting power. His spirit-abstaining body is about to dissipate. He holds two fierce swords in his hand. The cold face looks up at the giant in front of him with a little surprise .

It was a body wearing a RB 50 armor with a Tengu mask up to hundreds of meters high. On the back of this body, there were three huge water drop patterns that emerged in the air—that is, six feet Qiong Gouyu!

The giant holds a giant sword in his left hand. The giant sword is the grasshopper sword, also known as Tian Cong Yun Jian.

The left hand is holding a quaint and huge mirror, Hachiko!

And the giant itself is exactly the body of the male **** of Susuke ... but this body is huge but has no breath, it is a corpse.

Man Susano refined his body into a powerful weapon.

Big Dipper is standing on the giant's shoulders and manipulating this huge body!

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